Interesting Future

Xi Yun walked among the crowd, others quickly give way to him and he reached the very front of the spring where the elder in charge of the ceremony is standing.

He felt many gazes directed at him and the clan head and the clan elders have a very serious look on their faces. As the next hope of the clan, everyone's expectation for him is quite high.

'They will be disappointed when they learned what my true talent is' He thought and he smirked inside. Things have been happening the same way they should be based on his memories, everyone's expected gazes, and hopes for him to be the one to make the clan prosper.

He looks at the clan elder in charge of the ceremony first before stepping into the spring. The clan elder nodded signifying that he can go to the spring now.

After seeing the elder in front of him nod, Xi Yun quickly took a step onto the spring. He appeared to be casually walking, there are no changes in his face until he reached his 40th step.

Sweat already formed from his face and he felt the pressure that the spring emits became even stronger. His movements soon become sluggish until he reaches his 44th step. The white balls of light around him became green, signifying his talent.

He came to a full stop, he can't move anymore. The problem is not his willpower, his mind has been strong due to his vast experience.

The main problem lies with his body, it can't keep up with his mind.

'Just like last time? A green grade talent, just like from my past life. Nothing much has changed, the only thing that changed is who I am' He thought and he suddenly saw a young boy in front of him groveling in the ground.

"No, it can't be! I am the son of heaven! I am a transmigrator so there is no way for me to have a trash-like talent" The boy said while crying and trashing around the spring.

"Where is my cheat? As a transmigrator shouldn't I have one? Why must you be unfair that you will not grant me one! You will transmigrate me in this world without anything?"

"I am supposed to be the main character of this story but how will I be one if you treated me like this right from the start?!"

"Qian Wei, I'm sorry I wouldn't be able to protect you anymore" The boy continued crying while trashing around.

He couldn't accept reality and Xi Yun saw it, this scene is way too familiar for him to not remember.

"Pathetic, unbelievably pathetic!" He said to the boy in front of him.

"I can't believe that he is me in the past, what a naive little boy" Xi Yun thought when he remembered who he truly is.

He came from earth in the modern era, there is nothing that is truly outstanding with him. He is just a normal guy and due to some good or bad luck, he got run over by a huge truck when he is going home from school.

He finally remembers the memories that he has already forgotten, in that world people are coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom.

Of course, that's bullshit but the Earth is peaceful in comparison to the world he transmigrated. Here strength is the law and the greatest sin is being weak.

No matter how much justice you spout, no one will pay attention to you unless you are strong. In this world, strong demonic spirit cultivators roam the continent to spread chaos and no matter how much the people from the righteous path tried to get rid of them they won't be able to.

Demonic spirit cultivators are strong because they are detached from everything, in comparison to the people from the righteous path who still has a sense of responsibility.

But that sense of responsibility is not truly true, it's just that the people from the righteous path are hypocrites.

"Son of heaven, main character, cheat. Hmm, those are words that I haven't heard for a while." Xi Yun thought after he reorganized his thoughts again.

"The heaven is sometimes fair why would it give you a cheat? Do you think that this is some web novel story? Where the main character, the son of heaven has it all?"

"How naive of you to think like that oh silly little me," He said and he smiled, soon he can't hide it and he laughs at his past self.

"You wanted to protect Qian Wei? That treacherous servant of yours? You must be kidding to try to protect a bitch" The smile on his face became darker and darker when he heard the name of that bitch.

It brought some bad memories with him, that bitch will not only betray him. She almost killed him when she cooperated with his aunt and uncle to try and steal his parent's inheritance.

He is still young and inexperienced back then, he thought that the people around him truly cared for him but in reality, they are just hypocrites that will abandon anyone if they no longer held any value.

When he transmigrated to this world, he showed unbelievable intelligence since he is still young. Xi Yun realizes that in this world, showing talent at a young age will make one valuable hence he didn't try to hide his talents.

He recited poems from Earth and those who heard it praise him for being a genius. He only has the guts to recite those poems back then because the clan will value those talents.

Another thing that gave him the confidence to show early intelligence is because his parents are also spirit cultivators with very strong spirits, nevertheless, all of that is useless since they are already dead.

After insulting the young boy in front of him in many ways, it disappeared and he soon walked out of the spring but not after saying one thing and people seemed to not heard it. "The future will be very interesting, and as the demon emperor, I promise that I will be back at the very top again."

After he walked out of the spring, the people that watched him are soon thrown into chaos. His face is pale but no one sees any changes to his face, he made sure to hide his face whenever there are changes to his face. He covered it with his hands pretending to be crying when he is still in the spring.

"No way! Xi Yun is just a green grade talent, a fifth class talent!"

"Unbelievable, to think that with his intelligence he only amounts to such!"

"That is impossible! With his intelligence he shouldn't amount to just that talent, there are others that have even better talent than him but they aren't smart or strong either!"

The youths can't help but be stupefied. At a young age, they have always been jealous of him. Their parents always compare them to him and they always say that they should be like him.

It is among the lines of "One day you should be his follower if you became lucky enough to be a spirit cultivator, it will ensure your safety and at the same time it will also help you in your journey in becoming a spirit cultivator"

But now that they have seen their role model be reduced to nothing but the lowest level of talent possible, it crumbles the invincible image that they had of him.

The youths, especially those who have talents look him in the eye again, his face still has that cold, aloof, and domineering look which annoyed them and he even glared back at them.

'We have a greater talent than you and you still dare to look at us that way?' They all thought of that but the shadows that crept up to their heart for way too long giving them inferiority complex when they are being compared to him acted again.

They avoided his gaze due to the complex feeling that they are experiencing.

"Sigh, to think that it will be another disappointment" The clan head can't help but sigh at what happened.

"We thought that we picked up gold but to think that we picked up trash. This is truly disappointing" A clan elder chimes in.

"Indeed, it is disappointing. This is exactly what happened to Han Chang back then, when he is young he is blessed with incredible strength but it is a pity that he is only a yellow grade talent."

"Although it is disappointing and is kinda similar to what happened to Han Chang, Han Chang's talent is still better than Xi Yun. Even among the clan, it is already a high-grade talent but it is a pity that he didn't become orange or a red grade talent either"

The clan elders near the clan head discussed among themselves but all of them are feeling disappointed. If only he has at least a blue grade talent then it will be a good thing since he is an intelligent child but now that he has the lowest talent possible it will be hard for him to advance his cultivation once he reached a high level.

The awakening ceremony is about to end there is only one next that will undergo the ceremony. The mood of the people in the underground cave is still in confusion.

Even though the elder is also confused about the talent that Xi Yun showed, nonetheless he still has to finish this event even though he no longer wanted to do it.

"Next, Xun Peng" The elder called out the last boy that will undergo the ceremony.

Xi Yun looks at the last one to undergo the ceremony, compared to him, that guy is a true son of heaven.