Chapter 2: Soul

Sion turned around.. he was now facing the object he wished for so much. It was something that would change his life.

It was a rune, dark green in colour. Some writings were on it, but Sion couldn't read them no matter how hard he tried; he never went to school or had any education at all. Everything he learned was from other prisoners.

[ Ominous whispers started ]

Sion was hearing something, he couldn't decipher a single word..

[ STAB ]

Sion started losing consciousness, the wounds were much worse than he thought.

He was looking into the rune in front of him. It gave him a very strong, ominous impression.

[ Whispers became clearer with each second ]

" Take me~ " was heard with blowing wind

Sion was aware this wasn't just a power up, his guts were telling him that he shouldn't take it, and is better off dying.


[ Whispers stop ]

Sions hand was on top of the rune.

He clenched it in his hand.

" Isn't.. isn't it about time you do something? " Sion asked the rune


Area enlightened, Sion's hand started flaming inside his palm. He felt as if rune is... entering his body, just like the needles in past 17 years.

His veins momentarily glowed with dark green light. He felt a touch on his right shoulder. He turned around-

No one was there. Light stopped emitting from him. But the rune was gone.

He looked at his hand, and he saw a mark he never saw before. He didn't quite understand what the mark meant.

[ Noise, armour ringing ]

Sion looked around, he was no longer on any hill, he was much closer to Ravensborrow than he was just a moment ago.

He was confused by so many things happening so suddenly, he just lied back.

And he did, so he got even more confused. He had 2 arrows sticking from his back. But... he didn't?

His wounds were gone as well.

[ SLAP ]

Sion slapped his cheeks with both hands, it's important to assess the situation, he thought.

" Hey, you! " voice yelled

" Huh? " Sion turned around

It was a guard from Ravensborrow.

" What are you doing here, who are you? "

" What do you mean? I'm no one- " he looked at his hands closer

They were much more built up. They were muscular even. He wore different clothes, it was a white robe with green edges. It had a gold symbol of dragon on his chest. It looked like an ancient family crest.

" I'm- Sion... My name is Sion " he looked at the guard

" Well I don't care about your name, an important prisoner of our escaped, he's injured, you've seen him maybe? Or any blood perhaps? " guard asked

Sion wondered whose body is this...

And what was it capable of...

He raised his hand towards the guard-

" Fire!!!!! " he yelled


Nothing happened.

" You've hit your head boy? " guard looked in confusion

Sion took a deep breath, time to try something else it seems.

" Flame! Destroy! Vanish! Energyyyyyyyy~ " he whispered through his teeth

Guard stood few meters from him, watching the maniac yell at top of his long, sometimes whispering random words.

[ Wind blew ]

" Haha! I did it, I summoned wind! " he yelled

** No he didn't **

" You're a crazy man, if you don't move I'll cut you down " guard unsheathed his sword

" Well I'll- I'll fight you! " Sion raised his hands up

But all of a sudden, he felt a touch on his shoulder again.

" Who the hell- "

As he turned around, world shifted. He stood under a dark night sky and on a field that stretched as far as eye can see. Stars and moon were only source of light here.

" W-Where am I?!" Sion screamed terrified

" Calm down~" voice spoke

Sion turned around but couldn't see anyone.

" Sh-Sho.... Show yourself! " Sion turned in panic

A figure descended from the sky, it wore exactly the same robe as Sion did.

" I am thee Rune, I am the one whose pow'rs and compliment extern thee've tooketh~" the figure responded

Sion looked at him, but didn't understand a single word.

" Bid me knave, doth thee wisheth to und'rstand of mine own pow'rs? " figure spoke


" CAN YOU SPEAK NORMAL LANGUAGE!? " Sion fell to the ground, his brain was overheating

Figure didn't respond the way Sion thought he would. He expected pity and disgust. But the figure laughed.

" A simple minded host huh? " figure laughed

" I am Rune, you've guessed it- soul of the rune you've picked up just now " Rune said

Sion's face lit up.

" That's... cool " Sion said

" It is, it is cool- hahaha! " Rune laughed as his long white robe and long white hair covered his face with occasional wind blowing.

