The red rose man's help (3)

xx: Why photo? That's too cliche, darling.

xx: I want to ask something a bit naughty. I don't want you to feel like I'm a creep.

xx: So I want you to drop me the clothes you wore to school today.

xx: You wore a plaid shirt, right? I bet you haven't washed it yet. Drop it outside, at the back door. I'll pick it up and replace it with a box of crystal meth. 

Oh, come on! What kind of high-level creep can you be! Why would you want my sweaty-ass plaid shirt? You know, at this point, I'd rather give you my photo.

Even my baby photo, I didn't mind it!

Wait, the baby photo sounded even grosser than before, never mind then.

Emmy: Fine, do you want me to drop it now?

xx: Yes, I bet Mom is already sleeping at this hour, right? 

Emmy: Stop making it as if he's your Mom!