Schemes Are Everywhere

"Today is the first day of your cultivation class so you better listen to me attentively."

"In the first month of your cultivation, you should reach the early stage of tier 1."

"Spirit Cultivators are divided into many tiers. In our clan's history, the highest and the strongest cultivator is our clan's founder."

"He is a Tier 5 Spirit Cultivator. No one from our clan has ever reached that level aside from our 3rd generation clan leader."

"The 3rd generation clan leader is blessed with a red grade talent, that is a first-class talent. It is disappointing that he died early because he decided to spare a demonic cultivator's life thinking that he will change his nature after he spared his life."

"Aside from our founder and third-generation clan head, no one managed to ever reach the Tier 5 of Spirit Cultivation. Right now, our clan head is a Tier 4 Spirit Cultivator."

"Most of the clan heads that led our clan have only managed to reach Tier 4 of Spirit Cultivation." An elder narrates in front of 46 youths.

All of them are sitting properly with a small table in front of them. They are listening very attentively and no one dared to slack off, except for one youth.

The youth is clearly not listening, he is leaning his head on the table sleeping peacefully. His long black hair covers half of his face and everyone can see him sleeping quietly.

Despite his attitude, no one from the youths dared to bother him. That is because they wanted the academy head to be the one to settle punishment for him.

Aside from that, they just wanted to watch a good show.

"This Xi Yun actually dared to sleep in class, how massive this guy's balls must be for him to actually sleep in the class of the academy head."

"Xi Yun must have never thought that the one that will be teaching today is the academy head so he dared to sleep in the class."

"If it was the other instructors from the academy then he will be able to get out of this scot-free but it is a different story if the academy head is the one in question."

The youths whispered among each other when the academy head stopped talking and he started at a certain someone.

Their faces contain a mocking smile within them, a spectacular show is about to happen involving the famous Xi Yun after all.

Within the week, they have gotten over the shock from the talent of Xi Yun. Since he has the lowest talent possible, he is a very easy enemy for them.

With enough time, their talent will bloom leaving Xi Yun behind.

"Your talent will be the one that will dictate your achievements in your cultivation journey. You should have already known that the further you go in tiers, the harder it is to even go further."

"This is one of the reasons why most of the spirit cultivators out there get stuck in their current cultivation stage for a long time, most of the time they will die before they can even succeed in breaking through higher tiers."

"The main cause for that is talent, talent is the one that will decide what we can be in the end. Those who have lower talents will never truly succeed in breaking through the higher tiers "

"Meanwhile, those who have great talents will find it easier to succeed in breaking through to higher stages." The academy head continued talking and he changes the direction of his gaze to another youth.

He is looking at Xun Peng, the guy who shocked the whole clan.

Xun Peng is the favored son of heaven that is blessed with a red grade talent. He is nothing but a child of an elder from the neutral faction.

His father died when he is at a young age though. The one behind his father's death is the Thunder Wolves.

10 years ago they attacked the whole Qing Mountain and his father is unlucky enough to be one of the casualties.

The casualties from the Zhang Clan are huge, the Mo and Qin Clan have also been affected severely. All three clans suffered huge casualties that they have to cooperate with each other and setting aside all of their grudges.

Xun Peng's father is not the only casualty from his family though, his mother as a spirit cultivator although not as strong as a clan elder still has a duty to protect the clan from imminent danger.

They have to sacrifice their lives in order to ensure the clan's survival.

It is due to this that Xun Peng is orphaned and is being taken care of by his distant relatives but because of the talent that he showed in the awakening ceremony, managing to reach 93 steps signifying red talent, the clan head adopted him as a consequence.

The other clan elders wanted to seize him in their faction but in the end, the clan head still managed to be the one to rope him in.

They have no choice because the clan head is the strongest among all of them and in terms of seniority, the clan head is also the one with the highest position.

The clan head, of course, provided them proper explanation among the lines of, "Xun Peng is a red grade talent, I'm afraid that if the other clans heard of this they will try to send someone to assassinate him so it is better if he stays with me."

"I will also be giving him guidance once in a while in order to ensure that he successfully grows up to be the pillar of our clan. I know you all wanted to take care of him as well but we cannot repeat our mistakes again."

"Our third-generation clan head died early because there is no one to protect him when he spared a demonic cultivator's life. This time we, the strong ones should always be near him in order to protect him but that isn't right either."

"It will just slow his cultivation speed and in the end, we will be a burden to him and that is exactly why I wanted to take care of him. All of you must know that I have the clairvoyance spirit."

"If I use it on Xun Peng then I will be able to protect him in the dark while he advances naturally. Growing in your own is much better rather than our guidance after all." The clan head explained his side to the clan elders.

"Indeed, first-hand experience is very valuable for one's growth but clan head, it just truly doesn't sit right with us if we don't support him."

"Being able to help Xun Peng who has a red grade talent will ensure our clan's survival in this cruel world, so helping him means helping the clan."

"Clan head if we don't help Xun Peng when he is still growing it will mean that we don't care about the clan's prosperity at all so we can't pass on this one"

One by one the elders voiced out their opinions and they looked rather hesitant and are truly keen on helping Xun Peng.

"How about this, when the right time came I the clan head myself will be the one to ask all of you to cooperate in order to nurture him. Since he is just starting his cultivation journey I can ensure all of his needs right now and at the moment that I can no longer provide his needs for myself then I will ask all of you to cooperate with me." The clan head replied to the opinions of the elder.

"That's a plausible idea clan head." One by one the clan elders agreed and reach a consensus.

Xun Peng who heard the conversation of the clan head and the clan elders teared up. Not only are they more than willing to protect him but they even wanted to help him to succeed.

All of them are genuine in their intention and Xun Peng even wanted to grovel in front of them and call them fathers for their willingness.

Too bad all of it is a facade, Xun Peng is just but a fool who will get swept with the scheme of those old monsters.

That is what Xi Yun thought when he watched their charade. All of those words are just a setup to make Xun Peng's view on them to be better. With his talent, success is pretty much guaranteed but he can also be a thorn in them when he grows strong.

This is why when he is still at a young age they are trying to be his "allies", doing this will ensure that they will avoid fights among each other in the future and it might even benefit them in the long run.

After the academy head took a look at Xun Peng he continued speaking. "The academy will be providing all of you 5 spirit stones per week, you can claim it later after class."