Shawn and Alhumd ali`s adventure

Alhumd and Shawn reached the palace while arguing and the security guard stopped them. Two police officers were already there when the security guard stopped Alhumd and Shawn. Alhumd told the whole story to both of them. And the four went go somewhere and look for a place. They founded the place and started digging to found something in it.

Jack saw them digging and started too prepared for going out from the palace.

he called her sister and they both sit`s in the car jack told something to his sister then they reached to the gate.

A security guard asked them where you are going.

Jack said.

We are going to take the clothes and some important stuff for Madam Julia from his old house.

The security guard looked on the behind seat. From the mirror, jack saw her sister and she started acting. When the guard looked at her. She saw the guard with a smile and pulled her shirt forward to show him her nude cleavage.

Guard saw her breast and smiled at her and asked her when is she coming back?

she answered I don't want to go but I am forced otherwise I don't want to go from here you know we females are forced to change clothes' sometimes daily in a month and while seducing the guard she came very closer to his face and the security guard saw jack looking forward so he touched and grabbed her breast.

Jack suddenly turned around and said.

Can we go now we got a lot of other works to do?

The security guard stopped touching her and said

Okay, you can go, and while blinking his eye towards jack`s sister. Come back as soon as possible

Jack`s sister put her finger in her mouth and started licking the finger and blinked his eye towards the security guard.

Jack started the car and derived outside of the palace

The other security guard saw her sister seducing his friend he said.

You got the horny women for tonight

I am going to pimp her ass man

Don't forget to invite me to the party


Alhumd and Shawn founded something while digging Alhumd saw something is covered with a big piece of cloth

He picks it up and started to open it. he saw a sniper rifle he realized that it is an old sniper rifle and an antique. but he didn't know that it is the evidence of Steve's case so he said

Wow it is an antique sniper rifle must be dragonov

What did you call an antique? Shawn said

Yup it is an antique we have to show this to sir burton lets cover it again and take it with us in forensic to show them

Let's go then, bro.

Alhumd and Shawn took the evidence from there and went towards the hospital meanwhile on the road their car tire suddenly blast away Shawn was driving too fast so their car flipped on the road Alhumd and Shawn was luckily wearing the seat belts and got some little scratches they got out from the car and looked at each other

Are you okay buddy? Alhumd asked

I am good ahhh man.

What happened bro.

I don't know.

Hey, look at the tire man.

Wow, it was blasted.

You derived too fast man we are lucky that we are still alive

Yeah man but this tire cannot blast from high-speed something was wrong.

Watch out Alhumd jumped over Shawn while shouting and suddenly Shawn saw a sniper shooting at them. They both went to hide behind the car and he missed the shot.

Shawn asked

Now what?

Alhumd said. Let me breathe man let me breath

He was shot. the bullet was just touched by his arm he was holding his arm a little cut was there and blood is coming out Shawn saw this and helped Alhumd

You saved my life bro.

Ahhh I didn't save it yet that bastard is still aiming at us.

What do we do now?

Try to call sir mike and Burt.

My phone was in the car do you got the phone.

Yeah, I have it in my left pocket.

Shawn pulled the phone out but when he tried to call he said

No man no.

What happened?

Shawn threw the phone towards Alhumd

Alhumd saw his phone the phone was destroyed in the accident. Then Alhumd started reacting angry and hit`s his head on the car door.

Shawn then said

Thank god Meghna didn't come with us thank you sir for not let her go with us'

Alhumd then started laughing and they both laughed at the moment.

Suddenly Alhumd said

Hay bro we got a sniper rifle inside the car.

That piece of shit? You call that a weapon.

You don't know man what is that thing capable off

Okay, I understand but where are the bullets?

Alhumd open`s his shirt with a smile and showed something to Shawn.

He was wearing a bulletproof jacket and he showed him some of his bullets collection.

Do you think one of them is the right bullet for this sniper rifle?

Look man I don't know but we are still alive so there is always hope come on bring that sniper out from the car.

That bastard was aiming Mr. Hero

Don't worry about that I will distract him.

Alhumd grabbed the sunglasses and tried to see the sniper meanwhile he said to Shawn

When he shoots my glasses go and take the sniper as fast as you can.

Do you want to kill me?

No dumb ass after a shot he will not be able to fire again because he can't aim at you till 9 seconds so you got 8 seconds for this work okay go now.

Sniper took a shot at Alhumd hand but he missed

Shawn then went inside the car and grabbed the sniper rifle out. He came back as fast as he can but Alhumd heard another shot and he saw Shawn.

Shawn was fall to the ground

Alhumd shouted

Noooooo noooooo noooooo

Why are u shouting buddy?

Alhumd suddenly stopped shouting tears in his eyes were dropping. He saw Shawn alive and hugged him tightly and said

Are you okay are you okay?

I am fine buddy I am fine to let`s kill that bastard now.

