Chapter 26: XIAMCS

XIAMCS was roughly 50m². It wasn't super big, it was spacious enough to store all those creatures inside.

Several cages were hanging from the ceiling but just few of them were actually housing a creature, others were open and their inhabitants were now flying through the room. Cages could also be seen on the floor, but the case was same with them. Most of them were empty.

" Hey knock it off! " Sion yelled at shiny creature pulling his hair. He waved his hand at it and it flew away.

" Blech-! " Noirre almost puked as one bug size of a thumb flew into his mouth. It flew out quickly. The bug had dozens of wings and even more legs. Oddly enough, it seemed as if it had a collar of some sort.

They pushed through until they reached the counter. No one was there, they expected someone would be there, selling things.

" Bom! "

Sion looked at Noirre, but Noirre was already looking at him.

" You said something? " Noirre asked.

" No I thought you said 'bom'..."

Sion was trying to drive away the shiny creature again, it was persistent.

" Bom bom! " sound appeared again. Noirre and Sion looked at the counter. Small, hairy creature was standing on it. It was a size of a house cat, with long, thick brown hair all around it. It had 2 large happy eyes and one mouth with it's tongue swinging left and right.

It looked rather happy.

Sion looked at Noirre. Noirre was laughing; " What is that ha-ha! ". He was beyond control, he laughed and laughed. " My man you seeing this?! ".

Sion nodded, but he wasn't laughing. He stared eye to eye with that hairy creature.

" Bom! " it yelled cutely.

" We need 2 TPs please! " Sion said.

" Bom bom! " it jumped down and went behind the counter. Loud rumble was heard. Few things flew here and there, and then it jumped back.

It had a small wooden box in its mouth. On it there was a writing: 'Teleportation pills'.

" Great, thank you! " Sion took it. Noirre was still laughing at the little creature. Sion headed out, but something caught his eye. It was a beautiful dagger in the corner.

The dagger was made out of gold and jade. It shined brightly when Sion approached. Handle was bended slightly and wrapped in brown leather like material. Blade looked majestic with lion symbols and decorations. It was sharp and clear. Sion saw his reflection in it. There was a paper note written beside it saying: 'Lion fang, SS Class item'.

Sion took it and swung it few times. It sat nicely in his hand, it was light as well. He looked at laughing Noirre and decided to go outside. He opened the door when-..

" Bom~ BOM! " the hairy creature roared. It didn't change its appearance, but in an instant it closed the distance between Sion and itself. Neither Sion nor Noirre could react to it. It slammed against the door making it impossible for Sion to exit.

" Sion! What have you done! " Noirre stopped laughing instantly.

" Nothing! I was just exiting! "

" You haven't paid you moron! " he yelled.

" But it's free! "

" Well the blADE OBVIOUSLY ISN'T YOU DUMB IDIOT! " he said in somewhat sarcastic voice.

Small hairy creature slammed into both of them and pushed them through a door in the opposite corner of the room.

Sion and Noirre quickly stood up and looked around. Noire's wings went back and his horns disappeared; " What the-.. " he stumbled. His energy weakened. Sion felt it inside him too, Rune also went weaker in this room. Does it decrease the power of monsters?

Why did this escalate so much? He then looked at his other hand, he was still holding the golden blade. He stored it in his , there was no use in leaving it here now he thought.

The room looked like an office. It had one table and chair in middle. There were few shelves with some books and skulls. But 2 things caught Sion's eye immediately.

First was the person sitting in the chair. It was a woman with black hair. She didn't look old, but she was definitely much older than any Son. She was in her late 40s. She was wearing white gold cloth. She had some wrinkles on her face and a mole above her right eye and one on the nose. She was wearing a red lipstick and eyeshade. She was sittings still, looking at them as they entered, she was definitely expecting them.

" Stealing isn't good you know. " she said.

Sion was frozen. He was bathed in own cold sweat. Her aura was off the charts. Sion felt as if his own soul was getting compressed. Santiago is 2nd Class??? What does that make this lady, her aura was way, way beyond Santiago's.

" I'm waiting... " she said quietly. Her voice was strict and deep.

Sion gulped and groaned few times, he fell to his knees. He couldn't breathe again.

