I Am Your God

Just after he beheaded the first blood bat, he felt the wind from two directions. The wind can't be felt easily since blood bats' wings are quite good at hiding sounds and when it flaps its wings it only changes the direction of the winds gently, he can locate it because of his accurate senses.

One is on his back and another is just above him, using this information, Xi Yun deduced their location accurately.

He sent two wind blades, it cut one blood bat into two but the other one managed to dodge it, making it a chance for the last blood bat to get near Xi Yun.

Xi Yun saw it after he uses the wind blade, the green aura illuminated the dim cave a little bit.

The blood bat is just near his face and it already opens its mouth but before it can even get near him, Xi Yun punched its ugly face with a strong force.

After that punch a shockwave soon followed that destroyed the blood bat completely, its body exploded and it flustered to the cave walls.

'As expected, Wind Blade Spirit is truly fascinating. I can launch a shockwave in a form of a wind blade completely destroying my enemy in a close combat battle, this technique will only work if you have proper control on the spirit and so much practice, or else your hands will also be destroyed.' Xi Yun thought while smiling remembering the times that his hands are destroyed again and again just by trying this technique.

He only perfected this after fighting for so long, it is his weakness back then. The Wind Blade Spirit is a long-range attack spirit, he lacks a spirit that he can use in close combat so he thought of trying to use the Wind Blade Spirit as something that can be used to close combat to cover his weakness.

After all, if your main attack spirit is a long-range attack spirit then if someone gets near you it will be hard for you to attack and you will be screwed. One will be forced to defend passively so this is the reason why Xi Yun thought of this idea.

'I only have 20% spirit essence left on my soul vessel, it is truly frustrating that I can only fill my soul vessel by 44% spirit essence. I need to return now and recover, continuing now will be an idiotic and reckless idea.' Xi Yun thought while going back near the corpse of the Devil Wine.

He gets near there and took out the stuff that he brings to the inheritance ground. He took out light stones from his bag that he brought and then he get backs to the dim straight passage to where he fought the blood bats.

He put it in the walls of the cave illuminating the dim passageway a little bit, it is still dark but it should suffice for now. Xi Yun didn't go too deep, there might be some blood bats in the passageway if he decided to continue so in the end he only managed to light up 5 meters of the passageway.

He has no choice, this is the fastest and safest choice. If he tried to pass this passageway without any proper lighting then the blood bats will just keep on returning to the entrance of the passageway and when that happens it will take him too much time since blood bats will just multiply at dark places.

He has learned of it way too late so he will prevent it from happening now.

'This will be too much work, but it will save me some time to get the next spirit that the Devil Wine prepared for me.' Xi Yun thought before going back to the stone wall and closing it again.

Xi Yun took all his stuff and left the inheritance ground again.

He erased all his tracks, it becomes a habit of his since it is a very dangerous task when someone can learn of your intentions and when he is in the wilderness, it is only common sense to erase your tracks if you don't want to be troubled with too many problems.

After getting back to Zhang Clan's village, Xi Yun roamed the market area first to but the spirit jade grass, the food of Wind Blade Spirit before going to the inn. It is still quite early for the night and Xi Yun can hear his stomach rumbling from hunger.

He only eats two times a day, one in the morning and the other at the night to save some spirit stones. Spirit Cultivators needs to eat nutritious foods that will nourish their bodies so the food that he ate are quite expensive.

He entered the Bamboo Wine Innery where he becomes a regular customer.

Just after entering one servant quickly recognized him.

"Young master Xi Yun please take a seat at this empty table. Please tell me your order young master and I will serve it to you" The servant said near him and he guided him to one of the empty tables.

"Just give me the usual, also prepare a bath for me," Xi Yun said after entering.

"You mean the special dish of our innery today young master? Then this servant will quickly assist you in your order!" The servant said before bowing and quickly going to talk to the chef of the inn before preparing his bath.

Just a few moments time and the servant quickly returned.

"Young Master Xi Yun, I have already prepared your bath. You can go there now, I have already prepared everything." The servant said.

Xi Yun stood up but not before giving him a spirit stone which only has a fourth of spirit essence left but still, the servant is still very happy to receive it which is the reason for the servant's grateful face.

For Xi Yun, the spirit essence left in the spirit stones doesn't have any value left but to the mortals, it is still some value for them. They can exchange it for some silver coins which are the currency of mortals.

Xi Yun got into the place where the bath should be, it is not a luxurious bathroom but it is still enough to give him some privacy. He needed to do this since there is a thick smell of blood within him.

It is nothing ordinary since he is a spirit cultivator, it is in the nature of their job to get blood flustered on their clothes and their bodies on a daily basis but he needs to clean himself so that the people in the academy will be clueless about what he is doing.

Xi Yun finished his stuff and he got back to his table where after the servant saw him he quickly gave him his order.

"Please enjoy your meal young master," The servant said while retreating to the entrance to wait for other customers.

The meal is nutritious but its taste is not the best, Xi Yun have eaten many delicacies so this meal can only be called a so-so.

Xi Yun is enjoying his meal when suddenly a huge rough hand touches his shoulder which irritated him.

He took a look at who it is only to realize that it is a burly mortal man.

"You gave me some trouble, Zhang Xi Yun. Our young miss is here today to show you how much you have sinned." The man said with arrogance and a smirk on his face.

Hearing that Xi Yun lost his appetite all of a sudden, there are still some food left on his plate but due to how rude the mortal man sounded Xi Yun felt pissed.

So he did what he will do when someone spoils his mood in eating.

He took the glass plate, stood up, and then he smacked the burly man's face using the plate.

Some fish bones stick to the man's face and rice entered his nose.

The plate is broken, the man is surprised by the sudden action of Xi Yun, he didn't even bother talking he just gave him a smack to the face which left him no room to react. This is not how it should go right? After all, people from the Zhang Clan should always be civilized and talk things out.



The glass plate is broken and fell to the ground.

The man gets into the ground and he coughed and the rice stuck on his nose gets out when he sneezed. He also removes the strong fishbone that is sticking on his face but he is not injured or anything.

He is still a martial artist, although he is only a mortal human so he still has a thick skin for a normal mortal.

"You! You brat wants to humiliate me! Do you not know who my master is?" The man said while looking at Xi Yun angrily.

'You aren't even going to bother talking things and hear me out, just how civilized are you?' The man said angrily.

"I don't care," Xi Yun said while this time throwing the bowl of hot soup on his face.

The man dodged the fast bowl which quickly shattered after it hit the ground but some hot soup hit his face.

"Fuck! You truly don't want to give respect to my master! I will kill you" The man said before standing up.

"Who said that I have to give respect to the servant of someone? You are just a mortal and I am a spirit cultivator so I am your God" Xi Yun said and he looks straight at the eyes of the man.