Acker Sand [Part 1]

The Alpha growled deeply, steams coming out of its mouth, dragging Hiro, its claws against Hiro's hair as he did, Hiro's body still paralyzed.

The Alpha heard a branch snap, it halt its steps instantly, growling as it did.

Sand stood once again, this time holding his arm, taking a harsh uneven breath.

"You're..." he began in a feeble voice.

"Not..." he said raising his head, his lips holding a smirk.

"Taking him... anywhere, ya know!".

The Alpha roared completely pissed, but suddenly the roar seized because Sand was now before the Alpha using his blood weapon which was his gauntlet boots, to kick the shit out of the Alpha, the force pushing it off in a wave of speed, off in a distance.

Sand was already holding unto Hiro, he placed him so his back was resting on tree bark.

"Bruh are you okay?"

"I-I can't feel my body," Hiro said in a struggling voice.