Illogical Conclusion

Cheng Xiu stood still for a moment, and then burst forward at full speed.

Frost frowned as she blocked the attack to her neck, and used a water blade to aim to the girl's torso.

Cheng Xiu slipped away by falling to the ground.

She did a round kick.

Frost dodged.

Cheng Xiu tried to kick her again.

Frost used a ice sword to try to slice her leg off.

Cheng Xiu pulled her leg back at the last second and engaged Frost in a sword fight.

Frost backed away, refusing to humour her. Frost knew better than anyone how well she would fair against a sword fight and fighting someone who could put EverHill in a standstill while in a sword fight was the stupidest thing that she could do.

On the Experts podium, everyone sat with a grim face.

"Did you guys see that?" Long Hei asked.