Chapter 4: He's a problem

Sion took a few breaths, everything was happening so fast.

" Rune, make all the abilities excluding 4th and 5th one passive " he said, " I will need all of them soon "

[ Abilities Right of The Weakest, Reapers touch, Justice Ground activated, passive mode ]

Sion rushed towards after the prisoners, quickly taking a lead over them, he headed for the Inner wall. He knew that breaking that wall would cause panic in military troops and give him enough time to crash down the main tower.

~Damn, I need to do this much faster, people are dying..

He rushed even faster, he ran past some citizens so fast some of them fell down or made a full spin around themselves. He ran faster and faster, to a point he couldn't control himself. And by a mere coincidence-


Sion crashed in a young girl in middle of a road. Both of them were now lying on a ground.

" Oh geez, sorry, I'm-.. still getting used to all of this.. Are you okay? " Sion stood up and was trying to get rid of the dust on his robe.

As he looked down on the girl on the floor, something clicked in him again, just like the moment he ran for the item in the forest.

What he saw was, most beautiful women he ever met in his life-..

** He didn't met many either **

Her eyes were black, she had pair of broken glasses still on, they probably broke on impact. She wasn't any older than him. She had long, messy and curly brown hair. She was much shorter than Sion, at first, she had no feminine curves to her, but that didn't faze Sion. What fazed Sion was aura she was giving, it was like a warm hug. Sion just realized he could now sense energy around himself. But among thousands of people in the street, her was special, warmer. Her clothes reminded of Sion's just few hours ago, they were dusty and torn. Her clothes reached to her knees, barely covering them. She was bare feet at the moment.

" Eghm! S-sorry-! " she squeaked, she was intimidated by Sion's height and robe.

Sion was way too captivated by her looks to respond immediately, if he stared for few more seconds, he might forget the already-simple-plan for taking down the wall.

" It's- okay.. I should've been more careful-... " he was taking too much time, he couldn't afford to lose any more of it.

" Keep moving, you'll find me at Inner gate in about 15 minutes-.. " he didn't know her name

" Shu-... m-my name is Shu-.. " she responded quietly

" Stay safe Shu " he turned around and vanished in the crowd

[ A several moments later ]

He stood underneath the Inner gate, thousands of people gathered in front of them, but they were tightly shut. Guards pulled back to the Inner district, it was most likely swarming with them. Sion looked around, citizens were weak, hungry and pale. But they were furious, they all wanted to use the moment a mysterious someone caused for them and began rioting. Just like that, third time a switch clicked in Sion, he changed his mind. If he was to break the Inner wall, casualties would be too massive. He never talked with those people, but they never did him any harm. Taking their lives wasn't a option he wanted. He rolled a barrel over and climbed on it.

" Hear me, citizens of the Ravensborrow, hey, hey!! " he tried to get their attention, he waved his hands and tried to shush them.

His white robe on the wind and reflection form the gold symbol on his chest got everyone's attention.

" Retreat to safety, I'll open the gate, guards may try to launch a counter attack so I need everyone to get away as far as you can. Hear me? " Sion said calmly. Not a single person ran away.

Sion realised it won't be easy to convince everyone to run away, so he came up with a plan. He jumped down and walked to the front gate. He placed one hand on the massive, wooden gate that was supported from inside with several iron beams. He closed his eyes, and clearly sensed energy cycling inside of him. In an instant, he sent all the energy in his palm and-..


Gate blew up into pieces, tens of guards flew into air from the impact. Massive Inner wall was shaking along with the ground. Sion took a deep breath. He slowly looked over his shoulder to citizens standing behind him.

" Go, I got this " he said while his eyes were reflecting a greenish light.

Citizens first took a few steps back slowly. Turned around and everyone headed for the ships at the harbor. What is the best way to run away from harbor? Steal the boats obviously.

" That's good, everyone is safe now.. More work for me though " Sion said as he looked into depths of Inner district. It was filled with guards, hundreds? Thousands?

It didn't even matter, Sion knew not a single one of them would spare him if situation was reversed.

Sion took a step forward. Guards responded with a step back.

" Oh? That so? " Sion smirked


In an instant, one guard's armour shattered as Sion punched him in the stomach. No guard was able to follow him considering his speed.

Punched guard flew several meters into the air. As he was falling back down, Sion kicked him just a moment before he hit the ground and sent him flying through tens of houses in the Inner district.

[ Runes voice: Don't overwork yourself, we don't know to what extent you can use my powers yet ]

~That's right, thanks Rune!

Guards suddenly rushed at him, 8 guards were in front of him with axes and sword in the air. Sion raised his arm in front of them.

[ Ability Collection activated, Gilanndi sword received ]

Axes and swords shattered when they came in contact with Sion's sword. One clean swipe left all the guards falling to the ground and bleeding out. It was weird.. Sion felt no sadness doing this, he also felt as if he was fighting for thousands of years before this fight. Sword felt great in his hand. Using Rune was also pretty easy.

