The Beastization (Part Two)

The legs had some Diamond protruding from the sides, and he was walking towards him in slow strides. "This shall be your final test. This, in the form you will be able to take after you become a full Beastman", said the Diamond Tiger Beetle Humanoid.

He threw diamonds towards Ben's face, and he moved quickly. "That was close", he thought but then saw a shiny fist in the front of his face. Ben got punched square in the face, and he was sprawling across the meadow. "Well, this feeling. I thought I had lost this a long time ago", he smiled as he clenched his chest.

"Da-dump. Da-dump", he heard in his ears. The feeling of adrenaline, and the feeling of facing someone powerful. This was something that he had long lost, as most of the foes, he faced were either low tiered or just pawns like the one he killed. He then smiled and crouched on the ground.