The First Adventure - The Tower (Part Four)

'Boss Round will commence in fifteen minutes', read the hologram. Michelle grabbed her scythe and readied herself. Her scythe had a long curved blade on one side, and a staff that connected it. It was a bit taller than her, and she began to swing it around her like she was warming up.

"What kind of monster will the boss be this time?", she thought as she spun her scythe. After the fifteen minutes were over, the ground rumbled, startling Lucas awake. "Are we at the boss round?', he thought as he grabbed his head, which was throbbing. He got out of the room, and looked at a determined Michelle, ready to face what was coming towards her.

[Intermediate Tier Beast - Hobgoblin]

[Hobgoblins are a larger version of the goblins, similar to the Bugbears. They boast insane defense and have high HP. They are weak against Magic attacks. Their main weapon of choice: a club]