
Steve was shifted to the general ward Julia somehow tried and managed to talk with the Doctor for keeping his husband next to her father`s bed doctor shifted the other patient somewhere else and she then now can easily manage to take care of both of them. When Steve was taken there, Steve said

Who is he?

My father.

Why I didn't saw him before?

Because I meet him today after so many years. How would you know it? Oh, I didn't tell you anything about myself. Did you want to know?

Well yes, but in one condition you have to come here on the bed lie down with me, and then say.

Okay, then I got a condition too.

And what`s the condition?

Don't touch my private parts in front of my father and no kiss.

Hmmm fair enough okay I agree with that because right now I'm not in a condition for making babies.

Julia slapped slowly on Steve's leg and saw him rudely with a smile.

Ouch, Steve said.

Then she went to Steve's bed and lie downed with Steve and she started to tell him her entire story.

Meanwhile, Burt went back to Shawn and what he saw when Shawn hits the last hammer on the wall.

Burt saw inside light was on in that room and he started looking inside suddenly his eyes went in fear when he saw a time bomb who was activated and only 7 minutes remain' on blast.

Run and clear the hospital Burt said to Shawn

What happened?

No time son just go and get everyone out from the hospital

Shawn then looked inside and when he saw the time bomb tickling

He instantly ran`s outside and told everyone to leave the hospital there is a time bomb in the mystery room.

Everyone was scared and a panic situation appeared in everyone`s mind they ran outside from the hospital Meghna and Alhumd saw the panic and they run inside to see what is going on.

Meghna asked Shawn what`s going on?

There is a time bomb inside the mystery room we have to get everyone out from the hospital right now.

When Julia heard this she called an ambulance and went to palace with her husband and father.

Steve was going out from the hospital with Julia .Alhumd saw them and asked the reason for leaving Julia told her that there is a bomb inside.

Alhumd heard this and ran towards the forensic room he saw Burt is trying to make a big hole to reach the way inside. Alhumd went back outside and picked a weapon from his car. Then he went inside again and told Burt to back off Burt saw him and the weapon and went behind Alhumd.

Alhumd was handling the little grenade blast shield. And he placed it on the wall then started the 10-sec timer and boom the blast broke the wall and a big hole was there now. After that. They both went into the room and trying to defuse the bomb Alhumd saw the bomb and said

We cannot defuse the bomb it will blast if we touched him.

Burt saw the bomb and said

But the good news is my son. That I can remove some explosives so the impact of the blast will be reduced by 50%.

That means only this room will be destroyed rest of the hospital will be saved. Alhumd asked

Nop! I don't think so. call Shawn and give me something to cut the wire`s

What are you going to do?

Don't waste the time my boy now give me something to cut some wires and call other`s inside to collect as much evidence`s as we can we got 5 more minutes only.

Alhumd went outside and called Shawn and Meghna inside. Mike and Jennie were not there they didn't know anything about this but luckily 2 cops were there Alhumd told them the situation and they started to help out other patients and doctors as well.

Inside Shawn and Meghna started to help Burt. Burt somehow managed to collect the time bomb from the foundation and told Shawn to take the bomb away from this area 4 minute left now. Shawn took the bomb and went outside he was seated in the car Alhumd saw the bomb in his hand and he was also seated with Shawn. Shawn told him

Get out of the car I'm taking this bomb alone.

No buddy if you die I will die with you.

No way man.

Come on we have no time just go.

Shawn saw Alhumd and they both did a greeting handshake and Shawn started to drive as fast as he can.

Shawn started to drive then Alhumd asked him

What is the plan?

I have seen a place there is a well we are going to throw the bomb inside that. What you say?

That is a bad idea.


The people who used that well can be rainout from the water you want to kill them from thirst.

No man do you have a safe place?

I don't know?

What about the lake?




Then where? In your ass

That`s a good idea.


Yes stop the car in an empty place

I know a place.

Let`s go then.

They stopped the car in an old city area no one goes there cause it`s a creepy place and it is far from the city too they stopped the car there and went outside and started running Alhumd said

Run bro run just 5 sec remaining

No! 4





And a huge blast appeared in that area

Shawn and Alhumd jumped into the ground and the noise was so strong that everyone in the city listens to the sound and went in fear Shawn and Alhumd were not so far from the car but the impact was less than the sound. Their clothes were all on dust and after looking at each other they started laughing.

You are still alive god damn man.

Hahaha so are you asshole

Angels have to wait for us for long in heaven.

