
"Xi Yun come here! We are going to have a competition!" A bald burly man said while looking at Xi Yun who is dozing off under the shade of the tree in the training ground.

"Heh, why do you think I would agree to enter your competition? How much is the award anyways, 10 spirit stones? Do you think I am dirt poor that I would want that?" Xi Yun said with a sneer on his face which irritated the bald instructor that is calling him out.

"Then how about we bet? If you win the competition then I won't bother you anymore." The instructor said with a frown on his face.

"Do you truly think I care about whether you bother me or not? At the end of the day, you are just some noisy instructor who doesn't know the phrase 'Don't bother those who are sleeping." Xi Yun said and the sneer on his face is getting bigger and bigger.

"Whose phrase is that from? I haven't heard of that" The instructor said and his eyebrows curled up due to his unfamiliarity with the phrase.

"Mine of course," Xi Yun said and then he laughed at the instructor like he is some idiot before using the bag that the academy head gave to him as a pillow to rest.

"This... You truly are getting on my nerves! I will bet 50 spirit stones if you win the competition I will give it to you, but if you lose you have to completely obey my words" The instructor said while remembering the instructions of the academy head to him.

"Don't get provoked by Xi Yun or you will fall to his schemes, and he also doesn't like to do anything unless it involves a huge amount of spirit stones."

"So make sure that the rewards from the competitions in the sparring matches are low so that he won't show interest and he will just fell behind when it came to combat experience."

"Do it repeatedly until the students have managed to become second-rate martial artists so that Xi Yun won't be able to injure them easily."

Those are the advice of the academy head to him before he instructed the students about martial arts, it has already been two weeks and Xi Yun is still not even showing him an ounce of respect making him pissed off.

The instructor is hot-headed so in the end, he is pissed off at the attitude of Xi Yun and he disregarded the advice of the academy head to him.

"50 spirit stones? Are you really a spirit cultivator? Just how poor are you?" Xi Yun said not agreeing nor declining the offer.

Hearing what he said, the face of the instructor contorted due to anger. He has to teach Xi Yun a lesson he will never forget or he will be treated like this in the whole year he will be teaching the class.

"100 spirit stones. That's the best bet I can give, I will give it to the one who will win the competition" The instructor said after much thought.

As an instructor in the academy and also as a Tier 2 Spirit Cultivator he earns 200-300 spirit stones a month but he also has his own needs as a spirit cultivator. There is also the cost of feeding spirits, the higher their level, the higher the needs of the spirits.

So in the end, spirit cultivators are actually also in a rough situation that mortals won't understand, most mortals think that when you become a spirit cultivator you will rose to the ranks in the clan and you will be rich but in reality, you will only get poorer and poorer.

There is also the fact that they are basically risking their lives most of the time making it a not lucrative job, getting treated after getting injured costs high after all.

Mortals are only able to see the good side of being a spirit cultivator but not its bad side which is why if a spirit cultivator doesn't have a good spirit then it will mean that they pretty much won't be able to live a good life at all.

So when Xi Yun heard that the bet is 100 spirit stones, he pretty much agreed. That is already the limit that the instructor can give after he calculated in his head how much the value of the instructor is.

"Fine, I'll join." Xi Yun said while standing up and stretching his body a little bit before going to the platform where they will fight.

"Then you will be the first one to fight. Your goal is to defeat everybody here, that's how the rule will work." The instructor said, of course, he has to make sure that this competition won't go the way Xi Yun wanted it.

Now that the students have proper knowledge about martial arts they will be able to defeat Xi Yun no matter how strong he is. He is but one person against everyone.

"Alright, your competition your rules" Xi Yun said with a sneer on his face.

'You think these guys are strong enough to defeat me?' He thought.

When the students heard that he will be fighting they suddenly felt a burning rage due to how indignant they are when Xi Yun beat them badly.

Now is a good time for them to take revenge so their morale is quite high.

"Alright let's not waste time, pick the first one that will be your enemy," The instructor said and it looks like he didn't realize his blunder when he let him pick his enemy.

"No one is going to volunteer to be the first one to be my enemy? Then I'll choose you" Xi Yun said while pointing to a girl.

The girl is next to Xun Peng and she is acting chummy with him. She is very beautiful with her straight black hair and her face that can be said to be blessed by heaven itself.

"Yang Li be careful, surrender immediately so you won't get injured," Xun Peng said and a mix of worry can be seen on his face.

"Don't worry about me young master Xun Peng, if I can't even take care of myself then how will I be worthy enough to walk with the same path as you" The girl, Yang Li said with a sweet smile to Xun Peng which relieved him of some of his worries.

Soon she got up into the platform.

'Yang Li, the girl who ensnared Xun Peng. If I beat her up badly then that will provoke Xun Peng to act which will give me another opportunity to delay his cultivation a few more days' Xi Yun thought with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Alright, no dirty tricks are allowed. Once your enemy gives up, you should not continue and you should immediately stop your attacks" The instructor said to both of them.

Both of them cupped their fist and bowed to each other before the battle started.

Xi Yun attacked first and as expected, the girl quickly tried to dodge after finding out the trajectory of the punch based on her experience on the sparring lessons the past few days.

She managed to dodge it since Xi Yun isn't even serious with that punch, after she dodged though he became serious since the first punch is just to learn of her fighting style which pretty much tells about her personality being docile since she dodges even after he purposely left an opening for her to attack.

He concluded two things with that, it is either she has a passive personality or she is just blind not to see it.

Xi Yun concluded all of that in just a second so he threw a flurry of punches at fast speeds which she can't even dodge. She used her arms to cover the vital parts of her body but that is not enough.

The punches are not just fast but it also carries strong force.

Soon her defense is broken just after she covered her vital parts.

"I give..." Yang Li is about to say it but a punch approached her face not giving her a second to say it.

She fell down and her nose and mouth are bleeding due to the punch but Xi Yun made sure not to knock her out.

He still needs her to look pitiful for Xun Peng to get provoked.

"I give up, classmate Xi Yun I give up," Yang Li said with difficulty while she is on the ground looking all pitiful while touching Xi Yun's legs.

The punch has shaken her badly and after hearing that Xi Yun touches her hair and gently caressed her face before saying.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to suddenly drop down your arms. I promised to academy head that I will not injure someone when I get into a match again. I am truly sorry about this, I truly didn't expect you to drop your guard down" Xi Yun said while looking sympathetic to the girl.

Seeing what happened, the instructor quickly take a look at her and observed her injuries.

"It's just light injuries, the bones in your nose aren't broken or something so this is just light injuries. In the future light injuries is something that you will always encounter no matter how much careful you are." The instructor said after coming to a conclusion.

While down the platform, Xun Peng is clearly fuming in anger due to how badly her crush has been treated and he is jealous because even he hadn't touched her once yet Xi Yun did it before him.