*Diana's POV*

"That was your test! Diana...You have a serious I.E.D"


"Intermittent explosive disorder! It's your unwarranted anger. Flying into a rage for no reason. You get angry often don't you?"

"Umm NO!"

"Stop lying"

"Okay fine! I get angry often these days but now that I live alone and took some time for myself I feel fine"

"Look Diana, I.E.D isn't any normal disorder. It causes anger for no reason. I hope you will drink all these drinks and medicines that I'm prescribing you but also make sure to stay calm and meditate. Ok?"

"Yes, Doctor!"

"Also if you have friends talk to them. You know you might find your anchor?"


"Someone who can calm you down?"

"Ahh. I bet there is no one like that"

"Just give it a try!"

"Ugh okay!"

"I'll inform you about your next appointment for now stay calm!"

"Fine. I'll take my leave then."

And after that, I left the hospital. I had my reports in my hand. My mind was all over the place. 'Was this the reason why I always felt anger? Was this the reason why I killed my mo-' I was thinking but then I bumped into someone and my reports fell. "I'm sorry" The person helped me back to pick up the papers but then I looked up and I regretted apologizing. It was Crystal.

"Ohh...Look who we have here the great Diana Duncan!"

"Piss Off Crystal."

"Wait a minute! Why are you coming from a psychiatrist area? OMG! Are you mentally ill!. Ahh...that proves why you behave like this all the time. Ohh, you poor soul. I feel sad for you."

"Crystal I know we aren't friends like before anymore but please just keep this with you! Don't tell anyone about this please!"

"Well well, how bad is the problem that you want to keep it a secret?"

My blood almost pumped out. I was beyond angry but I had to control it somehow I fisted my hands as tight as possible and said "I forgot I was talking to trash. Never mind do whatever you want." and made my way out.

'Did she see the reports?" I thought to myself. I looked at my palms as I unclutched my fists and saw blood. It was hard to control my anger. It was getting late so I straight up went to the cottage and freshened up. I texted Samantha to send me all the work that I missed and it was hella a lot. Well, my sleep was already dead because of the nightmares. And after turning into a Guardian I could be awake for longer. I didn't get tired. So rather than sleeping, I started to complete my notes. I yawned and stretched my hands I looked at the clock and it was 3 AM. I took off my glasses and slept in the living room only.

The Next Day

I stood in front of our college gate and exhaled "Okay! I can do this. I can get through today without being angry." I went inside as everybody kept looking at me as if I was some monster. I ignored them and went towards my locker. I was unloading my bag when I realized that I forgot to take out my reports from my bag. I sighed I was about to close my locker when someone just banged my locker and closed it. "Hey! Duncan!" said Caleb.

My hand was on my chest as I said "Are you crazy my heart almost exploded!"

"Jokes apart where have you been?"

"Nowhere! I even texted you. I was just into the woods and just you know calming myself and all…"

"I really don't want to believe what you just said but never mind you are a liar!" He said in sarcasm and snatched my bag and started to run. "Gotcha Dun Dun" I was so done with him but I ran after him and well I was a fast runner I caught him and almost jumped on him and he was defeated. "Woah, Dun Dun. Were you a runner?" he said while panting. "Nah you're just as slow as a turtle" He was about to snap when Samantha came out of nowhere and hugged me so tightly that I wasn't able to breathe. She was genuinely happy to see me. She kept bombarding me with questions and I couldn't dodge them.

*Sebastian's POV*

I was just walking around when I saw a familiar figure. My eyes widened by her sight, it was her Diana! It's been two weeks since I last saw her. She changed so much within these weeks. She had a sharp bob cut and had indigo highlights. Even though she chopped off her long hair she still looked beautiful and yet I was mesmerized by her beauty again. I was smiling while I stared at her when Dylan came in and snapped "Woah Sebastian are you smiling and that too in college? Are you okay?" I turned my face to a cold one and said

"Who smiled?"

"You did!"

"I can snap your neck if I want to but sadly we are in college."

"And he's back"

We walked back to our class as I kept turning my head back.

*Crystal's POV*

Thanks to Caleb for snatching Diana's bag because when he was running he bumped into me and all her belongings fell. I saw the report and a familiar medicine. I picked it up without making him notice.

"Ohh...So you have I.E.D. Looks like everybody will get to know about this now!" I wore my devil smirk. To make people believe she was actually mentally ill I had to make Diana angry and make her do something. I cannot let Diana be happy. Lucas, Sebastian, and Emilia used to trust me but now they just ignore me because of her. She already ruined my childhood I won't let her my college life as well!

