Operation "Break The Wall" [Part 3]

"Hiro, don't do something as reckless as like that again, you have a weapon use it!" Anzai said sternly leaving no room for question.

"Can't help it now, General Anzai..." Hiro said faintly as he rose to his feet, but Anzai could tell he was trembling, from the pain and everything else the force directed back to him.

The bangs of his hair covered his eyes, he wipes the blood off his lips with the back of his hand.

"Being reckless has always been part of us in battle" Hiro add as he recalled several scenarios they passed through.

Anzai froze at his words.

"You said it yourself General Anzai... we're the strike team... tasked with defeating the Queen," he said as he slowly raised his head as well as his hand.

"We have to get stronger even if it involves us doing reckless things" he add as his fist clenched in a tight fist despite it being broken before, it must hurt, but Hiro didn't care about the pain.