
Sand's body where he laid twitch, coming awake, his blurry vision lands on Hiro and the Alpha.

"" he intoned weakly, his wounds healed but his body still shook in pain.

"Hiro" he drawled trying to force his body to move.

"Are you going to let him die too big brother?" Daisuke's voice came in, his dark figure squatting down where he laid.

Sand's eyes shock at his words.

"Everyone you bond with dies".

Sand's lips pressed in a thin line.

Daisuke turns to him, part of his face was covered in blood.

"Me, Charlie, Hanka"

Sand squats down in a whimper, his elbows against the ground, his whole body quivering tremendously.

"Because you can't do anything about it"

"Stop it," Sand said in a shaky voice, his body quivering. His fist tighten against the ground

Daisuke tilts his head to the side.

"And now Hiro is gonna die too"