
*Heart Beats Slowly*




*Ears Ringing*





*Continuous Heart Beat*

Hiro laid on the dirt ground, his body covered in cuts and bruises all over along with dirt, his military attire torn.

He slowly opened his eyes, seeing the red skies with bits of black, black snow falling from the skies.

Hiro blinks puzzled, was he really seeing the skies with his eyes? and not in aura? What was going on?

He forced his body up with a groan holding his wounded rib. 'These wounds how did I get it?' he thought with trembling eyes.

He then raised his head, seeing the destruction that lay before him, he gasp as his eyes went wide mortified by the sight.

Before he was burning flames along with a pile of bodies he couldn't identify or so he thought, rising to his feet he saw the bodies of all his friends.

Hiro's eyes in shock.