The Beastization (Part One)

Merlin joined in the laugh. "Don't take us for fools! We are 'The Omega'!", said a man amongst them. Ben moved in an instant, and he reappeared in front of the man that spoke. "And that is why you must be wary of who I am", said Ben as he crushed the skull of the man that spoke.

"Pawns", he smiled as he saw the symbol on their robes. Merlin joined in the fight, and they quickly disposed of them in a few minutes. One of the men ran towards a forest that was on the side, but they saw Ben standing in front of them in an instant. He turned and bumped into someone. He looked up and saw a smile across the face Merlin.

"Devils! You aren't humans! Demons!", he screamed out loud. Merlin's smile faded as soon as he heard his words. "We are not DEMONS!", he said as he lifted the man into the air by grabbing his throat. Merlin's eye began to turn, and Ben noticed it.