*Diana's POV*

The classes were over. My eyes met with Sebastian, I just smiled I was about to walk over to him when Samantha told me to check up on everything. I checked my bag and my report and my medicine was missing. I panicked I started to ruffle through my bag Samantha got worried "What happened?"

"My medicine...it's missing!"

"Hey hey don't panic! Are you sure you bought a medicine? I mean you are all fit and-"

"IT IS MY FREAKING MEDICINE SAMANTHA AND I CAN'T FIND IT ANYMORE" I yelled, she was taken aback. I exhaled sharply and everyone was staring at us I realized what I did

"Samantha I didn't-"

She left the class and I was mad at myself. I really didn't want anyone to know that I was ill. I just fist punched the table in anger and followed her. I kept calling her but she wasn't listing to me. I pulled her back "Samatha! I didn't mean to shout at you! I'm sorry." At this point, everybody in the hallway was looking at us.

"Are you sure you didn't want to shout at me? Like your behavior, today is just so different. You are getting irritated for no reason and you are getting angry for no good reason and you keep shouting at us! Look I know Diana you have your so-called life problems but can you not bring those into our friendship? Like your life ain't that bad! You legit live alone, you have your freedom, your THE GIRL of the college and you don't have your parents who would stop from anything you do?"

That was it! I was bearing my anger with myself but then she mentioned my parents and all the memories of her death came to me. My hand was already bleeding as I dug my nails too deep. I wanted to vent all my anger on her but instead, I controlled and said, "Samantha...you are the only friend I have here and I don't wanna lose you. Let's give each other some space. Leave! I don't wanna shout at you again"

She left teary-eyed while I shut my eyes close. I could sense Crystal smirking and walking towards me from behind but I turned around and shoved her onto the wall. My arm was almost choking her neck. Everyone in the hall was taken aback and stepped backward.

"Diana...w-w-what a-are you d-d-doing?"

"As if I don't know it was you who stole my reports and meds." I felt the heat within me.

She looked flustered.

"Don't try to mess with me, Crystal! I won't stay quiet now."

I let her go as she coughed. After catching her breath she smirked and announced "HAHA DIANA YOU THOUGHT YOU CAN SCARE ME? yoU ARE LIKE THIS AND I'M USED TO THIS AND EVERYBODY HERE LISTEN STAY AWAY FROM HER BECAUSE SHE IS-"

She was about to continue when I snapped "Because I'm mentally ill? Yup Crystal...Tell everybody that I have I.E.D which cannot be cured and I can literally snap you" She was taken aback. I didn't want anybody to know about this but letting everybody know about my weakness or illness via Crystal was much worse. I snatched her bag and took my reports and medicine and stomped my way out of the college.

*Author's POV*

Little did Diana know was that Lucas, Sebastian, Dylan, Jade, and Emilia were watching her. And Sebastian was flustered but was worried. She was never this impulsive.

*Sebastian's POV*

I got worried about her as I saw blood in her hands. Did she change after she turned? I followed her. She was all new to this and she needs to know everything about the other side. And I had to tell her. My personality is flawless I just wanted to help her nothing much. I kept following her, I thought she was on her way to the cottage but she went to the woods. I saw her entering an abandoned house and she came out with her bow and arrow. Even amid all this chaos, I was mesmerized by how she looked.

*Diana's POV*

I was fuming with anger I wanted to beat someone to death but I couldn't I went to the abandoned house to get my equipment. P.S- That abandoned house is my second hideout. I know I injured my hands myself but only practicing might help me control my anger. I kept walking when I felt someone following me. I didn't lower my guard as I wasn't sure who was it. I took out my arrow and placed it on my bow and pretend to practice when I felt the presence of the person behind me nearer but I was fast enough to turn and shot my arrow and...I regretted it.

*Sebastian's POV*

I saw her practicing and thought of finally approaching her and talk to her but the universe wanted something else. She suddenly turned around and shot her arrow and it shot my right shoulder "Ow Diana! What did I even do?" I hissed in pain.

"Oh my God, I didn't know it was you I thought-"

"No like even if a kid was following you would you shot an arrow at him? No right? Oh no never mind you could!"

"I didn't tell you to follow me secretly and just come out of nowhere and scare the hell out of me to shoot my arrow!"

"Is this Diana or your I.E.D speaking?"

"Probably I.E.D... Sorry!"

"Mind helping with this..ahh...arrow?"

"Oh yeah, I'm so sorry!"

Since I didn't shot my arrow with full strength, It didn't go deep. I took out the arrow as he hissed in pain I really wanted to laugh but I had to control my laughs cause he looked serious. He took off his jacket and I could see the wound it was all bloody.