" Sit down Sion, this will be a long, tough lection- I shall teach your everything about me, my powers and duties you have now "

Sion saw thousands of evil people in the past. Rune beared no evil in him, he decided to trust him. He sit down and crossed his legs.

" Well, Sion u ready? " he smiled and clapped his hands

[ Wind stopped, night switched to day ]

" To clear everything up, this is my realm, it exists within you " he said

" You're able to enter here from now on by calling my name. Remember that, you will find great use on my name- "

Sion looked with joy on his face.

" I am Rune, there exists very few such as me, unfortunately I am known as one of the lesser Runes, you're unlucky I guess- " he said with a clearly a fake smile

Sion made an angry face.

" Hey, I'll make you strong, so ya' just worry on making me strong, okay-! " Sion exclaimed

Rune's face lit up, he looked as if for the first time ever a nice words were spoken to him.

" Thank you, I shall do my best, Sion " he bowed his head

" I'll continue now- "

He crossed his legs on the floor, just like Sion did.

" I posses 5 different powers, and let me tell you... You'll find great usage in them" he grinned a bit

A moon like light appeared behind Rune, he opened his hand as if expecting a hug.

" First power, Right of The Weakest-!"

" The greater difference in energy capacity, the more powerful I get- or in this case, you get " Rune said

Sion realised that that ability is like made for him. He possesses great energy, and now he's finally having use of it.

" Third power, Justice Ground "

Sion was bit confused why he skipped the second one but he continued listening.

" This is a passive ability Sion, you don't need to activate it. " he explained

" If there is a being with more energy than you in your proximity, his energy level is decreased to match yours " he crossed his hands

Sion was excited for the ability. But his face didn't lit up, he heard it correctly.. There are others with more energy than himself.

" Fourth power, Collection! "

" Collection allows for 2 things; first one is allowing you to use this realm for storing any item you find, as long as "it" posseses energy, it can be transferred here, to my world.. " he leaned forward

" Don't worry, this realm is infinite, feel free to send me cool stuff all the time " he giggled

Sion smiled as well.

" Well, the other thing Collection allows for is passive absorption of any high density energy around you.. " Rune said

" Touching other runes, magical items or entering locations with great energy amounts will strengthen you far more than a regular human.. " he uncrossed his arms

" Energy based attacks might also prove less effective on you, and they might even strengthen you.. but don't rely on this ability as a nullification for all energy, it simply absorbs it over time... any energy based attack is usually too fast to be absorbed that quickly "

Sion was looking at him as a respected teacher, which Rune kind of was at the moment.

" What is the fifth one? " Sion asked

" Hoho- it's called, Fifth power, Life cycle " Rune smiled

" That one is my favourite " he whispered

[ Wind blew again ]

" It allows me, to momentarily steal all energy that exists in area of 13 meters of you " Rune was shaking, he wasn't cold or scared, just happy

" You see, energy for me is like a warm meal for a prisoner.. no offense " Rune continued

" It truly makes me feel, fulfiled- "

[ ZAP ]

Sion stood up, bowed down and stopped like that.

" Oh-? " Rune wondered

" Thank you.. thank you for choosing me.. I- I won't disappoint you.. I'll make both of us strong and- and.. I'll feed you to lots' of good energy! " Sion let down a tear, he was truly grateful

Rune stood up, and bowed back down.

" I shall watch your growth- and assist you with all my power " Rune said humbly

Sion straighten himself up.. but Rune didn't.

" Sion.. Second power, Reaper's touch- " Rune was visibly shaken

" The reason I'm here now, is my former host discarding me.. because of this ability.. "

Sion listened.

" I've murdered a country with this ability, he wasn't fazed.. but I... killed his family using this.. it wasn't on purpose, he released the Second power on accident, but he blamed me.. and it is my power, so he's right- " Sion starred at the floor

" Reaper's touch is another passive ability, it immediately drains those of less energy than yourself on touch, leaving them dead. "

Sion's eyes widened.

Rune stood silently.

" It's a cursed power for you, Second power was used in past by tyrants and kings. It reaped lives on battlefield. It is made for evil Sion- "

" Rune.. I won't use you for evil, trust me " Sion grinned.

Their long conversation was slowly leading to an end.