Hahaha what about your fiancé?

She is going to kill me if she knew it. But Meghna is going to kill you for sure.

She isn't my fiancé yet

Are you sure?


Because she is coming right here look.

Damn man how she found us?

The noise of that god damn blast idiot.

Ahhh, don't tell her that.

Why not?

Cause I want to marry her.

Wow, good luck then.

Good luck to you man now help me I am injured.


Naaa! Just in front of her otherwise she is going to make me a punching bag again.

Yeah Okay man I will help you out. Come put your hand on my shoulder.

You are the best man on earth man.

Shawn put his arm on Alhumd`s shoulder and started the act like he was injured Meghna saw this and started running towards him

Alhumd left Shawn there with Meghna

Meghna helped Shawn and hugged him she was crying and asking why you left me there I wanted to be with you look now what happened let`s go to the hospital.

I'm okay my love I will be fine just take me home.

Okay let's go

Hay wait where is Sir Burt?

He is in that mystery room looking for evidence.

Ohhh okay, hay buddy are you going to the hospital sir is alone there.

You both are coming with me. Alhumd said

He is injured I am taking him to my home. Meghna answered

He is lying and fooling you again.


Babe listen babe.

You are such a layer I hate you and I don't want to see your face again go to hell.

Babe. Hay babe no man what have you done?

You said you don't want to be a punching bag but you didn't say you are going to be home alone with her for a cuddle.

You never did cuddle with your girl.

Yeah did it once.

So why did you let me go with her?

I was alone at that time with my girl.

Fuck you.

Whatever let's go now. Meghna we are coming wait for us. Alhumd saw Meghna

No one is coming with me you both come by your feet now bye.

It's a long way babe. Shawn said

I don't care

And she went alone in her car, they left behind and started walking on the street.

After half an hour walking they came to the place where a well is placed they both was very thirsty.

They came to the well and started drinking water. Shawn started laughing while drinking water. Alhumd saw him strangely and asked.

Is this the well of alcohol?

No man

Then what happened are you went crazy do I have to tie you now?

No man you were right.

About what?

About the well

What Ohhh. Is this that well?

Yes man, I was thinking to destroy it to save our life. Now this well is saving ours what a destiny?

In the name of destiny. Alhumd cheer`s

In the name of destiny. Shawn cheer`s too

After that they drink the water and started cleaning the dust all over them and started walking again they reached the city in an hour and was too tired they saw a car and stopped it for asking help.

Mike and Jennie was sitting in that car they saw Mike and Jennie and they lie down on the street in happiness Mike came toward then and asked why are you sleeping here?

Sir please pick us up and put us in the car.

What? Are you both crazy come-on standup now get your ass inside.

Honey leave them alone here and just go. Jennie said

Shawn and Alhumd looked at each other and ran inside the car before Mike looks them again.

Where did they go? Mike asked

We are inside sir let`s go


Mike came inside and they went to sleep on each other Jennie saw them and shacked her head

Honey do you remember when we were young and four of us was coming back from a long trip of camping?

25 years before

Mike, Burt, Jennie, and Mona went camping in the jungle they picked up two tents' one for the girls and one for the boys and some useful luggage a gun a knife etc.

When they reached the place for camping girls picked up some luggage with them from the car. Mike and Burt unloaded the other heavy stuff and started walking behind them Jennie and Mona were talking and walking inside the forest and were looking for some very good place for their camp.

They are camping for their study so they decided to camp for at least 6 days inside the jungle.

Meanwhile, Burt and Mike stay`s behind and started talking

Burt how long do we have to walk from here

I don't know it`s on Jennie she will decide it

Why did I fucked her she is now fucking me?

It was not about fuck she loved you and you didn't understand you ruined it all.

I didn't ruin it

Yes, you did now look man I came here for Mona, and the rest of a long way I was sitting with you cause Jennie don't want to be seated next to you if you just told her that yes you love her it will be all fine but you are an idiot now after we settle here don't do anything fishy I wanted to have a good time with Mona so don't ruin it you understand?

I will try! Only if she didn't mess with me

You know what?


Just fuck off and walk fast I can't see the girls.

Ohhh fuck.

And they started to walk fast with heavy luggage on their back

After half an hour they reached the girls and they saw a beautiful place for their camp.

Mike dropped all the stuff there and lie down on the luggage

Jennie shout`s at him

There is a lot of important things in my bag Burt tell him to move from the luggage

You heard it Mikey move now.