"Okay, that's-"

"Disgusting I know."

"Doesn't it pain?"

"No, not at all. I'm not a human that's why!"


"Of course, it pains like hell Diana but the fact that I'm not a human is true."

"Though I shot you on your shoulders your brain seems to be damaged! Here take my hand we'll go to my cottage to dress up your wound and you know umm you can get changed and-"

He started walking on his own. We were on our way to the cottage when he broke the silence and said, "So...I.E.D huh?"

"Shut up and let's not talk I like walking silently especially in the woods!"


We reached the cottage. I bought the first aid kit to the living room.

"Umm...Okay, this is awkward but-"

"I'll take off my t-shirt...Woah you'll see my body. Just don't umm you know-"

"Shut up I'm not interested in looking at your so-called hot body even though it is but can't we just skip this convo? I feel bad for shooting you with the arrow I could take you to the hospital but then they'll ask me about the arrow and I'm not ready to answer all that!"

He was shirtless by the time I finished all my talking! Well, his body was a distraction but so was his wound.

I started to dress his wound. He was hissing in pain. "I'm sorry!"

"You should be!"

"Is it that hard to talk nicely and also to that girl who is legit treating your wounds because she is guilty?"


He kept hissing. I felt bad when I remembered one of the spells from the book it helps to reduce the pain. I mumbled the spell while treating his wound. It was working! He stopped hissing and looked comforted. I smiled slightly.

"So you were away from all of us just so that you can practice these spells?"

I was speechless. Did he know what I was? Does he know about everything? I mean he had that pearl in his necklace. I was quiet. I didn't reply. When he turned around his head towards me and was extremely closed to me. My breath hitched as he said,

"You are still wearing the necklace."

I distanced myself from him "Umm...I forgot to take it off."


"Okay fine! It's pretty...and your taste is the same as mine so yeah...anyways your wound is cleaned. I'll lend you some of myyyy... No that's weird. I'll lend you some of my father's clothes! I haven't thrown them yet and also please don't return them!"

He kept staring at me. Before it could get more awkward I said "Just go to my parent's room and help yourself!"

"Fine but before that-"

He took my hands and started to treat the wounds I had on my palms because of my anger. He noticed. I was flustered as a pinch of red colour coated my cheeks but I avoided looking at him so he wouldn't know I was blushing.

"If you use your bow and arrow with these hands the wounds would get worse. Also, you don't have long nails like other girls but still, you dug deep in your skin."

I stayed quiet.

"I'll go to your parents' room then."

I was relieved when he went to my parent's room. I could finally breathe. There was a crowd who just stared at me and Samantha and did nothing but he noticed my wounds and followed me to the forest. I haven't forgiven him yet but he was the one who saved me that night. I remember seeing him before I completely blacked out. I couldn't understand him. One moment he'll be the closest person to you and the next moment he'll be distant as if we never met. But the thing I wanted to know was how was he with me every time I needed him? Remembering it now I feel Sebastian was the bad guy but he always came to me whenever I was in danger. How? Did he know something about the supernatural thing? Does he know about me? I kept thinking but then I just vanished all my thoughts and went to my room to get freshen up.

I was all good and was just going through some shelves when I heard someone fighting in the living room. I got worried. I went downstairs and saw Sebastian lying on the floor and some guys who were dressed in all-black hoodies with red borders. I was shocked by the sight before I could do something they left. I could've followed them but Sebastian was unconscious and his wound tore. I picked him up and put one of his hands on my shoulder and carried him to my room. I plopped him on my bed and dressed his wounds once again. I changed his shirt and covered him with my quilt. Although he was unconscious I was pretty sure that he was sleeping now.

I stared at his calm and peaceful figure as he slept with his lips parted. "He is cute while sleeping" I whispered to myself. He started to whisper something. I couldn't understand what was he saying. I got closer to him and I heard a name of a girl and not any other girl but Emilia's name. He held my hand tightly as he whispered, "Promise me, Emilia, that you will never … never…" I couldn't get the last word but I knew one thing that Emilia was someone really special to him. I felt sad somehow. Somewhere deep down I just thought that we had something even when he didn't treat me well. I let go of his hands, switched off the table lamp, and closed the door.

I went downstairs and felt weird emotions filling up my heart. I was overwhelmed. In the midst of all this, I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the door and was scared what if they were the guys from before. I gathered all my courage and opened the door.

"Hii...Diana" He said as he waved his hands. I felt weird. He radiated negative vibes just like that black shadow that's when it struck me. This guy was the black shadow...