Devil Wine

Xi Yun took a look at the corpse, the corpse is wearing a black shirt and pants. His clothes are torn due to the passing to the passing of time and some of the bones in the corpse are already destroyed.

He spotted the Wine Caterpillar Spirit near the corpse of the inheritance ground owner. He took it but the Wine Caterpillar Spirit is hibernating, it is very natural for spirits to hibernate for a very long amount of time if they wanted to continue living.

'It is still hibernating, this will make my job to refine it much more easier.' Xi Yun thought after grabbing the Wine Caterpillar Spirit besides the corpse.

"You are dead! Now ask for forgiveness while I am still in a good mood, I might spare you but you need to give me something." A voice in Xi Yun's back said.

Hearing this, he didn't panic he just look back and saw a projection at his back.

"You think that betraying me will work? I need your help to clear the inheritance yet you actually wanted to take everything when I said we will split it in half? You people from the righteous path are truly annoying and are hypocrites. Can't you understand why I am called the Devil Wine?" The voice added.

"Oh, Great Devil Wine Master please spare my little life! I will give you whatever you want as long as you spare my life" A man in a blue robe said to the man in black clothing while groveling to the ground.

"You want fame and the treasures from the inheritance yet look at how the tables have turned. Too bad I won't gain anything from killing you though so I might as well make a compromise" The man in black clothing said with a dark smile plastered on his face.

The face of the man in the blue robe is hideous, in comparison to the ugly face of the man in black clothing. The face of the man in a blue robe is broken and is almost deformed, his nose is broken and his eyes have a black color surrounding them.

His hair is also destroyed because the man in the black clothing is pulling his hair making the man in blue robe scream in pain.

"Sure just give me all the spirit stones that your clan have and also give me your sister, wife, and your eldest daughter. I heard that they are quite the beauty, let them serve me and I will forgive you" The man in the black clothing said while there is a lascivious look on his face.

"Oh, I also want you to watch me ravage them. Don't you think that's quite exciting?" He added.

"Yes, yes, my lord I will tell them to serve you faithfully, and I will obey your orders," The man in the blue robe said in a hard way, not because he doesn't want to agree but because he can't speak due to his injuries.

"Very good, I'll spare your life, now bring me to your Zhang Clan's village and offer me your sister, wife,and other beauties of your clan." The man in black clothing said and he releases his hold on the long hair of the man in the blue robe.

Just after the man in the black clothing release the man in the blue robe, he is quickly attacked by a small black spirit.

"You! What did you do? Are you crazy? Do you really wanted to die that badly?" The man in the black clothing said angrily, his ugly face became uglier every passing second.

"What I threw to you is the Tier 5 Black Seal Spirit, once used, it can seal any spirits below its level but if it is used against a human, half of their spirit essence will be sealed." The man in blue robe said while standing up and laughing but his broken face only looks more hideous after he laughed like a madman.

"Elders! Attack him with me! This Devil Wine will die today and will make my prestige in this world. and also thank you for telling us the inheritance" He added while laughing.

"You are crazy," The man in black clothing said while he looks at the man in the blue robe and the elders behind him.

Many attacks are approaching him and the face of the man in black clothing is becoming uglier due to the seriousness of the predicament that he is in.

The projection soon comes to an end after that. The man in the blue robe is the third generation clan leader, and the man in the black clothing is known as the Devil Wine, he is famous among the demonic factions.

The Devil Wine is famous for his love of drinking wine and raping women. He is also a strong demonic cultivator so he has some prestige among the demonic faction.

Both the third-generation clan leader of the Zhang Clan and the Devil wine are Tier 5 Spirit Cultivators.

'This is the truth of what happened back then, the third generation clan leader did a sneak attack on his enemy in order to kill him but in the end, both of them died showing that the Devil Wine, although alone is very strong.' Xi Yun thought after remembering the classical tale of the third-generation clan leader.

Everyone from the clan knew that the third generation clan leader died because he spared a demonic cultivator's life but that is not the truth, the demonic cultivator is actually the one that decided to spare the life of the third generation clan leader and that become the leading reason for his death.

'I wonder how many spirit stones I can gain from selling this? But selling this will be a waste especially when they are talking about another inheritance' Xi Yun smiled when looking at the projection. That projection is from the Tier 3 Recording Spirit, it is a very common spirit among Tier 3 and their clan has plenty of that spirit but the spirit can't be seen right now.

'Although selling this will guarantee me plenty of spirit stones but for now, I shouldn't focus on selling this or it might spell my premature death.' He thought since if he decided to sell this on the Qing and Mo Clan then he will be the enemy of his own clan.

The other two clans of course won't protect him.

After the projection ends, Xi Yun took a look at the surroundings first, there is nothing in there aside from the stuff of the Devil Wine and the Wine Caterpillar.

He took the stuff of the Devil wine, aside from the spirits of the Devil Wine that are already dead, there are still spirit stones with him.

Xi Yun counted the spirit stones and there are only 69 spirit stones in there, it can be said that the Devil Wine is very poor when it comes to wealth.

He already expected that the Devil Wine is poor since he is a prodigal and spends all his money on drinking and women so he isn't disappointed.

Other cultivators at the Devil Wine's level are very rich though, thousands of spirit stones are even nothing to them that is why in his second life he is disappointed to know that the Devil Wine only has few spirit stones but to the current him it is already quite a good amount of money.

After taking the stuff of the Devil Wine, Xi Yun took one last look at a very huge stone wall with some designs on it. In the middle, there is a handprint and one has to put their hands in it and inject their spiritual essence for it to open.

Xi Yun is still not at the early stage of Tier 1 so he won't be open the wall for a while, he needs to break through first in order to advance to the next part of the inheritance.

Xi Yun has nothing left to do there, so he left but not before taking one last look at the enclosed space.

'This place is a very special thing to me, this place is the one that helps me in the future for far too many times.' Xi Yun thought after looking at it.

Without the help of the inheritance then he would have died and he might not have even managed to survive for far too long after leaving the clan.

Though he is very lucky that he managed to leave the clan amidst the disaster that they are in when he left, that is not only the disaster that will happen.

The Qin Mountain will face many disasters.

After arranging his thoughts again, Xi Yun left the place and erase the clues that he has been there.

As a demon emperor, it is very important not to give too much information or clues. It might lead to some disasters and he already got a taste of those disasters back then when he is still learning the way of the world.

After erasing his tracks, Xi Yun left the place and goes back to his dormitory. It is already midnight and there are only a few people outside.

On the way, he also noticed that aside from some places that are still open particularly the inn, there are no other stores that are still open.

The guards at the gate of the academy quickly let him enter and they didn't question him because they don't have the authority to do so.