*Diana's POV*

I woke up. My body ached and I kept moving when I stopped as I saw the view in front of me. Sebastian was clutching onto my hand and was sleeping peacefully. I looked around and realized I was in their tent. I thought to myself "So they saved me last night." I slowly took out my hands from Sebastian's. It was difficult as he was holding onto me tightly as if he was afraid to lose my hand. I managed to let go and slowly came out of their tent. I yawned and stretched my arms. The pain was still there but it was comparatively less. I made my way to my tent when Lucas came in front of me abruptly and said "We need to talk!" and pulled me somewhere as I said "No we don't...Ah, you are hurting me." He kept walking and didn't listen to me. He bought us behind the camping area. Maybe because he didn't want us to be seen?

"How did you turn?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean!"

"What if I say I don't want to answer your stupid questions! Also, I have a lot on my mind right now. Let me go!" I was walking away when he pulled me back and pushed me against a tree. He looked angry but his eyes looked worried. Was he worried about me? My look softened but I didn't let him see as I'm still not ready to talk to him yet!

"You make me worry Diana. I don't want to think about you! But I can't help this! Just answer my question. How did you turn and above all why did you turn? You could've remained as a human and lived a peaceful life!"

I looked him back in the eye and said, "If you can't help it then that's not my problem! ANd about turning...NO! I had no say! Even if I didn't want to but I...because of my mother, I had to" I whispered the last sentence so that he wasn't able to listen.

"You what?"

I was done with him. I slightly pushed him back and sighed. I was done with all this drama going on in my life. The fact it was my life and I had to explain them didn't make any sort of sense. "Lucas!" I said slowly.


"Mind your own business and please don't bother me from now on! It was you only who told me to stay away from you! Now, why are you bothering me? I'll be glad if we keep our distance from now on." I walked away but then looked back at him and said "And one more thing, It was you who bought all this upon us!" I said and walked on my way. I know my words hurt him but he bought that on himself.

*Lucas's POV*

I was hurt by her words. What hurt me more was that she was hurt, she was in pain and I wasn't there for her. She meant everything she said. But then again who am I to judge? I was the one who started this. I walked back and saw Diana talking to Samantha and Caleb and smiling and laughing around. "It's better to stay away, if she is happy then that is what matters!" I said to myself and walked back to my tent.

*Sebastian's POV*

I woke up pretty late. I wouldn't even have woken up if it wasn't for Dylan and Jade. They were literally bickering over the last piece of cookie! They were the oldest among us but acted like the youngest! They were still bickering when I woke up. My eyes were half-closed and still, I yelled at them "Hey, STOP IT! YOU GUYS RUINED MY MORNING!" I rubbed my eyes and was finally awake but I wanted to sleep more. I went back to bed under my quilt when I heard Jade and Dylan giggling, I turned around and looked at them confused. They straightened their looks and Jade continued "You know Diana left!" That sentence was enough for me to bungee jump from my bed. I started to look for her. I didn't find her. I was about to go out when I bumped into Asher as he said "Sebs! Relax! They are just joking with you. Diana is with Samantha and Caleb" I sighed in relief. I gave them my so-called deadly look as they were the eldest among us and I couldn't cross my limits.

*Author's POV*

Diana came to this camp to relax but the universe had different plans for her. After talking with Samantha and Caleb she left the camping site quietly all alone. She informed Samantha about it so that the professors won't worry about it.

*Lucas's POV*

We all had to gather for the roll call when Diana's name came nobody responded. I looked around and she was nowhere to be seen. Sebastian and I asked Samantha where she was but she just ignored us and told something to the professor, it wasn't audible as she whispered. I could see Sebastian was getting worried. Even though Sebastian didn't know his feelings towards Diana, I did. I couldn't help but be angry with myself. We got on the bus but both of us were zoned out during the whole ride.

*Diana's POV*

Running away is escaping but sometimes one should escape reality. I told Samantha that I'd be leaving first as I had some work in the cottage. She didn't agree at first but I convinced her by promising her one date with Asher. I don't know how I will arrange that but let's just forget about that now. I reached the cottage and plopped on my couch "Ah! Nothing can beat the comfort I feel at this cottage! I missed you!" I said while hugging my cushions. I freshened up and packed my bag with some clothes and of course my Bow and Arrow. It's not that I'm leaving but I just want to spend some time alone in the forest mountain. My mother had A small hut on the top of the mountain. I wanted to go there so that I can relax! I went to the basement and took some spellbooks. At first, I thought that they were just random books but when I got my powers I saw a lot of things and these books were one of them. I packed them and made my journey to the mountain.

