Trouble Incoming

Soon, Xi Yun has destroyed their morale by defeating all of them. It took a long time since people are hesitating whether or not they will enter the fighting platform but in the end, they are forced by the instructor.

The instructor kept on provoking them by saying that they are cowards that don't deserve to be a spirit cultivator if they will continue on acting like a coward by not fighting Xi Yun.

After they heard of his provocation, some of them manned up and gathered courage but in the end, it is nothing, they still lost horribly.

After the academy, Xi Yun also claimed his first spirit from the treasury of the academy. There are quite some spirits in there, all of them are Tier 1 spirits and Xi Yun is asked to choose a spirit that will be his life-bound spirit.

He didn't hesitate to choose the wind blade spirit, there are many reasons for it. First of all, it is easy to feed and is unique to the clan. He is also very familiar with the said spirit since it is his life-bound spirit in his past life.

He knew many paths to make the wind blade spirit stronger since it is his life-bound spirit, once he advanced a stage he also needs to make sure that his life-bound spirit will be able to advance in the same stage as him.

This spirit has been with him to many disasters and he knew many ways how to use it so there is no need to use other spirits with which he isn't very familiar.

Sure he has knowledge with the said spirit but in the end, to properly maximize the spirit's power, one has to be familiar and understand it properly.

'Time to refine the Wind Blade Spirit' Xi Yun thought while taking out a very thin piece of jade stone in the shape of a crescent moon.

This is the Wind Blade Spirit, it is an artificial spirit created by the clan meaning that it is unique to the clan. Almost every faction in this world has an artificial spirit unique to them since common spirits are very easy to counter.

The spirit is in the shape of a crescent moon since if one uses it, it will release a wind blade capable of killing someone.

The jade is also green in color and most of the time the wind blade that will be released from this spirit will be mixed with a green aura signifying the identity of the spirit.

Xi Yun refined it using the aura of the Celestial Demonic Moth, when the aura enveloped the spirit, it didn't try to resist. It entered Xi Yun's soul vessel without any problem and Xi Yun instructed it to place its power in his right hand.

The spirit obeyed his command and soon there is a familiar tattoo in his right hand. The tattoo looks exactly like the Wind Blade Spirit, and with this Xi Yun confirmed that he can now freely use the power of the Wind Blade Spirit using his right hand.

'I need to test things out, looks like I need to visit the inheritance ground if I wanted to test my spirit.' Xi Yun thought while standing up from his lotus position.

Right now he is in the academy's dormitory and it will take him 30 minutes to arrive in the inheritance ground.

It is still afternoon, there are still quite sometime before night falls so he quickly hurried to the inheritance ground.


Meanwhile, at Xing Family Villa.

An old man can be seen reading some bamboo slips when suddenly the door in his room is opened.

"My granddaughter Xing Yuan, how many times do I have to tell you to knock before opening the damn door." The elder said while frowning and closing the bamboo slip that he is reading.

"Grandpa! You better explain to me the bruises on Xing Huang's body!" Xing Yuan said in a fit of anger.

Xing Yuan is still quite young but she is already showing signs of a body of a maturing woman. Couple with her delicate face she is quite a beauty that many men will die for.

"What do I need to tell you other than the fact that it happened because your brother is weak?" The elder said.

"Is that truly something that you are supposed to be saying to your grandson?" Xing Yuan said in disbelief.

"No, I am saying this as the Xing Family Head. It will be better for your brother to get beaten over and over in the academy so that he will realize the dark side of this world." The elder said while opening another bamboo slip. He is not even bothering to look at her granddaughter.

"If he realizes that he is weak while he is still at the academy then it will be beneficial for him, if he realized that he is weak in the wilds then chances are he might not return in one piece." The elder added.

"But grandpa, Xing Huang's injuries in comparison to the injuries that one should have when they entered the academy is not normal at all!" Xing Yuan said trying to contradict her grandfather.

"Just let him grow by himself, there are just some things that our family won't be able to teach him. Just look at him, when he got beaten badly and easily at that, he suddenly became a hard worker." The elder said.

"Your brother stopped being lazy for once. He is filled with fighting spirit so if you interfered in his matter now it will only leave dissatisfaction to him in the future if he isn't the one that will be able to settle his grievances to his rival." The elder added while taking a serious look at her granddaughter.

"Also, don't try to touch Xi Yun, he is a very cunning child. I have heard that he is exploiting the rules of the academy at his will and even the academy head is having trouble dealing with him. I want to have him to our faction once he becomes a Tier 2 Spirit Cultivator, he is very intelligent and your brother will be needing his mind in the future"

"Tch, if this is your way to settle these things then I also have my own ways," Xing Yuan said before leaving.

"Don't try to instigate him." The elder shouted so that Xing Yuan can hear him.


Xi Yun soon arrived at the inheritance ground, he touched the stone walls that hides the inheritance of the Devil Wine and it soon opened.

It took him quite some time to arrive here since he also has to erase his tracks just to hide the Devil Wine's inheritance to others. If the clan knew that he is trying to conquer this inheritance then he will be an outcast and sooner or later the elders and even the clan head will act, he will die if that were to happen.

He entered the walls and he is back again, seeing the familiar corpse of the Devil Wine.

After that there is another stone wall where he has to inject his spiritual essence, he quickly got in front of the walls and puts a small amount of his spirit essence into the wall.

Soon a mechanism worked and it opened, just as it opened Xi Yun quickly used the Wind Blade Spirit.

A sharp wind in an arc shape is formed in front of Xi Yun and he sent it inside.

The inside is lighted up by the green aura showing three bats with red eyes resting in the cave.

The sleeping bats woke up due to the disturbance that Xi Yun did and when they heard Xi Yun's footsteps entering the stone walls, they quickly fly and tried to attack him.

"Tier 1 Blood Bats, these are the pests that almost killed me back then." Xi Yun said and the surroundings are very dark so he can't see properly.

There isn't anything that can light up the place so he can't do anything but rely on his other senses. These are the purpose of this test, the Devil Wine wanted him to use his other senses to defeat this blood bats which likes to drink the blood of its victims and not even trying to eat the meat of them.

"I only have a few spiritual essence, I need to end this quickly if I want to leave this place. I am safe as long as I get back to my starting point, these blood bats hate lights but they can still bear with it, if worse comes to happen I can retreat." Xi Yun thought while locating the flying blood bats.

Soon he heard them flapping their wings and some wind hit his left face so he looked in that direction and summoned out a wind blade which beheaded the blood bat which are only 12 inches tall.

"One down, two to go," Xi Yun said, the only problem dealing with this blood bat is their numbers, there are only three of them at the start but it will get more and more sooner or later.