Alhumd grabbed the sniper out and tried to place one of the bullets from his collection.

Luck turned on their way.

One bullet perfectly loaded inside the sniper rifle they both saw each other and smiled.

Alhumd gave sunglasses to Shawn. Shawn raised the glasses and a shot fired again by the sniper Alhumd came out and aimed at the sniper and shot him. That sniper was instantly dead.

Alhumd was very happy that time

Meanwhile. Shawn started to shout.

Alhumd said

Why are u shouting?

Shawn said

That mother fucker destroyed my sunglasses.

Alhumd puts his glasses on and said

Good luck

Are you kidding?

He missed the shot.

But why he didn't miss my time?


Do you mean to say you are lucky?

No, I didn't say that you said that.

Sometimes you talk like a grandpa

And they started arguing again. While walking towards the dead sniper.

Meanwhile, the police car`s arrived. At the same time Burt, Mike, Jennie, and Meghna. Also arrived at the accident site

They came out of the car and Meghna runs towards Shawn.

Burt saw them both from far mike was with him he said

Remember the old time`s mike?

Yeah, I can see us.

And there is Jennie. Burt pointed on Meghna

She was hugging Shawn and crying for him

She punched him so many times before this

Burt and his friends arrived at the dead sniper Burt saw his face but it was destroyed so he said to Alhumd

Nice work son but next time don't aim for the face.

I will be careful sir.

Hey, mike now we need the doctor to fix his face take the body to the hospital. And mike sent someone to look for the missing person`s in your list I forgot that before. Shawn?



Yes sir.

Want some rest?

No sir.

Okay then go to someplace for the party with Meghna and take Alhumd with you.

Yes sir. Shawn smiled


Yes sir

Any objections?

No sir.

Hand over the sniper. Did you kill him with this?

Yes sir.

What about the bullets where you find them?

In my pocket sir

Show me.

Alhumd gave all his collection of bullets to Burt

You surprised me again. Do you keep these rare bullets with you every time?

Yes sir

Well take it back I'm sure it will be very helpful to you in the future like this.

Thank you, sir.

Will you stop now? Jennie said to Burt

What am I doing?

Order`s and orders do you have any other work? Leave the kids alone.

Okay, kids

Shut up and come with me I saw something.

Jennie holds the hand of Burt and takes him to the dead body look she said.

She turned the body and pulled a picture out from his body.

Burt saw the picture

Alhumd and Shawn were with them in the pictures Shawn and Alhumd were on target a circle was showing on their picture. Inside the hospital, someone who they know took their picture without let them know.

Burt said

What the fuck someone in that hospital is the mastermind who is doing all this. but who?

Not who. when?

What do you mean?

When this picture was taken Alhumd is behind me and Shawn was talking with Meghna Mike is on my right side and you are coming inside from the doors. We were working.

Laptop. Jennie instantly answered

Laptop yes this picture was taken from our laptop. But how?

Someone hacked the laptop.

But who? We got the best hacker with us. But who is the other one?

Stop them. Jennie said

Burt shouted loudly

Hay kids! Shawn.

Shawn looked at Burt and came forward to him

Yes sir

I need you all in the forensic now go and wait for us.

What sir?

Now I said.

Ahhh ahh ok yes sir.

Shawn walked head downed towards Meghna. She asked.

What is wrong?

Picnic is cancel


I don't know but Sir Burt was looking angry.

Did you do something? Alhumd asked

Yeah I kicked on your ass


Three of them derived at the hospital and waiting in the forensic room for seniors

meanwhile Alhumd did some treatment on his own and stitched himself on the cut.

Meghna and Shawn were watching him doing this. Then Meghna saw him stitching and she hugged Shawn tightly with closed eyes and asked Shawn is he done?

No, babe

Is he done?

No babe

Is he done?

No babe

I'm done you can open your eyes he is fooling you around.

Meghna opened her eyes and punched Shawn hard on his chest. Shawn said to Alhumd.

You ruined it all I was enjoying it.

I know. I have done this before. Alhumd said

Meghna heard this and her mouth remains' open. Shawn said.

You are an ass hole. You did this before but you didn't let me do it.

I was alone with my girl when I did this okay and I'm here so you

Shawn cut`s his talk and said

Why didn't you leave then?

Why do I?

Hay hay guys stop arguing. Meghna requested

Shawn saw Alhumd in anger Alhumd was smiling in fun.

One day. Shawn said

One day, Alhumd answered

Yeah, one day bro.

Siren! An ambulance arrived with the body at the hospital. Burt, Mike, and Jennie also arrived behind it.

Alhumd saw them coming and said to Shawn

Hay Shawn


Be ready to be fucked.


Burt sir is looking very angry.

I think that the old man was not happy to see us alive.

Meghna punched him on the chest again.

Babe, I'm not a punching bag.