" Rune tell me, is it supposed to be this way? I'm-... I'm too good at this.. " Sion looked at the sword he was holding.

[ Runes voice: Consider it a blessing, you are gifted for combat. It seems there WAS a talent in you after all. ]

Sion raised his head up at the guard that was rushing at him. Guard clapped his hands and mumbled something. Before Sion could move, 12 golden pillars appeared around him and a golden lid was placed on top of them. Sion was standing in a golden cage.

" We got you know freak! " guard laughed

[ Ability Collection activated ]

Sion walked up to one of the pillars and laid his hand on one of them. Pillars started shaking and vanishing along with the lid. He absorbed all the energy from the pillars using the Collection ability. Guard made a few steps back and shivered in shock.

" A freak huh? " Sion took a step forward, " sounds good.. ".


He was standing next to the guard, his robe was still floating in the air behind him from his immense speed. Sion gently touched guards neck and continued walking towards the main tower. Guard fell down on the ground, completely drained of energy.

Many guards remained in the main street. Sion was quickly scanning through each of them. He was thinking of a way to end this quickly. As he was walking closer to then, he felt his power growing, cause of this was Right of The Weakest it further increases his power weaker his opponent is than him.


His kick made a guard flying through a house. With a spin and a kick, he took down a second guard behind him. Several archers were standing next to the main tower. They fired several arrows at Sion. He picked up a guard he knocked down a moment ago and held him in front of him to take all the hits from fired arrows.

He threw him aside and punched next guard in the face. Guard flew several metres while spinning.

Axe suddenly appeared in front of Sion, someone threw it at him. He crouched back and slid on his knees beneath it. He jumped up and threw his Gilanndi sword at the guard whose axe he dodged. As guard was pierced and falling down, Sion pulled the sword out and continued forward.

Sion looked up at the tower. He saw a silhouette on a window at the top floor of the tower. It was just looking at him, he felt it had serious presence, whoever that may be, it won't be easy cutting it down.


He blocked a sword from a guard. He dodged twice and cut him down. Another round of arrows has been fired at him. He deflected 3 of them with his sword, one passed through his robe, grazing his arm.

" Tsk! " he said through his teeth, he was mad they tore his cool robe. He took his sword for its handle as if he was holding a spear. He took few steps back and then rushed several in front-

He threw his Gilanndi sword again, this time at the archers. His sword pierced one archer and sent him flying through dozens of houses, maybe even reaching the other side of Inner wall. Archers were trying to load their arrows as fast as possible to take Sion down quicker.

Sion fought several guards at once at this point, as he got further to the tower, more and more guards were appearing. Behind him dead bodies were pilling, leaving no one alive. Sion still made mistakes, sometimes he would slip or run bit too fast and crush into a house.

" They just.. " he dodged a sword and kicked a guard " ..keep coming! " he picked up a sword from a dead guard and continued fighting.

[ Runes voice: Thought so, these guys are giving you troubles Sion. If that silhouette up there is Class 3 or higher, you're having no chance here. Remember, only your energy is in 3rd Class. Your fighting abilities, aren't. You're currently fighting 5th and 4th Class guards. A higher ranking 4th Class may be a problem as well. ]

Sion agreed. He was fighting well, but he felt it wasn't as easy as he expected. His robes had several cuts in it at this point. Guards surrounded him, hundreds of guards were all around him, he fell to his knee.

" Give up kid, you can't win, let us cut you down! " older guard yelled. Others yelled similar things as well.

" Why? Is that why you guys are all so far away from me, y'all are just afraid, that's all! " he yelled at them and grinned.

" You dare mock us?! " they all rushed at him, each and every guard probably wanted to stab him at least once. More than a hundred guards were now closing in on him.

" Yes, come closer-... "

[ Ability Life Cycle activated ]


Sound of armoured man falling was loud, every human in his presence was now dead.

Life Cycle absorbed energy of every guard in 13 meters of him. Hundreds were dead.

He stood up, cleaned himself of dust. And walked over their corpses. He was heading for the archers and tower. But he noticed something, silhouette was gone, no one was watching him any longer.

Archers tried to fire one more shot, but Sion appeared in front of them. He kicked and slammed every one of them down. It was at that moment Sion heard something. Door opened.

Man exited from the door. He had to lean forward to pass through them. It was a man with more than 2 meters in height. He was 2 times wider than Sion was. His armour barely covered his muscular body. He looked as if he can crush Sion's head with his fist like an egg. Sion didn't want to test that.

What terrified Sion the most was... He gained no additional power, Right of The Weakest wasn't working. That means this man had equal amounts of energy as Sion.. If he had more, Justice Ground lowered it to become equal.

Sion prepared to fight but he felt something on his forehead, as he swiped it off, he had water on his palm.

" I'm.. sweating? " he noticed

Massive man in front of him grinned. And pulled a massive two handed axe off his back.

" This guy... He's a problem " Sion grinned back to him.