Chapter 601: To Replace Me, You Need the Jones Family's Approval, Right?

Catherine York looked at Hallie Morgan, "Miss Morgan, what are you implying? My team member caused trouble for your team member, and I came to stand up for you. Are you blaming me instead?"

Hallie replied, "Oh please, your acting skills are certainly worthy of a Best Actress."

Catherine York laughed.

"Miss Morgan, what do you mean? Are you defaming people just to help your friend debut? If you're not satisfied, go question the Program Team. Why are you venting at me?"

"Sure, I'll go ask the Program Team."

Hallie Morgan turned to leave.

"Hey, you could ask, but it won't change anything. This show is a partnership between our family and the Program Team. As I said, unless you apologize to me now, I might give your candidate a chance, otherwise, Hallie Morgan, it's the finals now, are you still going to challenge me? That would cost your candidate their chance."