Chapter 25: Yurttan

Sometime later, two for them reached a path with trees and bushes all around them. A slight opening appeared, " Is that it? " Sion pointed at a town with massive walls located on a hill. Noire nodded in confirmation; " That's Yurttan, once we go in try not to attract too much attention. We go in, enter the shop, buy the items and head to Ibotha Empi- "



Blood was everywhere.

Sion felt cold... he looked down and saw an arrow poking through his chest. He felt it was embodied with energy. He raised his head again and saw three men wrapped in black Hunter cloaks aiming at them. Of course they were, both were part monsters after all. As Sion started to lose balance, energy in the arrow exploded and turned his chest in a massive hole. He just fell on his back, he didn't even feel no pain from the arrow, or the hole.

He couldn't breathe. Well of course, his lungs were gone. Through his mouth blood ran down. He was in shock, he started moving left and right with his eyes swiftly, but he wasn't looking for anything.

Feeling of tiredness and heaviness took over his body. He was 'falling asleep'. Last thing he saw was Noire.

He was standing, looking at the broken arrow on the ground. It split into two as it hit his chest.

Sion closed his eyes, but tried not to fall asleep. But it was hard.. He shook his head and opened his eyes after 3 or 4 seconds.

Hunters were lying dead, beheaded. Noire was kneeling in front of Sion.


He tried keeping him awake. The man yelled something, but Sion didn't hear anything. In his mind, mumbling from a familiar voice was silenced by silence itself. Was it Rune? Probably.

Noire had black wings on his back again. His horns were still there as well. A squirrel was running on a branch above. Fly was roaming around his open hole. Some leaves were falling around them. Occasional breeze ran through Sion long hair. So many things were happening and Sion started perceiving them all. He closed his eyes again.


~What now?

~Everything is dark..

~My eyes are closed.. I'll open them.


~It's still dark though. Wait.. did I die!?

Sion looked around, no use it was too dark. He started running in a random direction. Loud steps echoed as Sion ran through large, empty space. Floor was made out of some hard material, stone perhaps. He couldn't exactly tell since there was about 2 inches of water like liquid on the ground, it covered everything.

Nothing was visible no matter how far Sion looked in the distance. Beside water and Sun there was nothing to see.


~Since when can I see? If was dark a moment ago!?

He turned around and situation was the same. Endless water and scorching Sun.

" Rune! " he yelled.

No response.

" RUNE!! "


How is this possible? Rune and Sion share the same body. Why would Rune be quiet. This wasn't Rune's world either.

" But... if I died. Does this mean-? " Sion gulped; " Am I in Hell? "

Despite the Sun, Sion felt cold. Sun was cold, it felt as if it was radiating energy down on this place. He swiftly looked at his chest, but there was no hole. He started breathing heavily. His head was light and he felt dizzy. He kneeled down.

" What the fuck is happening! " he looked at his arms. He took off his gloves.

Gloves. Hands.... He stood up. He remembered his ability . It had to work, right?

He calmed down. Looked at the horizon and closed his eyes.

" DEVIL'S CONTRACT! " he yelled as hard as he could. He kept his eyes closed. He felt that nothing happened.


Why doesn't it work? He was supposed to heal and thus come back to real world.

He couldn't think from the noise around him. If only Noire stopped yelling maybe he could've focused. He calmed down. He was about to try again, but... wait.. Noire?

He opened his eyes and saw Noire shaking him. Both men looked at each other. Noire then looked at Sion's chest, no hole was there.

Sion smiled awkwardly. Noire looked at him annoyed; " Huh? ". Sion sat up and looked at dead Hunters in front. Noire helped him stand up.

" You just died my man. How about an explanation? " Noire said.

Sion was quiet he was looking around. They were in the forest again. Everything was normal. Normal.. Was it normal?

He looked back at Noire. Sion didn't even hear the question.

[ Runes voice: Sion! Sion! ]

" W-what..? " he asked both of them at the same time quietly.

" Are you planning on explaining me how you just resurrected dude? "

[ Runes voice: You can finally hear me. You feeling okay? ]

Sion blinked few times quickly and shook his head; " Yeah.. yeah sure.. ".

~I uhh.. I think I just died.

[ Runes voice: It appears so. Devil's Contract still worked? ]

~Y-yeah.. it did... Frightening power.

[ Runes voice: Even better. You just proven that it will work no matter what happens, great. ]

~How are you still here? I died.

[ Runes voice: I clinged to your dead body. Your soul has left this body, I believe you know where it was sent.. ]

~To.. to Hell. So I was a soul just now? That's why I couldn't talk to you..

[ Runes voice: Indeed. If you're feeling okay, continue to Yurttan and talk to Noire. ]

~Yeah.. okay..

Noire was looking at him, waiting.

" Oh uh.. I.. I don't really know.. I think I just died. My ability.. it worked and I'm alive now. "

Noire didn't bother asking too many questions he shook his head and walked forward, he did smile though; " Endless water and ominous Sun? "

Sion ran after him; " Yeah! But how do you.. oh, right, you died as well. ". Noire nodded and chuckled.

As they approached the body of Hunters, Noire kneeled down. Noire put his hands together and closed his eyes. He was praying.

" Are you telling me you just killed those Hunters and you're praying for them? Not to mention you are a monster.. "

" Shush-.. " Noire was concentrating.

