Power of Love

Xi Yun continued on caressing her face gently and he took a look at the fuming Xun Peng, as expected he is fuming in anger and his eyes are bloodshot.

"Please treat those who are injured," The bald instructor said while looking at a woman the same age as him.

"No need to remind me, I know why I am here," The woman said.

They drag Yang Li out of the platform and soon the woman cured her injuries, her mouth and nose stopped bleeding after she used a healing spirit.

'So that is the woman responsible for treating the injured students, she is the same woman that should be treating the injuries of the students based on my past life memories.' Xi Yun thought realizing that not much have changed no matter what kind of mess he did.

"Alright next, go up whoever wants to participate." The instructor said and he saw Xun Peng rushing to the platform with his bloodshot eyes.

"Xi Yun! I know what you did! You intentionally strike her when she is about to give up! You are playing dirty!" Xun Peng said, shouting in anger while pointing fingers at Xi Yun.

"Why are you still not kicking him out of this competition? Isn't it clear that he still struck her despite the fact that she is about to give up!" Xun Peng said while this time he is pointing his fingers at the bald instructor.

"No need to get agitated by a simple fact, student Xi Yun's strike is fast and he has already launched it before she can finish her words so I won't blame him for it. Besides, it's just a small injury." The bald instructor said to the agitated Xun Peng.

"Why are you still helping him find a way out?" Xun Peng said feeling that the instructor ahead of him clearly knew what happened.

"I am fair, I have said the rules back then when sparring matches started that one must say that they gave up before the match can be forfeited and it is clear that the punch of Xi Yun has already reached her before she can even say it in the first place." The instructor explained, he doesn't have a good impression of Xi Yun but in the end, he is still an instructor and the academy head is always watching them so he has to be impartial.

"Tch, I will fight you! You better be prepared, I am sure to avenge my classmate" Xun Peng said while getting into a stance.

"My, my, why are you so agitated? Don't tell me that classmate Xun Peng fell in love with classmate Yang Li? Isn't your love progressing way too fast? It's only been two weeks since you meet classmate Yang Li and you have been ensnared by her right off the bat?" Xi Yun said while smiling evilly, provoking him more.

"What are you talking about? Besides you have no right to care for my personal relationship!" Xun Peng said agitatedly.

Meanwhile, below the platform, Yang Li who heard it blushed, and naturally the other students have noticed it.

"Whoah, so Brother Xun Peng have a little secret with classmate Yang Li"

"I didn't expect it but since classmate Yang Li is beautiful and caring then I am at ease that she and Brother Xun Peng will be with each other."

The boys said expressing their surprise at something that they have already noticed a long time ago. It is very easy to notice since the two of them have always been together.

The girls below the platform are jealous since if they can have Xun Peng then it will help them in the future after all, with Xun Peng's talent, he is bound to become the next clan leader sooner or later.

In their minds, though they have already accepted defeat to Yang Li, they only hope to at least join his harem in the future, even being a concubine is good enough.

"Hehe, classmate Xun Peng, did you know that classmate Yang Li's hair is smooth and very pleasant to touch. Her face is also very beautiful, when I touched and caressed her face I can't help but desire to keep her by myself. I will make sure to keep her mine in the future" Xi Yun said while whispering to the ear of Xun Peng so that others won't hear it.

As if it is the straw that draws the line, Xun Peng attacked just after he heard it. He already has enough of Xi Yun's provocation.

Although they are just at a point-blank range, Xi Yun deflected it easily. He is waiting for him to attack first and see how much he has improved.

Soon he is disappointed though, Xun Peng is only learning how to fight properly for only two weeks or three weeks at most so he hasn't managed to refine a fighting style that truly fits him.

He only knew the basics of punching, kicking, blocking, deflecting, all of which are very easy to do.

So after observing him, Xi Yun decided to end the fight, he doesn't have any reason to continue fighting him. He just wanted to see how much he is improving so that he can estimate his future plans since he will be the biggest competition of him in the academy's resources.

Xun Peng threw a punch on Xi Yun's face and Xi Yun dodged it by leaning to the side and he counterattacked. This is the first time he did a serious attack that will not probe the enemy's strength.

After leaning, Xi Yun got into a position to strike his guts and he calculated that in this position there is no way for Xun Peng to dodge it nor block it.

Soon it reaches his stomach making Xun Peng stop moving for a moment and Xi Yun took advantage of that by punching him hard in the face but not knocking him out. The academy head is watching so he can't injure someone seriously anymore, or he will have to find excuses again if he did.

In return, the academy head will make his movements in the academy much more limited since he will be observing him and it might backfire on him.

"Give up classmate Xun Peng, you are still not my match no matter how much you have improved." Xi Yun said while looking at Xun Peng who is on the ground struggling to get up.

That punch must have shaken his soul that he is shaking from the impact of it.

"No way! Xun Peng lost to Xi Yun who aren't even practicing!"

"How can this happen! I heard that the clan head has been instructing Xun Peng how to fight when he had heard of his defeat to Xi Yun"

"This is so weird! Xun Peng lost even though he has been instructed by the clan head!"

This time the students truly doubt Xun Peng's ability to fight but when they thought about how strong Xi Yun is when they first fight him, they concluded that he is strong and that Xun Peng is just weak, but in comparison to Xun Peng they are worse.

"Brother Peng please stand up! You can lose to anyone but not him!" Yang Li shouted while tears are falling from her face which gathered the attention of Xun Peng and others.

Xun Peng looked at her for a second and she said another thing "Please stand up! Win this match for me!"

Xun Peng stood up as if he is injected with chicken blood, he became highly aggressive and he looks like he is full of energy again.

'As expected from the son of heaven, you will just have some sudden powerups that will come out of nowhere.' Xi Yun said while looking at the bloodshot eyes and angry face of Xun Peng.

Looking at this Xi Yun just said one thing "So this is the so-called power of love? It is still nothing in front of the power of friendship"

Soon Xi Yun threw a flurry of punches to Xun Peng who just stood up and is still stabilizing himself.

He is hit by the flurry of punches that threw him out of the platform, he didn't even manage to show the true potential of the power of love before Xi Yun took him out.

At the same time, Xun Peng got some bruises all over his body but it is nothing serious, he will just need a day to recover. He isn't in mortal danger or anything, Xi Yun can beat Xun Peng as long as he doesn't put Xun Peng in grave danger.

"My, my, I didn't expect that I won't be able to hold back, I thought classmate Xun Peng is still quite strong and needs some more strikes before he falls. Who knows it will only take few strikes before he is thrown out." Xi Yun said while looking at the pitiful state of Xun Peng's body.

"Anyways, whose next? Come up here!" He said while waiting for the next contender.