A Small Reunion [Part 2]

"The truth is... everything and everyone always sounds annoying to me," Sumi said her eyes fixed on the flame.

"It still does... but I know one thing... I'm tired, tired of watching people die" she said as her lips pressed in a thin line.

"We all are," Usagi said sadly.

"Is this ever gonna end.. the pain, the loss?" Raiden said with shaky eyes remembering Asano's death.

"It's not," Yuki said coming in view, they turned to her.

Her expression is unreadable.

"It never ends, it never stops... all we have to do is learn to leave with it" she states seating beside Hiro.

Kaname sighs.

"Thus the sad fate of the bio-genetics began the moment the Chemical Plant exploded... how ironic," he said sarcastically, staring at the dark skies filled with stars.

"I wonder why the plant exploded, you know... it has been in my head ever since," Mirai said pulling her knees to her chest.