As They Stood Waiting

The hologram showing the demon lord's silhouette faded into golden lights and Cheng Xiu grabbed the golden pouch that Rora pointed at, taking out a green coloured stone from it. Under the goddess's instructions, she threw it onto the floor.

There was a burst of golden light and then she felt like she was falling from the sky.

Her legs hit the pavement and buckled but she managed to stay on her feet.

She had appeared behind one of the pillars of the arena. 

'Quick, there isn't much time! Grab the pendant!'

Cheng Xiu pulled out a necklace with a blue stone in the middle of it and put it on. She seemed to disappear from the view and then faded back in. The difference was immediate. Her once young hands were wrinkled and rough.

She was sure that she looked just as old everywhere else.

Very neat!

'Praise later! We have to delay the ritual until the demon king arrives!'

Cheng Xiu focused on the task.