Money Making Scheme

After the academy head dismissed the class, Xi Yun quickly left the room and waited at the gate of the academy.

He didn't try to get the spirit stones that the academy will give him since it is not enough for his future plans and he isn't in a rush for now.

'Now that I remember it, the academy head isn't supposed to be teaching our class but because of Xun Peng's talent, the clan head ordered him to personally guide the class' Xi Yun thought remembering the events that transpired back then.

'The academy head is a soft guy, he will never harm his students and he cares about his reputation so much. He will never harm me no matter how much I disrespect him, instead, he will just think of a way to change me' Xi Yun thought to himself when he remembered the softness that the academy head has shown to everyone.

It was also the thing that gave Xi Yun confidence to disrespect him, if it was the other clan elders then he will be in trouble since right now he is but a powerless boy.

'I have 25 spirit stones with me after I claim it from the academy but that is not enough for me to reach the early stage of Tier 1. With my talent, I need plenty of resources in order to break through.'

'Aside from that I also need spirit stones to feed the spirits that I will foster. Spirits have a physical aspect after all and they also have their needs in order to continue living.'

'I'm afraid 25 spirits stones won't bring me anywhere so I have to think of other ways to earn spirit stones. Spirit stones are a very important currency for spirit cultivators and it is also a valuable cultivation resource so it is going to be a problem if I won't have huge amounts of it'

Xi Yun thought all of that and after great consideration, he decided that his next action will be to of course rob his classmates. There is no better alternative other than this so he waited for them in the academy's gate while the academy's servants which are mortal martial artists are guarding the gate.

Soon enough, not a long amount of time has passed and Xi Yun can see that all of them are going together. The one in the front is Xun Peng, it is very easy to notice him with his white skin and slightly handsome face, the other factor why he is very easy to notice is because of the exquisite designs of his dress.

These dresses are not something meant for the poor. The details in the design of the dress will only make the person wearing it the center of attention.

Xi Yun in comparison has a very pale skin coupled with his long black hair and deep black eyes that seems to devour everything that looks at him go the abyss. Xi Yun in comparison to his peers is very handsome, but due to his sense of clothing of simple black clothing, his looks aren't going to be appreciated easily.

Seeing them Xi Yun's relaxed posture becomes serious. Naturally, his classmates quickly saw him but after taking a glance at him they didn't pay attention to him anymore.

All of them are busy licking Xun Peng's butt, they have no time to create trouble with him.

Seeing that some of them just took a glance at him, Xi Yun blocks their way.

"Hello, my dear classmates. I wonder if you have the time to listen to me" Xi Yun said which stopped all of them in their trails.

"Xi Yun we have no time to joke with you!"

"That's right! Don't block Brother Xun Peng's way if you want to have an easy life in the academy."

"Just because you fooled the academy head and he didn't do anything to you doesn't mean that you can also act tough in front of us!"

"Don't try us or you will regret it"

The mobs behind Xun Peng tried to provoke him but in the end, he just smiled at it.

'Provoking me is just making my plan here to work easier' Xi Yun thought and this thought is hidden in his smile.

"Since you think you guys are a tough guy how about we bet? Let's have a brawl here right now, all of you against me, and whoever can bring me down can have the spirit stones that the academy will give to me"

"Think about it carefully, it is 25 spirit stones that you will get from me and you only need to wager 5 spirit stones of yours. You will not lose anything if you guys defeated me" Xi Yun said to all of them with a smile but they appear hesitant to agree with him since it is too good to be true so there has to be a catch.

"You all can fight against me while I am alone" Xi Yun emphasizes this line which removes the hesitation from some of them.

"You alone? Are you making fun of us?"

"Xi Yun! Did becoming a fifth-class talent made you dumb that you think you can take all of us?"

"Here I thought of you as a genius when you answered all the questions of the academy head and even being able to fool him yet in the end you are still nothing but an idiot!"

The mobs have so much to say yet Xi Yun didn't even try to listen to what all of them are saying.

"You guys are talking way too much, let's make our fist talk if you truly are someone willing to become a spirit cultivator and fight many disasters ahead." Xi Yun said to all of them which aggravates them more.

"Sure! Since you have gone crazy don't blame us when we did something that you will not like!"

"I'll make sure to knock you dead and remove all the clothing in you since you are so shameless thinking that you can take all of us"

Most of them are hot-blooded youths so they quickly agree while the girls in the group, Han Yaozu, Xing Huang, and Xun Peng appear to be hesitant to get into a fight just on the first day of the academy.

Most of the girls in the group wanted to reject Xi Yun's offer but it only takes one fool to join for the flock to join as well so all of them joined without exception.

"This looks interestingly fun so I think I will join" Xing Huang said after appearing to be hesitant first.

"I can't let my rival get ahead of me so I might join as well," Han Yaozu said while clenching his fist and looking at Xing Huang.

The two glance at each other and a rivalry spark between the two of them.

Xun Peng left alone decided to join as well since he is the only one left that didn't agree, with so many people's expectations on him he has no choice but to fight as well.

"Since all of you guys agreed then let's begin," Xi Yun said and began striking the mob in front of him, he has prepared his body since he transmigrated in this world.

Xun Peng is surprised by the punch that is approaching him but he is still trained by the clan head in the past days so he reacted quickly by blocking it with his 2 arms.

Xi Yun's punch stopped and he grabs Xun Peng's hand which the other party clearly didn't expect and he pulled Xun Peng with a huge force behind it.

Xun Peng tried to resist it but it is very clear who is the stronger one, with Xi Yun's pull on him his defenses are destroyed and an elbow is quickly approaching his face.

It hits his face and blood soon gushes out of his nose and he fainted and dropped to the ground due to the power behind his strike.

Xun Peng's handsome face is destroyed due to the blood in his face and his almost broken nose. Everyone is surprised at what happened and they soon threw curses at Xi Yun.

"Xi Yun you jerk! How dare you do a sneak attack on Brother Xun Peng!"

"You are going to regret doing a sneak attack on Brother Xun Peng"

"Let us break the bones on his body to avenge our Brother Xun Peng first"

It's an opportunity or so they thought. If they avenge Xun Peng from Xi Yun then in the future Xun Peng will take care of them, almost all the mobs have the same thoughts aside from Han Yaozu and Xing Huang.

They are surprised at the ruthlessness of Xi Yun's strike, it is done with no hesitation. As if it is a strike that is meant to injure someone.

Surely there is malicious intent behind those actions of Xi Yun but no one from the mob managed to sense it. Han Yaozu and Xing Huang are different from them they can tell the other's intention because they have been trained by their families since they will be leading the powerful factions of the clan in the future.