Samadhi And Jiva

                      ---------------Basic Info------------

To understand this chapter reader must have knowledge of Samadhi. Though it is a vast subject, I will try to sum it up here into an article. 

What is Samadhi? 

If you achieve an equitable state of wisdom, it is called samadhi. When your intellect is awakened, you are able to separate one thing from another. It is one object, and that is another; such discrimination is possible only because the intellect is active. 

As soon as you go beyond the intellect, this discrimination ends. Everything becomes one, which is in reality. In this state, there is no sense of time and place. You may think that a person has been sitting in the samadhi for three days, but it is equal to a few moments for him. Time just goes by like that. What is and what is not goes beyond his dilemma. He goes beyond this limit and tastes it, which is not, which has no shape-type, form-attribute, nothing.