The First Adventure - The Tower (Part Five)

As soon as they saw what was coming towards them, everyone's eyes went wide in shock. "I guess this was to be expected", chuckled Lucas as he gripped his blades harder. And what they were facing wasn't just one or two hobgoblins, but an army of them.

Tobias began to kill everything he saw, twisting out heads like he was pulling out apples from a tree. "Insane level of strength", thought everyone as they began to focus on their part. Emilia got up on another tower she built and sniped the ones that would try to attack from their backs, keeping them safe.

'Well, is this what they call as, 'watch my back'?", she thought as she chuckled. Lucas was still thinking of a solid plan as he lodged his blade in between the eyeballs of the hobgoblin in front of him and pulled out the blade. He used the [Inspect] on his weapon to see what grade it was now.

[Icy Flame Dual Blades - Growth type Weapon]

[Current - Advanced Tier Weapon. Growth until Demi-God Tier]