
"You should use it to breakthrough to early-stage of Tier 1. You only need to absorb the spiritual essence that is in the stone and use those spiritual essences to break the walls that are surrounding your empty soul vessel"

"Now that you have already awakened, I'm sure that you can already sense your soul vessel and you have already observed it. Right now it is just an empty vessel but once you reach the early stage of Tier 1 then you will be able to store spiritual essence and spirits that you will use in there." The academy head said in front of the youths.

The academy head continued talking for a long amount of time until it is already afternoon.

The academy head talks about the basic things first. Like what they needed to do to successfully reach the early stage of Tier 1 and the clan's history.

The clan has been existing for a long amount of time so its history is very rich.

"Before we end the day, I'll ask you questions first. I'll give two spirit stones for every question answered so answer carefully." The academy head said in a relaxed tone but deep inside he is angry and offended because someone actually dared to sleep in his class.

"Let's start with Xi Yun first!" The academy head said with a loud voice and Xi Yun who heard it opened his eyes and gazed at the academy head.

"Who is our clan's founder?" The academy head also looks straight in the eye of Xi Yun. He looks calm but deep inside he is very angry and he wanted to humiliate Xi Yun right now.

He can only humiliate him right now since going overboard will damage his good reputation among the clan.

"Our clan's founder is Zhang Yi, he is a very powerful spirit cultivator." Xi Yun answered the question easily and nonchalantly, after answering he is about to go back to sleep again but he is stopped midway.

"How did he create our clan and how did the next generation ensure the clan's survival?" The academy head is surprised by his demeanor and his disregard for him despite knowing who he is.

"That's counted as two questions right?" Xi Yun replied, not answering the question.

Hearing his reply, the academy head's eyebrow twitched for a second before nodding.

"Our founder found a spirit spring here in the Qin Mountains hence he decided to form a clan here by marrying a hundred mortal women, spreading his bloodline"

"His descendants became the first generation that forms our clan. After our founder has ensured the legacy of the clan and fostered the next generation, he died and is now resting peacefully."

"The descendants of our founder have to marry each other to ensure that the bloodline of the clan is pure and the Zhang Clan will be able to successfully create more people with the talent to become a spirit cultivator." Xi Yun replied to the question of the elder, there is a look of contempt on his face.

He has a mocking look on his face which infuriates the academy head but the academy head didn't dare to show it.

Xi Yun's face right now screams of "Did you think of me as an idiot that I wouldn't know such a thing?"

"What will happen if a spirit cultivator from our clan wants to marry someone from another clan?" The academy head let it pass, he felt Xi Yun is intentionally trying to anger him.

"That's illegal, it is a crime worthy of death. A spirit cultivator of our clan has to marry a spirit cultivator from our clan in order to ensure that the bloodline of our founder is pure, that is why intermarriage is not allowed." Xi Yun replied and couldn't help but let out a faint chuckle when he remembered something.

In order to ensure that the clan will continue to have new talents, the amount of incest performed in the clan is unimaginable.

"I'll ask another question," The academy head said and Xi Yun replied with a wave of his hand implying that he is ready.

"How many types of Spirits are out there? Give me the exact amount, If you are listening earlier then you will be to answer it easily." The academy head asked.

Xj Yun laughed loudly due to the silliness of the question, "Surely you must be joking to ask how many types of spirits are out there. Do you think there is someone crazy enough that will even bother counting the countless types of spirits that exist out there?"

The academy head frowned when he heard of that answer. The way Xi Yun said it sounds disrespectful but because he is the academy head he can't try to cook up a scheme to harm his students.

The moment he did that his reputation will be destroyed, in order to restore his honor he has to discipline Xi Yun.

This time he asked hard questions, he asked Xi Yun the abilities of the spirits that he mentioned. This topic has not been touched on since it is a very broad topic.

"What does the Tier 1 Infant Bear Spirit do?" The academy head asked and the youths that are in the class sweat profusely at the question.

The youths knew many kinds of spirits but spirits are very diverse and countless in general so it is hard to memorize all of them hence they are unfamiliar with the question. The only spirit that most of them knew is the Wind Blade Spirit, the spirit that is unique to the clan and is the spirit that everyone in the clan must have.

"Baby Bear Spirit is a strengthening spirit that will give a spirit cultivator the strength of a developing bear once it is refined and used continuously." Xi Yun replied with a smirk on his face, annoying the academy head in front of him.

"What does a faction need in order to flourish and continue to pass its legacy on this world?" The academy head asked again.

"An artificial spirit that is unique to the faction themselves and a spirit spring that will awaken the talent of youths to be spirit cultivators." Xi Yun replied after he finished speaking. This time the smirk on his face disappeared due to the next question of the academy head and it is now displaced by a bored look.

After hearing the answer of Xi Yun, the academy head sighed. Those are things that should not be known by the kids yet he has knowledge of it.

The academy head can't help but think that although Xi Yun is a fallen genius, a genius is still a genius. His knowledge of various things connected to spirit cultivation is already ahead in comparison to his peers.

"Where did you get that knowledge from?" The academy head sighed first before asking his last question.

"From my parents, of course, there is no one willing to teach me other than them." Xi Yun said and his bored look is replaced by that of a serious look with a mix of hostile feelings.

The academy head saw his look and he coughed, the atmosphere in the class suddenly became heavy. It is known that Xi Yun has deeply loved his parents since he is young so asking those questions for sure will make him remember some bad memories.

Xi Yun is just acting though, he didn't truly care about his parents. He has already been detached from all things in order to achieve his goal, immortality and being the strongest.

He just used his parents as an excuse in order to hide where the answer to those questions came up. He is confident that his lie will not be seen through, it is guaranteed already, after all a dead person can't talk right?

"You answered eight questions of mine perfectly, you can claim it to the servants in the academy after I dismissed the class." The academy head said he didn't doubt Xi Yun's intelligence. He has shown incredible mind when he is young and that thing became his downfall.

Xi Yun frowned when he heard what the Academy head said. The academy head is about to dismiss the class since he no longer has any energy to continue this class anymore and he has to think of a way to discipline Xi Yun.

"You asked me 10 questions though how can it be 8?" Xi Yun said in a hurry and the Academy head look at him.

"What do you mean? How can I miscount the number of questions that I asked?" The academy head asked, he is in disbelief at the moment.

'Surely Xi Yun didn't miscount with his incredible mind.' The academy head thought.

"Oh I think I miscount but now you just asked another two questions again so that makes it 10." Xi Yun replied to the confusion of the academy head.

"What a cunning bastard," The academy head thought after realizing that he has been scammed.

"Just get it in the servants in the academy later" The academy head sighed after he realizes what Xi Yun just did. He is willing to let it pass since it is just 20 spirit stones, he has thousands of those in his possession and it is not that valuable to the current him.