Chapter 602: The More You Tread On Boats, The More Likely They Are To Capsize

The Jones family?

Catherine York said, "Gabriel Jones only invited you here to annoy Kylie Morales. Don't you think I didn't know? And you even have the nerve to bring up the Jones family as leverage."

"Is that so? Then I should call the Jones family and confirm it myself."

Hallie Morgan pulled out her phone.

The director was choked up, "Miss Morgan, it's not necessary to involve the Jones family in a petty squabble like this..."

How can she go straight to the top and complain about such a trivial matter?

Catherine York stopped the panicked director with her hand, "Let her go. I want to see what Gabriel Jones will say in her defense."

Hallie scoffed. She actually picked up the phone and called. After two dial tones, she heard a slightly hoarse voice say, "Hello."

"Sir, long time no see. Are you currently in Wallam?"

"Hallie, alright, no need for formalities. Just tell me what you need."

Fredrick Jones had seen through Hallie's intentions long ago.