Sion was standing silent, watching Noire praying as he stored his black wings and horns. It was an odd sight to be seen. A monster was praying for Hunters it killed.

After few minutes, Noire stood up and waved his hand at Sion, giving him a sign to follow him.

" Village I come is located here on South. I'm from a very religious village. Not even close to East, but still... You see, we had a shrine in there. We would wake up every morning and go there when I was a kid. Even when I became a monster, we continued going there, praying to God. It's a habit of mine, praying for the deceased. "

" Ah.. interesting. " Sion responded.

They reaches the hill, Yurttan was a minute or two away. Noirre looked at Sion with a worried expression.

" You okay my man? " he asked; " You looking kinda pale. "

Sion rubbed his eyes; " Yeah uhmm.. well I was dead few minutes ago. Still not really comprehending this power I got not so long ago. Things are happening so fast. In just few weeks I went from being imprisoned, freeing a massive harbor, to joining a super-powerful group.. I've fought an SS Class monster and now I'm on a mission against two Heavenly Empires. I expected it would go... slower you know. "

Noire chuckled again; " I get ya' man. This world doesn't go 'slow'. Indeed there is many more weak people you could've meet earlier, but strong people meet strong people. We attract each other my man. ". He ran his fingers through his hair, Sion caught glimpse of 3 rings on his fingers.

" Noirre I gotta ask you something, about your necklaces. " he said.

" Hm? You wonder about that now? "

" Yes. ".

" Well, ask. What do you want to know my man? "

" They are embodied with energy, strong one. "

" Sure. I got them from defeating monsters, nothing special. They are all just S Class anyway. Each slightly increases my aura, that's all. "

" So.. it's worth it? Defeating dungeons? "

" Sure. You know that ring you got from the ice monster on the mountain. The red ring that you gave to Santiago. Pretty simple, defeat a monster and you get an item. Harder the dungeon, better the item. It's, nothing more but a personal opinion but.. I would say strength between each Class of item is at least hundred times more. That's about the difference in energy levels, a hundred times between each Class. Not to mention the difference between low Class and high Class.. it's about ten times more.. I mean look, there's no official math for this, it's just from my experience. "

Sion was just curious, he had nothing specific on his mind. He really wanted to know more about the world. Even though he received Erttem amounts of energy, he still isn't on that level.

" One more thing, your ring.. "

" Like I said, drops from dungeons-.. "

" No no.. the one on the other hand. It has no energy. " Sion said. Noirre raised his arm and looked, and indeed, a golden ring was on his finger. Noirre smiled.

" Are you married? "

" No, not yet. Just engaged. " he chuckled.

" Oh, uhh, congratulations Noirre " he shook his hand.

" Yeah... Marriage is close too! A month actually. Oh shit right.. you're invited too. I planned on telling you yesterday but I forgot. "

Sion smiled; " Well thanks. I'll do my best to survive until then! " he said jokingly. Noirre laughed.

Gates of Yurttan were in front of them. Tens, hundreds of guards were standing on the massive walls.

" State your affair! " one guard yelled. He had long black mustaches. His thick eyebrows covered his eyes. Armour he was wearing was silver and seemed heavy.

Noirre reached into his purple shirt. Archers aimed at him, they were prepared to release a hail of arrows any second. Noire raised one arm and opened his palm, giving them a sign he means no harm. He slowly pulled out armband with symbol of Sons of Freedom.

" My name is Noirre, I'm the Monster Son! " wings grew on his back. Guards flinched, but didn't fire any arrows. Mumbling started on the wall. The mustached guard spoke.

" O-okay! We believe you, some of our men say they remember you! You may enter! ". Noirre nodded.

Sion and Noirre started entering, but we're interrupted.

" Halt! You may enter, but the white haired guy can't! " man yelled.

(Note: Rune and Sion share the same appearance, hence his hair is white as well).

" What!? " Sion was angry.

" No no. He can come with me! He's with us Sons! "

" I-.. I can't allow that! " guard yelled; " This town is crime-free! We can't have any suspicious guys roaming around! "

~You ain't really crime-free considering y'all got a illegal store in the town..

" He's... He's a Son as well! " Noirre yelled.

" Huh? " both guard and Sion let out simultaneously.

" He is our newest member! Sion, the Energy Son! "

" Oh! Uhm... " guard looked around. He slicked his mustache. Other guards shrugged their shoulders at him

" Well.. he can pass then! " guard said.

Gates opened and they entered.

" I'm a Son now? "

" Don't think too much about it, it's just a way to get you in. " Noirre said.

As soon as they entered they headed into a narrow, dark alley.

Alley was filled with shady looking men and women. Some people were selling some packets to each other. Others were sleeping, some were stealing from sleeping people..

They walked for a minute until they were standing in front of a house with small writing on the door. It had no windows. Inscription just said; 'Shop'. Noirre looked at the door for few doors before opening them, like he was preparing.

He laid his hand on the doorknob. He opened them.

As Sion stepped in, something started pulling his hair. It was a small, shiny creature with buzzy voice. The shop was filled with flying creatures. Excluding the flying ones, there were other ones like running, jumping, spinning, teleporting, rolling, sliding, crawling and ones that were standing still. Some were made of rock, other were like jelly. Some were on fire while others would disappear in one corner and appear in other. Shop was larger inside than it looked outside. There was a sign at the entrance;