[ Ability Justice Ground activated ]

He took few deep breaths and coughed several times; " Are you crazy you old hag! Lower your aura! "

" It is lowered. "

" Shit! " he looked at Noirre. Noirre was standing up, he was feeling much worse than Sion since he was literally a monster.

" S-stop... " Noirre mumbled.

The lady looked at him and made a surprised expression.

" Oh! If it isn't Noirre! " she chuckled. Her aura disappeared. She turned it off.

Noirre felt ease immediately and so did Sion. After both catches their breaths they looked at her and Noirre spoke;

" Good day to you, X " he said.

" X? " Sion said quietly; " This is your shop. " he said looking at the woman.

She nodded once in confirmation.

The second thing that caught his eye was a shelf with beautiful decorations behind the lady. It had 3 stands with 3 daggers on it. Each dagger was covered in tapes and papers that had seals on them. They were tied with chains and they too had seals on them. Despite countless seals, they radiated immense energy. Just what was this place, this lady and these daggers?

Lady was silent, waiting for Noirre to talk.

" We need 4 TPs, now. " he said.

" Sure, where's the gold? "

" Excuse me? "

" Well, this boy here stole one of my daggers, pay for it. "

Noirre looked at Sion; " I told you to return it! "

" No you didn't! " he responded.

Noirre slapped his forehead. He made a step closer to X. He shook his head; " He will return it, just give us TPs so we can leave. We need 2 to go there and 2 to return. "

" Hmm.. I believe you specified you wanted 2 of them.. not 4. " she said.

" We saved your village Xanna! You owe us-! "

" I owe you nothing, deal said 2 TPs, and I plan to follow that deal. I'm a businesswoman, not a friend of yours. " she said with calm expression.

" Come on X! " he approached her.

She bended her head slightly to the right. Her eyes narrowed; " You are in NO position to negotiate. ". Noirre almost lost balance.

" Okay stop! My man and I will take two TPs and we'll leave. You could've j-.. "

" I don't feel obligated to you. I'm giving you two TPs because you saved my store, that's all. Even if you didn't save it, I could've just opened a new one, somewhere else. I am in possession of 28 thousand items, one third of those are S Class or higher. " she explained.

She continued talking; " Noirre, Monster Son. You are one brave bastard, willing to negotiation with me.. Fine, fine. I won't give you 4 TPs, but I will give you something else instead... "

" Lion fang? " Sion said immediately.

" No. " she responded with annoyed expression.

Sion shrugged his shoulders and listened to what she had to say.

" You may take Bomie with you! " she said with somewhat of a smile on her face.

Both of them looked at each other briefly, then looked back at her; " Bomie? You mean the hairy teleporting creature that kicked our asses? " Noirre said. She nodded.

" What the hell are we supposed to do with that? "

She chuckled for the first time; " It will come in handy these days. Believe me Noirre. ".

Noirre waves his had and headed out. He exited the office. Sion was left standing in the room with the lady. He shrugged his shoulders awkwardly and turned around.

" Sion-.. " she said.

" Yes grann-.. *cough* X? What's up X? "

" Don't play dumb with me. The dagger, Lion's fang, return it. " she stretched out her hand, expecting a dagger.

Sion gulped; " Oh right, yeah sure! I just planned on returning it anyway! " (no he didn't)

[ Ability Collection activated, Lion's fang received ]

He gave the dagger to her, smiled awkwardly and went outside. He gently closed the door behind him. As soon as he exited, the shiny flying creature returned. It grabbed his nose and started pulling it. Sion shook his head so it flew away.

Noirre was crouching by the counter, he was staring in Bomie's eyes. They looked as if they were communicating. Bomie was repeating the same thing as usual: 'Bom bom' while Noirre was nodding in confirmation. Another creature approached Sion, it was a green snake with small horns. It wrapped around his leg. It didn't really squeeze it too much, just wrapped gently. It closed it's eyes, weirdly, it seemed to have enjoyed being in Sion's presence. Sion smiled.

" Yo lady X can I keep it!? " he yelled. Yelling voice told him to go outside and leave the snake alone or otherwise he will get in serious trouble. He hurried and exited the shop. Noirre appeared a moment later, on his shoulder Bomie was sitting. He looked comfortable.

Noirre was frowning, but his aura gave off a warm feeling this time. Maybe he didn't hate Bomie that much?