The red rose man's help (4)

xx: Do you think I'll leave so soon? I keep waiting until you open the door, darling. So I can see your beautiful eyes, hair, face before I return.

xx: Thank you for the shirt. I'll treasure it. 

xx: I love you.

The phone dropped out of my hand. I didn't have any more strength to hold it. At this point, I felt like my world was spinning around, and I would faint anytime soon, but I tried to hold it because I might actually faint. 

And if Mom saw me fainting in the early morning with a box of suspicious stuff in my hand, then I'd be done for. 

Oh god, I didn't know what that man wanted, but his method of trying to chase me was definitely wrong. 

I picked up my phone and that suspicious black box that he gave me as a trade. I got up from the ground by holding onto anything I could grab right now. I didn't want to stay here even longer, afraid that Mom might wake up for a drink and found me lying on the ground.