Mike turned over and went to the floor.

Burt I need woods to burn and a clean place for starting the fire on. I and Mona will take care of camp houses.

Okay, captain. Mike lets go

I am not going anywhere

Let's go Mike don't be a loser we are here for 6 days you want to work every day?


So come on let`s finish all the work today so tomorrow we can start fishing on the lake and I have seen some rabbits in an area so pick up the gun and hunt some rabbits for me I will collect the woods till then Let's go.

Mike and Burt went to collect woods and some food here Mona and Jennie placed the camp houses and the rest of the other things.

Burt has shown Mike some rabbits and Mike started hunting and Burt started to collect some dry woods. After 3 hours they collected as many woods and food as they can pick up and came back to camp.

Mona saw them coming and ran towards Burt and helped him.

Mike saw them and said himself.

Fuck! He was right I am an idiot maybe she will love me again god help me.

Jennie saw them too but she saw them coming and told Burt to make a fireplace to burn some woods.

Burt told Mike to do the work because he is with Mona.

Mike didn't say a word and started making a fireplace.

Jennie saw him with a creepy smile.

Mike saw her smiling creepy. And said

But your work is done and I'm going back in the car for some rest.

Are you gone mad Mike?

Yes, I'm gone mad. Before I kill someone I'm going from here

Are you sure Mike?

Yes, I am sure.

Burt saw Jennie and hinted at apologizing.

Jenny pointed ok I'll do something.

She was looking at Mike and asked Burt

Are you free I want to go on the search for some bugs to study its very important?

Mike saw in her eyes and she was waiting for the answer.

Burt saw them looking at each other so he stays quiet.

After a minute Jennie smiled towards Mike.

Mike closed his eyes and said.

I can go with you.

Jennie said

Why? She wants to listen to the 3 magical words

Because it is important for you and Burt is busy so you can go with me.

Jennie looked at Mike strangely and became angry

Burt I asked you are you coming?

I am busy with my girlfriend.

Fine, I am going alone.

Mike saw her going and saw Burt.

Burt gestured to him and said you're an asshole, go after her.

Mike quickly got up and walked behind her.

Jennie was too angry that time she heard Mike coming behind her and suddenly she stopped.

Then Jennie said to Mike, "Don't follow me. I can live my whole life without you." I don't need you anymore.

Mike didn't answer and slowly approached. Hearing his low voice, Jennie started walking fast. And began to move away from it.

And Mike was walking fast suddenly she stopped and she heard that Mike is getting out his anger on bushes mike was not saying a word just doing bushes noise to attract Jennie.

Jenny said.

Look mike I love you but you are an idiot why don't you just say that I love you, Jennie. Just say it

And she turned around and she saw mike was nude his clothes were not on his body and he was breathing loudly.

Jennie shouted and said you will never understand my feelings. And she runs away from Mike.

{She said I was so scared that time I thought you want to rape me.}

Mike said

No one knows the truth even Burt didn't try to hear me when I was about to tell him the truth that day.

What is the truth I want to hear it now? Jennie asked

Alhumd and Shawn were listening to them while laughing silently behind the seat.

When you walked away Burt sent me behind you for the apology and I was coming behind you to say I love you. But suddenly I saw a leopard behind you and he was following you slowly. To eat you. I reached him before. He attacked me. Luckily I was keeping my knife with me but that panther with his sharp claws. He tears my clothes and somehow I managed to force him to run and when he runs away.

You saw me nude and started pissing on me. You went to the campsite and told Burt and Mona that I tried to rape you. Burt saw me nude and slapped me on my face and said what is wrong with you she loves you, we are childhood friends and you tried to rape her. Where are your clothes? God damn man. I said that there was a leopard who did this. And I just saved her life. But Burt said don't lie asshole I know you. you can never understand anyone`s feelings. Now go and put some clothes on. After that day Burt didn't trust me.

He married Mona and started his life with him. And I always just dreamed to be with you.

Jennie was sad after hearing this. She said while crying.

I'm sorry mike. Just because of the little confusion. We lost 25 years of our life alone.

After hearing their story. Alhumd and Shawn got tears in their eyes. They decided to break every confusion.

And decide to tell the girls that they love them more than she expects.

after that Jennie put her arm inside mike`s arm and keep his head on mike`s shoulder her tears were not stopping mike was also in tears and got emotional he kissed her head and said I love you, Jennie.

I love you too honey.