A Hypothesis

 Star Phoenix looked at the fight that was going on far away from them. Blue and white robes intertwined as both the women fought against each other at high speed.

"They are far from the woods now."

Long Hei followed his eyes. "Yeah. Frost must have realised that Sela-Cheng Xiu has figured out her plan."

San Zhe made a weird sound at the back of his throat.

Star Phoenix slapped Long Hei's head. "Shut up. Keep calling her SelaXiu. That is who she is in the game."

San Zhe looked up at him in surprise. "You are not going to reveal to the other Immortals about sister Xiu?"

Star Phoenix snorted. "Do I look like some kind of a goody-two-shoes that I will reveal this level of secrets to those idiots?"

"But you revealed the fact that you suspected sister Cheng's identity."

"Only after I heard the news that SelaXiu has been doing missions for a long time in the game."