Burt opened the door and came inside and started ordering again

Shawn go out

Sir! He saw Meghna and went outside.

Burt started talking with Meghna.

If I tell you to hack a laptop for me can you do it?

Yes sir I can hack anybody`s laptop even a phone.

Okay hack my laptop and click a picture for me.

Meghna asked for another laptop but there isn't any so she brings out his mobile from his bag and started hacking the Burt's laptop. after 10 minutes she went in front of Burt laptop and started clicking her picture`s from some far. without touching the laptop she was controlling it from his mobile.

Burt said don't stop keep doing this.

Meghna didn't stop clicking the photo`s meanwhile Burt sits in front of his laptop and started working

Suddenly the laptop started to warn about hacking. Burt saw this and took a deep breath

Jennie and Mike also took a deep breath and came inside the room Alhumd got no idea what was going on and Meghna was in shock she tried hard to hack again but she was failed on it and she said.

Sorry sir but your laptop is very secure I can't hack this anymore.

No problem kid you passed the test.

No, I failed.

Jennie came to Meghna and said

No, you passed it you hacked Burt laptop for 20 seconds

I didn't understand.

Look at the photo Jennie handed over the picture of who was founded from the sniper`s pocket.

Wow it is the same place look ma'am Meghna showed his hacked photos

Jennie saw the photos and asked for some prints again she saw something.

Meghna gave her picture to Jennie. Jennie picked up the magnifying glass and started looking closely at both photos.

Then she came to Burt and gave him the photos and said

You can only gain trust by trusting your faithful's

Burt saw the pictures closely and was shocked Jennie was looking for something behind the laptop on the wall and Burt also started to find something with her. Meanwhile, Alhumd came close to the picture`s and picked up the magnifying glass and looking for the difference of the angle of both picture`s his eye`s was sharper then elder`s he said

Sir, can I look at what u guys are looking for?

Burt and Jennie was tired Burt said

Okay son

Jennie said

Ahhh you are an ang….. Wait!!! Where is my tea?

Sorry ma'am

Alhumd picked a surgical knife and the photo from the sniper`s body he saw in the picture again and started hole inside the wall.

After doing some hole`s he founded the hidden camera that was hiding behind a thick wallpaper that was similar to wall color that is why old eyes can't see it.

Bravo how you found it?

This paper is in use these days. It stops the binocular lighting from sunshine so no one can find a sniper that easily and any one can see any thing from his other side very clearly.

What? I didn't know it?

Sir, actually you can only buy this on the black market. The army didn't know anything about it cause it's a defending item for terrorist`s and it is a very costly item I piece of paper can be sold for one million.

How do you know that?

I was a hidden agent before and I saw these kinds of thing`s many time`s

Why you left the job?

They got someone better than me. But I only worked for 2 years so I was not hearted.

No other can be better than you my son. Now let's go and see who the fuck is behind that wall.

They all started searching together but they didn't find any single door behind that wall. Alhumd tried from the roof but still, that room has no doors and windows. they were all surprised that how can this even be possible.

They named it the mystery room

Founding no doors no roof Burt decided to demolish the wall to find out what is going on in there.

They cleared the forensic room to save the rest of the important thing`s and started to break the wall to go inside the mystery room

Burt called Shawn inside and ordered him to break the wall

Shawn started the work right away but the wall is too tough for him after seeing this rest of them went outside the room Meghna was with him and Alhumd went outside watching Shawn with a funny smile.

Shawn said everything inside him and just shown his middle finger to Alhumd

Alhumd was very happy at the moment and she asked Meghna

Would you like to have tea?

Meghna saw Alhumd and she also left from there now Shawn was too angry with Alhumd

He started hitting the wall with hammer harder meanwhile doctor asked Burt

What is going on inside

Nothing just investigation

Investigation? You are doing damage`s here

Listen doc in your hospital we founded a hidden room and has no door`s so if you know something tells us now? Or else just let us do what we want.

Oh well! In that case. Do what you want. Have a nice day.

Thank you, doctor.

And yeah Mr. Burt your son is good enough to go home if you like to take him home just tell me.

Thanks again doctor

Burt went outside with mike and Jennie

So! What do you guys think?

The doctor knows something. Jennie answered

How do you know it? Mike asked

Easy! He didn't get shocked by hearing about the mystery room in his hospital.

Wow Jennie you got the point. Mike appreciates her

Well, keep an eye on him. Burt said to mike

Am I look like your servant Burt?

No, you are my best friend mike and you are a deputy of police. Place a detective cop behind him can you do it?

What about Alhumd?

No these kids are not born to do easy jobs. Find someone else who can hide easily in front of eyes.

Mike was thinking and Burt went inside Jennie hug`s him from behind and said

What are you thinking my love?

I am thinking from where can I found this chameleon.



You think too much let's go with me I will help you.

Okay, let's go.