Operation "Break The Wall" [Part 2]

"Curious Sumi?"

She turned to Anzai.

"Curious why the wall is different?"

Her looks turned grave.

"I will tell you then..." he began.

"This wall is made from all the collected samples of the Alpha's combined"

Sumi paled at his words.

"The first Alpha Sp3: Level 1. The second Alpha Sp3: Level 2 and Kashi's beast form, the remains"

"That much?!" Sumi said startled.

"Even the Were-Alpha's, some contents were taken too when Sand got a hit on it," Anzai said smirking.

Her eyes widen.

"Yes Sumi, this wall before you are the combination of all the Alpha's" he announced.



Hiro was left paralyzed when he heard everything from Anzai, he couldn't believe his ears, this wall was the combination of all traits of Alpha's they have faced making it the perfect indestructible wall.

He gulped.

"It may be a wall but it's like fighting with your enemy one on one" Anzai states.