It's already been an hour and there was still a long way to go! I checked my phone and my notifications were coming non-stop. I had messages from our group chat. I had one message from Sebastian as well. I did not want to open the message but since he was the one who saved me last night, I'll just give him a chance. I opened the message and it said,


Sebastian this side!

You left your jacket with me. Umm...When should I return it?"

I smiled as even though they were just texts I could feel how awkward he was! I replied,

'Oh, hi!

Return me the jacket when I return.

And it's just a small favor.

Can you dry clean it for me? It's kind of dirty. Heh"

"Sure, but what do you mean by return?"

"Umm...I had to be somewhere.

Anyways thanks!

"You owe me one now!"

"Actually no you owe me a lot. XD"

"Fine! But I gotta go now!




I smiled again as this was my first time talking normally with Sebastian! I continued my journey and by evening I reached the place. It was so beautiful! I was waiting for the night as the stars were seen here. I placed all my things inside the hut. I didn't get the time to admire the sunset as I was busy sharpening the weapons I found in the hut. They looked blunt. I only use Bow and Arrow as I excel in that but I use different daggers as well. I didn't know why my mother taught me how to use them but now that I know about everything. I know why she did all that. I changed my clothes and went out. A big smile appeared on my face when I saw the sky. I had never seen this many stars at night for a long time! I sat on the ground and was admiring the view. I could see the forest below and the cold breeze touched my skin as a soft silk cloth. The breeze was chilly but I felt warm as I was reminded of the past. Mother and I used to come here to picnic and used to have a lot of fun! I was reminiscing all those good memories when I saw a black shadow in front of me meaning someone was standing behind me. My breath hitched but I didn't react. I stayed still.

I stood up as if there was nothing I was going back to the hut when the shadow called me "Diana...there is no point in ignoring me! You are like me! With no one around you. All alone."

I halted as I wanted to listen to what that thing wanted to say. The shadow continued

"Diana...you yourself know that you have a bit of me inside you! Wasn't that the reason you killed your mother?"

My eyes widened in shock. Was he the reason I killed my mother? I turned around. "Was it you who killed my mother?"

"No that's not true Diana! YOU killed your mother! It's just we both are the same. All alone in the dark. There was no one around you when you needed them the most!"

"I had my father who saved me from every danger that occurred."

"That's just for say, Diana! Your father just saved you from physical accidents but never knew how much hurt you were inside. I know. You loved your mother but you couldn't tell her everything as you were afraid she might disown you! You almost killed someone when you were in elementary school! But you somehow managed to step back. My love, you have the darkness inside you and it's a blessing!"

"If I was about to kill someone then how is it a blessing?"

"We are the darkness! People ignore us, they talk behind our backs, they hurt you be it physically or mentally, they are never around you, they don't want to be with you! All you have is a fake world! Come to me and you will be pleased! You will be the queen and everyone will be under us. We will rule the world with darkness! People say Darkness

Isn't something to be proud of but if we make that our power then what? Then it is the most powerful weapon to use on anyone."

I felt hypnotized but I felt like all of it was true. I don't know why but whatever the shadow said was convincing to me. For me whatever he said seemed true.

"Embrace me once and you'll become like me and we together will spread darkness around the world!"

I was about to embrace him when the birds started chirping behind me and I backed out from embracing him. I wasn't in my right mind! The birds came in front and the shadow disappeared. I went back to the hut to sleep.

The next day I started to read the spell books and practiced on my own. It was tough but it's always better to try rather than not doing so! Days passed and Night went along. I could use the spells now and my skills were much better than before. I forgot about the black shadow incident as I only wanted to focus on the good things!

I went back to the cottage and rested a bit. My phone blew up with notifications and I just ignored it! I wasn't in the mood to talk to humans. I had my second appointment with my psychiatrist and also I made a reservation at a salon. I needed a change.

I went to the salon first and met my aunt! I knew her as a kid. My mother used to come here and bring me to. I told her what I wanted and she did all that. Her hands had magic! We were talking about my mother, school, college, and everything. And the time passed just like that.

"Annnnnd You are done!" She turned my chair around and I was mesmerized by my own beauty! "OH MY GOD! I look so pretty. Thanks!!"

"Oh, it's nothing, my dear! Anything for you!"

I paid her and went to my appointment.

"So how have you been feeling these days?"

"I won't say I'm all good but I'm better than before."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Umm...Yea why? Is something wrong with me?"


I sighed. "What is it?"

"It is sort of common among teenagers but in your case, it's very high! Remember I sent you a form earlier and told you to fill it?"


"That was your test! Diana...You have a serious I.E.D"