Awakening Ceremony (2)

"Feng Song no talent at cultivation," the elder said with disappointment in his voice.

"Next, Shi Jingyi" The elder called out another youth after the first one got back.

The youth quickly stepped forward, ready to pass the spring. Excitement can be seen on her face, it is as if she already knew she has the talent to be a spirit cultivator.

Reality is cruel though, after her first step on the spring, a sudden pressure quickly overwhelmed her and she passed out on the spot.

The elder who saw this pick her back up, the youth can't move anymore. "Shi Jingyi, no talent at cultivation"

The youth who passed out clearly didn't expect that she will pass out just after her first step.

"That's crazy! You already passed out just after the first step?"

"Are the chances that we can become spirit cultivators so low that even in the first step some of us will already get disqualified?"

There are traces of nervousness among the youth, they are restless since for one to be a spirit cultivator one needs to at least go forward with 30 steps in the spring.

There isn't someone who can go forward within 10 steps right at the start but when they thought about their numbers, surely there will still be those who can cultivate even if the chances are low.

When they thought of that, some of their restlessness disappeared.

The elder that is in charge of the ceremony continued calling out names for a very long amount of time yet not many of them are lucky to obtain talent.

"Sun Chao, 32 steps, green grade talent"

"Xiao Chen, 54 steps, blue grade talent"

"Fan Min, 10 steps, no talent"

"Hou Xun, 21 steps, no talent"

The results are divided into two, those who have talent and those who have none. The awakening ceremony has gone for a long amount of time, yet there are so few among the youths who awakened talent.

Many names are called out but the number of those who can cultivate to those who couldn't are abysmally low in comparison. It will not be an exaggeration to say that among the hundreds of them, it will be lucky if there are five people who can cultivate.

Naturally, Xi Yun knew the reason for this. The clan has already brainwashed the youths so their hope in trying to become a spirit cultivator will be lower. The Spirit of Faith is indeed phenomenal after all, as long as one has enough faith it will perform miracles.

Of course, there is a limitation to this, no matter how much faith you have in yourself, heaven is still the one that will endow you talent and heaven doesn't like unbalanced things. Heaven might like to balance things but it still favors some people by endowing them great talents.

It's also game over if heaven decided to be bitchy about you, forget about talent, you might not even live for a second longer.

A long amount of time has already passed, the main characters of the event are about to be tested.

"Han Yaozu" The elder called out a name and a boy in a splendid robe walked among the crowd.

He casually walked in the spring but in his casual steps, some traces of nervousness can be seen with his shaking legs. Soon step by step he reached 40, 50, 60 steps until he reached his 71st step. Sweat fell off of his face and he is about to take another step forward but he stopped midway.

It is clear that the pressure is too much for him already hence he stopped.

"Han Yaozu, 71 steps, yellow grade talent"

"Wow! That's a third-class talent, as expected from the heir of the Han Faction"

"That's a third-class talent! There are only a few of them even among our clan!"

The youths can't help but exclaim in astonishment. They are not clueless when it came to the hierarchy of the clan since that is one of the first things they have been thought when they are still a child.

Some of the elders and even the clan head present at the ceremony nodded, this talent is already expected from someone who will lead one of the factions of the clan.

'Han Yaozu of the Han Family, so he is the heir of the Han Faction' Xi Yun thought, and he, who felt something smiled, as a demon emperor who lived for a long amount of time, it is not easy to fool his eyes.

He can tell that something is wrong but without spiritual essence, he can't confirm his suspicion. He looked at the clan elders and the clan head that are present and realize that they didn't even realize that something is wrong.

'It has already been a thousand years since I am here so my memory might be a little foggy' Xi Yun thought and then he realizes someone whose name is also the same as his memories.

'So that is Han Yaozu, the guy who faked his talent with the help of his grandfather' Xi Yun thought after he reorganized his thoughts and remembered the same incident.

It will not be revealed that he faked his talent for a long amount of time, but secrets can't be hidden forever especially since he is the heir from one of the strongest factions of the clan.

'The Han Faction really tried to fake his talent? It is easy to tell that he is only a blue grade talent, a fourth class talent. One just needs to check their soul vessel to tell but as the heir of the Han Faction surely no one will dare to do that to him from the clan, it will mean their death after all.' He thought and the smile that crept up his handsome face became even brighter and noticeable.

Obviously, some of the youths saw this hence they are surprised. All of their surprise looks came from one thing, it is known that Xi Yun is very arrogant and he never smiles even if something interesting happens. It is the first that they have seen him smile.

Of course, the definition of interesting from them is different compared to Xi Yun hence he can't be bothered by things that are truly not that interesting.

With his age Xi Yun naturally has experienced many things, even a yellow grade talent won't faze him nor a red grade talent. He has slain many of them to even bother counting.

Xi Yun felt many gazes directed at him hence he dropped the smile on his face and glared at those who dared to gaze at him straight in the eye. The youths who looked at him quickly avoided his gaze.

After feeling the bold gazes of people disappear, his face returns to its natural look, the cold, arrogant, domineering, and aloof face of him.

"Xing Huang, you're next" The elder called out another name this time this is the heir of the Xing Faction, hence it grabs the attention of many eyes.

The boy stepped forward with steady steps. Xi Yun looks at him and he doesn't see an ounce of nervousness from him, in comparison to Han Yaozu, he is much more braver.

The boy reached the spring quickly and he quickly took a step forward. The flickering white balls of light, which is assumed to be the Spirit of Faith gathered around him, the more he steps forward the more gathered around him.

It started from one until he reached his 75th step. He stopped at that point, the pressure is becoming unbearable for him anymore so he retreated.

Xi Yun didn't saw any tricks this time and base on his memories Xing Huang's talent is a genuine third-class talent.

Among the youths who have the talent to cultivate, only a few managed to become yellow grade talent, also known as third-class talent. All of them can be counted in one hand.

There isn't even someone who managed to become an orange grade talent, a second class talent nor a red grade talent, the first-class talent.

"Xing Huang, 75 steps, yellow grade talent," The elder said while nodding. Just like what happened to Han Yaozu, the clan head, and the other elders that are present nodded to acknowledge his talent to be worthy to be the heir of the Xing Faction.

'I am actually in the same generation as the heirs of the factions that make the upper echelons of the clan' Xi Yun thought as he just realizes that his generation is truly interesting.

"Xi Yun, you're next" The elder called him out with his expectant gaze. It's not only him who has an expectant gaze on him, everybody is.

With the incredible intelligence that he displayed since young everybody expected him to have good talent. No, not just a good talent but a great one that will help the clan to prosper and make its standing in the Qing Mountain even more dominant.