Wine Caterpillar Spirit

'Easy money' Xi Yun thought while smiling, he just left the academy after he obtained the 25 spirit stones that the academy head promised him in class, and coupled with the money-making business he easily managed to obtain 225 spirit stones.

'This is an easy way to get money but at the same time I can't abuse it since next time I am sure that they won't be going to agree to bet with me and if I go overboard then they might make exceptions to the rules and it will be my disadvantage' Xi Yun thought and he soon got into his destination.

'Zhang's Bamboo Wine Inn' He look at the big sign just outside of the door and confirmed that it is indeed his destination.

Xi Yun entered, it is still afternoon and there is still some time before the sun goes down. After entering he quickly noticed many people inside, it is still afternoon and there are already many people inside.

The busiest time of this inn is of course at nighttime.

He quickly took a seat upon an empty table and one of the servants quickly greeted him with a huge smile on his face.

"Young master, may I ask what is your business in our store?" The servant greeted and asked politely.

"I want 10 jars of bamboo wine, and also a serving of today's special menu," Xi Yun said to the servant in front of him who looked rather hesitant.

"Young master, I don't want to sound disrespectful but the bamboo wine is only served to those who are spirit cultivators of the clan." The servant said in an awkward way.

Hearing that, Xi Yun just showed him his badge that has the logo of the academy and sure enough, the servant quickly nodded after seeing the familiar badge.

"Please wait for your bamboo wine young master! It will take some time before you can get it, I will serve your food first, young master!" The servant said respectfully after he saw the badge and he bowed before leaving.

"I only need one jar of bamboo wine, for now, you can send the rest of the bamboo wine to my dorm later," Xi Yun said and he told them where they will deliver it.

"There is no problem with that young master! We will make sure that it will arrive at your dorm safe and fast!" The servant said before leaving and Xi Yun just nodded when he heard it.

Although they aren't supposed to be doing this, but the one that they are serving is a spirit cultivator and they are just a mortal so they have no choice but to obey.

Soon his food and a jar of bamboo wine are served at his table and he can smell its fragrant smell.

He took a bite from his food first since he still has a mortal body that has its own need so he has no choice but to also live like a mortal.

Xi Yun ate quickly, he doesn't want to spend a huge amount of time just for eating a dish. He would rather spend that time cultivating.

After he finished eating he quickly take a sip from the bamboo wine, the bamboo wine tasted good and has a very intoxicating feeling but for Xi Yun who has tasted many wines, it is still nothing.

The bamboo wine is the specialty wine of the clan, there are so few in numbers hence it is only served at spirit cultivators of the clan.

Only those who have privilege can even buy it and in the whole of Zhang Clan, there is only one store that sells this wine.

Xi Yun continued drinking the wine until there are none left from the jar anymore so he quickly take a look at one of the servants and the servant soon approached him.

"Young Master is there anything you need?" The same servant that approached him earlier said.

"Yes I want the bill and I will pay now," Xi Yun said with a dreamy look on his face.

"The special menu is 2 spirit stones while one jar of bamboo wine costs 10 spirit stones so, in total, everything you ordered is 102 spirit stones," The servant said to him.

Xi Yun paid just the exact amount from his bag full of spirit stones and the servant counted it, Xi Yun stood up from his seat and said, "Deliver the bamboo wine to my dorm as fast as possible"

"Yes, Young Master!" The servant said after he heard what Xi Yun said.

After that, Xi Yun left the inn. He still has something that he needed to do.

'I need to locate the Wine Caterpillar Spirit, it will play a very important role for my cultivation speed in Tier 1 of spirit cultivation.' Xi Yun thought remembering how he managed to have the Wine Caterpillar Spirit.

Back in his second life, he felt devastated after knowing that he only has a fifth-grade talent and will only be a Tier 1 Spirit Cultivator at most but due to some stroke of luck, he managed to obtain an inheritance from a demonic cultivator that died near the clan.

The inheritance contains the Wine Caterpillar Spirit, a Tier 1 spirit that can nourish one's soul vessel making their cultivation speed fast in Tier 1.

'If I can obtain it then I will be the first one to breakthrough in the early stage of Tier 1 and I will be rewarded quite some sum of cultivation resources that will help me advance.' Xi Yun thought while going to the woods.

Based on his memories, the inheritance should be here but due to the long amount of time that has passed, he has already forgotten where its exact location is.

From what he remembered back then, he is very drunk since he has drunk too much Bamboo Wine using his allowance that comes from his parent's inheritance, and due to how drunk he is he stumbled upon that place.

Due to the strong scent of wine within him, the Wine Caterpillar showed up and led him to the inheritance ground. It is an inheritance of a Tier 5 Spirit Cultivator and in his past life, he didn't manage to complete the challenges of the inheritance due to the problems that the clan encountered forcing him to leave the clan prematurely.

Xi Yun roamed the place from his memories for a long amount of time, the sky is already dark and it is about to be midnight and the Wine Caterpillar Spirit hasn't shown up yet but he didn't stop.

It will take him a long amount of time to search for that place and although he is in a hurry to breakthrough there is still some time before Xun Peng can break through the early stage of Tier 1.

He also is not worried for he is the rightful inheritor of this inheritance, it is already fated that he will be the one to enter the inheritance ground so it is impossible for other people to get in there unless he brought them there for sure.

The surroundings are already dark and Xi Yun can hear some noises of the birds in the forest but he still continued searching, the moon is already at its peak and Xi Yun can tell that is already midnight when he heard a slight buzzing near him.

He listened to the sound carefully, the buzzing is very familiar for him to not remember.

After listening to the sound Xi Yun confirmed it, 'The Wine Caterpillar Spirit is here' He thought.

He looked at his surroundings and he quickly spotted something that is emitting a faint green light. Xi Yun looked at it and noticed a Caterpillar with the green color on its body emitting green light.

The caterpillar looks at him for a moment before it left and crawled to the ground at a very fast pace. Xi Yun followed it and made sure not to lose it in his eyesight.

Xi Yun run for a bit and the caterpillar soon entered a cave that is hidden by trees in plain sight, he also entered and followed the caterpillar and to his astonishment, it entered a slight crack in the wall of the cave.

Xi Yun looks at the very wall that the caterpillar entered, this wall is very familiar for him since he has entered it way too many times in his second life.

He pushed the wall gently and soon it opened very easily, if it was others then they might not have even opened it.

That is because inheritance grounds are mostly for fated people, and this inheritance is fated for him.

He entered it and the inside is very bright, there are stalactites that are lighting up the place that he entered.

After entering, the wall closed suddenly but he didn't panic. It's the hidden mechanism of the inheritance.

Inside the place, there is a corpse of someone whom he assumed to be the one who created the inheritance ground.