Chapter 3: Power

Rune and Sion were taking a walk now.

" There are few more things you need to know, since you had no education at all " Rune said

Sion was visibly annoyed and ashamed, but there is nothing he could do, Rune was right.

" There are 6 Classes;

6th Class of humans, Xioerttems.. you, Sion.. Xioerttems are being used as fuel for machines and equipment, I'm sure you know that already.

5th Class of humans, Suberttems.. those are just regular civilians. Not much can be said..

4th Class of humans, Santerttems.. Most of the military is composed of these, some Hunters also belong in this group-..."

Sion was giving his all to remember everything. Some things were still unclear though.

" Who are Hunters? " Sion asked

Rune stoped walking.

" W-Whats' up now? " he asked

Rune sighed and continued walking.

" You really are clueless, I never expected that you wouldn't know anything about outside world. " he continued

" This world is inhabited by many creatures Sion, us Runes, are one of many.. Hunters are humans that hunt such beings, much more dangerous for us monsters than for humans. " Rune explained

Sion understood this completely, for his own surprise.

" There is time for that, it's better to find out about Hunters on your own, but knowing all the Classes, is much more important- "

" Mhm " Sion shook his head

" 3rd Class of humans, Gaerttems.. it gets really tricky from here, I'm assured your energy levels are equal to that of a 3rd Class, maybe even lowly 2nd Class.. many Special Hunters, governors, military leaders and expert blacksmiths can be found in this Class.. remember, difference in each rank can be vast..

2nd Class of humans, Erttems.. Captains and Generals of militaries can be found here.. usually, high ranking government staff are here as well... Most expertise Hunters that can be hired are located here-... " he took a short break

Sion's eyes were wide open. He looked like a child waiting to open presents on his birthday.

" 1st Class of humans, Royals... 8 families, 40 members.. that's it Sion, those are all the members of this Class.. Only one that kills a Royal, is another Royal.. Each of them are capable of annihilating Ravensborrow to dust in seconds.. " Rune looked serious

Sion looked serious as well, but his face also showed determination. It was clear he planned on breaking the system down. Rich are living on the suffering of poor. Strong are being called strong because they would defeat the weak.

" Yeah I've got my goal now.. " Sion said

" Huh? " Rune looked at him

Sion laughed.

" Imma' gather a bunch of real' weak people, and I'll crumble the strong to dust! " Sion exclaimed

Rune looked confused, proud maybe, but confused.

" S-Sion that doesn't make sens-.. "

" I'm aware of that, it ain't stopping me " he kept the serious face

Rune giggled a bit. He approached Sion, and put one hand on his chest.

" Better get some allies then- "


World started to crumble, sky got ripped and land twisted. All of a sudden, Sion was standing in the Fairy forest. A guard was standing in front of him, holding a sword in his hand.

~Ah, so time stops when I'm there huh? Neat ability, Rune.

" Damn freak, you oppose me? I am a Ravensborrow soldier! Opposing the military huh, then die! " Guard rushed at Sion

[ Green aura coats around Sion ]

~Do it Rune

[Abilities added: Right of The Weakest, Reapers touch, Justice Ground, Collection, Life cycle ]

Sion raised his arm forward.

" Give me something Rune! " he clenched his fist

[ Ability Collection activated, Gilanndi sword received ]

A greenish blade with black handle appeared in Sion's hand as he clenched his fist.


Sion deflected guards sword pretty easily.

" You must be pretty weak huh? I clearly feel the difference between us " Sion said

Guard's mouth was wide open, he couldn't believe how easily he got overwhelmed.

" D-die scum! " guard rushed

As guard was passing by, Sion dodged. Sion's hand touched the guards neck on accident in hoping of spinning around him.


[ Ability Reapers touch activated ]

Guard fell down on the floor, dead. He had no energy left in him. Sion absorbed every single drop of it.

" Damn, I didn't mean to kill him first.. " Sion sighed

[ Runes voice spoke: This is your first kill Sion, you seem pretty calm ]

" Huh, oh. Well yeah, I planned on killing all these bastards anyway, I just had someone else in mind.. " he shrugged his shoulders and continued walking towards Ravensborrow.

[ Ability Collection activated, Gilanndi sword stored ]

" Hey Rune, I must be looking pretty cool in this robe, don't I eh'? " he said while checking his clothes

[ Runes voice: It's my robe, of course you look cool Sion ]

Both of them giggled. Gates of Ravensborrow were close. Sion knew once he entered there he would need some allies first.

" Hey Rune, I'll crack open the prisoners out of their cells, afterwards... I'll shatter the Inner wall.. "

[ Runes voice: You're planning on starting a war between Outers and Inners? ]

" Just to buy me enough time to blow up main tower, all energy this harbor has is coming from there.. if I destroy the main tower, guards will lose their connection with their blades that are infused with the tower's energy" he said while walking towards the gate

[ Runes voice: Be careful, we don't know who are what may be kept there, I've seen your memories. You've only accessed first two floors and basement. If they are having a Class 3 human, we need to run. Not to mention the fact Hunters could prove to be super effective on you now. Bearers of Runes aren't regular humans. ]

Sion heard Rune, but hardly anything stuck inside his head.

As Sion entered the Ravensborrow, first thing he noticed was a broken sandal near the entrance. People were being dragged by guards along the streets in search of Sion. Guards were swarming the houses searching for him. He truly meant a lot to the harbor. But despite that, Sion took a nice, slow walk through the main street. He watched guards looking at him and none was able to recognise him.

" Rune, let me clear these scums " he looked at guards with disgust on his face.

[ Runes voice: Don't be a fool! Head toward the prison, and do it fast, longer you wait, more they will suffer.. ]

Sion moved through crowds of people in the streets, he was close to the prison in just few minutes. His speed raised drastically, he could feel it.

" Rune. "

[ Ability Collection activated, Gilanndi sword received ]

Sion ran into the prison, he cut through each cell door not looking who was inside. Ravensborrow had very low crime rate, people were being thrown in a prison massively though, just because they opposed government and guards.

" Go, head for the Inner wall, Ravensborrow becomes free today! " Sion yelled

Prisoners ran outside. They were all waiting for this day as much as Sion did. No one questioned anything, every citizen was willing to give his life in name of freedom.

" Finally... " said Sion

" I finally have power-! " he said with a smile on his face.