2 gay parents

At dinner me and yaya Dona stayed on our phone while the 2 walked baby Alex around, an old couple saw them and adore my baby Alex. They seem to enjoy this 2 gay parents pretend game. Plenty are buying it. Now their victims are these 2 old couple. Naturally old people adore babies, no wonder they approached them. I can hear baby Alex mumbling he can't even make any word but he still tried to make a sound trying to communicate with the people around. He is a star, he catches too much attention where ever he goes. I'm happy to see he is doing so well with Andrei and Drake.

During the sleeping period, Alex has to be with me so he can easily access his food, Andrei visitted the room in the middle of the night.

"Do you want me to get Alex so you can sleep continously?" He asked concerned. Though it's better for Alex to stay beside me since I have the breast that he needs. I tried to dismissed him but he stayed some more. He leaned down and whispered. "Thank you for giving birth to Alex he is heavenly, I'm so in love with him. I can't wait till he can run and play with me." I gave him a smile and answered. "It's nothing, I dreamed of him too. He is a blessing for us. He made everyone happy." We've met eye to eye, he gave me a soft kiss on my forehead before he said goodbye. His face looks like a guy who holds so much emotion. He looks happy but he still holds reservation so not to get to be on my bad side. I feel sorry for putting him on that position but we will never be happy together.