Bodies and Ego

The Subtle Body has 19 instruments of experience: 

(a)  The 5 Sense Organs Of Knowledge: 

There are 5 sense organs of knowledge: eyes, ears, nose, tongue & skin. By sense organs, I do not mean physical organs which belong to the physical body. I'm referring to the subtle power of perception. 

The subtle body is the instrument of perception. The points on the physical body where sense perception seems to occur are not the actual sense organs. Perception is only possible when the mind is behind the sense organ.

The eyes may be open but the visual data received from the eyes will have no meaning if the mind is daydreaming or occupied elsewhere.

This explains why ghosts and spirits have desires. They have these sutle senses and curvings but don't have gross bodies to satiate them. 

(b)The 5 Organs Of Action: