Who is the boss now?

Go out and buy food for all of us and take this money. Jennie said

Alhumd went out to buy food for all.

Jennie how you did it?

I was a medical student and I have practiced a lot for this kind of situation.

Why did you quit then?

Because I want to revenge on Mike, I hated him too much I wanted to become his boss so I decided to be a criminal lawyer.

You are my boss darling.

Yes but, not like that. I love you now

And I loved you forever.

Oh, come on now not again. Burt closed his eyes

Jennie kissed Mike politely.

After some minutes Alhumd arrived with food and they all started eating it Mike took a burger but Jennie stopped him.

let me eat.

Na not now let the drip finish first.

Hahahaha Burt laughed

You too Old man.

Now Mike laughed.

Alhumd stopped eating and staring at Jennie.

What happened boy? eat your food and enjoy the meal after all you deserve it more than us you are our hero.

Alhumd then started eating, Burt and Mike were seeing them eating and looking at each other Jennie has some problem in eating but somehow she eats it.

After they finished eating. Jennie asked Alhumd about Meghna and Shawn.

Alhumd told them the entire situation of that tunnel adventure and said

Now I don't know where they are but I know that they are fine.

How do you know they are fine?

My heart is telling me.

Boy, don't leave it to your heart. I got an idea let`s go with me.

Can we come with you?

Are you able to come with me? stay here shut, take a rest tonight tomorrow we will see. Hai Boy let`s go and Burt where is your tracking device?

It is in the library or maybe it was in the library I don't know, now.

Hmmm, do you got any other tracker connected to that device?

Oh yes, it is in my pocket.

Good, now I can manage it easily. Boy, take the tracker from Burt and come to the library on the stair`s right side. and she left the room Alhumd took the tracker from Burt and went to Jennie.

Jennie was standing outside of the door of her library and was stun there till Alhumd arrived.

Alhumd saw her and took a look inside. The library was destroyed everything inside was broken. Alhumd then said

Ma`am, are you okay?

Jennie swiped her tears smiled at Alhumd and said.

Yeah look everything is fine now, now I will kill that doctor with my hand`s that mother fucker destroyed my house. and then she shouted Ahhh and after shouting she went inside and started finding the evidence and the tracking device she also told Alhumd for helping hand`s and they found every possible thing they want.

After that Jennie walked in front of her bookshelf and saw Alhumd.

Boy, turn around, Alhumd saw her strangely

Boy, I said turn around. now

Alhumd listens to her and turned around.

After a few second`s she told him I want your help here.

Alhumd turned around again and saw at Jennie his mouth remained open when he looked at her. behind the bookshelf, there was a hidden room and was full of weapons and special equipment.

What are you looking at take this laptop from my hand and place it on the table? Alhumd reached her and took everything from her and placed it on a table. after collecting every useful thing`s from there she seated in an attached chair with the table and started working and she also allowed Alhumd to take a weapon as a gift. water came into Alhumd mouth and he instantly walked towards the room. he was surprised by Jennie and now he started looking at the weapons and he founded his favorite weapon inside. he grabbed the box and took it out and showed it to Jennie.

Nice choice boy open it now it is yours. Alhumd opened the box and took out the weapon from it and handled it. he took out the magazine and started searching for a bullet from his bullet`s collection.

What are you doing? the bullets are inside that cupboard, go and take the bullets from there but Alhumd went crazy and was searching in his collection and he founded the bullet and showed the bullet to Jennie.

Wow boy, you are very interesting you love this more than I was thinking.

Ma`am thank you I was trying to buy this gun for years but it was out of my pocket`s range thanks' ma`am.

It is okay my boy and takes a look, what I have just found them they are somewhere on the hill and moving somewhere. Oh, she is moving in one place like up and down how It is been possible?

I know how ma`am.

Tell me then.

I can't tell you ma`am, but they are safe and fine I can only say that.

Oh I got it now they are loving and pleasuring each other, wow they are wild. Jennie laughed a little

Alhumd took his weapon and walked outside from the library. Jennie was surprised again.

Wow, this hero boy is shy too. well now let them go for now I will see them in the morning.

Jennie came back to Mike and Burt and told them Meghna and Shawn is fine and busy making love.

Wild they are. Burt said

Yeah and young too. In the morning we will get them back here, sleep now both of you.

what about the food? we did not eat yet. and the drip is finished also. Mike said

Okay eat it but I am sleeping now do not disturb me. and Alhumd is down there if you want anything call him. good night

Good night Jane. Jennie slept on the floor of her bedroom next to Mike.

In the morning when she waked up she saw Mike was sleeping beside her she keeps her hand on Mike's cheek and was thinking about last night tears came out of her eyes Because she was just about to lose him again.

good morning ma`am.

Alhumd was standing at the door with tea in his hand. Jennie saw him and waked up from there and went down stair`s with Alhumd by grabbing the cup of tea.

Thanks' for the tea boy.

Just for the tea? Ma`am

What do you mean by that boy?

Alhumd showed him her library by pointing it.

When she saw the library a smile came to his face and some tear`s in her eyes, Meghna and Shawn were cleaning the library and they almost cleaned it.

She put the tea on a closed table instantly and hugged Alhumd for his act n kissed him on his cheek.

Oh, I love you my boy you are an angel. Thank you Thanks' a lot.

Alhumd felt very shy her face went red.

Jennie saw her face n said I hope for a son like you.

I can give you a son like him don`t you worry darling. Mike said while coming down from the stairs.

Yes you can but not like him, he is not an ordinary boy.

Well, in that case, we have to adopt him from his parents.

I will love to do this. Jennie said while looking at Alhumd with love in her eyes.

Well ma`am you can say me, son, without doing any adoption.

See I told you he is not an ordinary boy, now my boy, Tell me how you founded these wild lovers. and she pointed to Shawn and Meghna.

Actually! ma`am I used your laptop to search for them at night and I founded them in a hut they were capture by a guard out there and was tied when I saw them.

Oh, so you did the rescue on them.

yeah, ma`am remember the gift you gave me I used it properly and rescued them and that guard on that area is tied inside the toilet.

In my house here? Ohhh my god, really? bring him to the library. fast! back to work. Shawn, help him.

Alhumd and Shawn went to bring him.

Meghna are you okay now?

I am fine ma`am but what happened here?

The doctor came here and collected all the evidence`s from here.

The doctor? but why?

It's a mystery like that mystery room but one thing is still stuck in my mind.

And what is that ma`am?

That doctor was enjoying while seeing us nude I think he is a sex-addicted psycho. I am not sure of this but I will find it out.

Did doc nuded you?


Then how he saw you nude?

like I saw you in the hills, what were you both doing last night when you were tied in that hut?

We were tied at that time ma`am how can we fuck there?

Tied Han! Really? you were tied from down panties listen, poor girl, I know what was you were doing while you both were tied so don`t act in front of me.

Okay ma`am you got us I am sorry. but at that time we thought that we are dead so we were just enjoying the first and last night of our life.

Good! now you spoke like an honest girl, I like that and I like the bravery you was in that tunnel alone how many girls can do that but who do you shoot at?


Ma`am he is here.

Jennie saw the guard and his eye`s remained open. she reached close to the guard and was looking at him strangely. and she called his name.

Antonio. is that your name?

Yes, you know me bitch?

Alhumd punched him.

Mother fucker leave me alone.

Alhumd! take him inside and tie him on the chair.

Alhumd and Shawn tied Antonio on a chair, Jennie came in front of him and asked.

Where have you been hiding for so long?

Why do I tell you bitch?

Jennie saw Alhumd, Alhumd punched him Again.

Now I am asking you one more time, Antonio where have you been so long.

I was hiding there where your fucker`s saw me.

Alhumd punched him again.

Enough son! now tell me something about that tunnel. why are you guarding there?

Non of you're business bitch.

Alhumd punched him one more time.

I said enough boy, go out now, let me talk to him.

Alhumd said to Antonio while going out from the library,

One more time I listen to something Ugly for my mother, I will kill you. and Alhumd walked outside from the library.

Antonio laughed Hahahaha

Now come on tell me why were you trying to secure that area?

You won't believe me.

I will believe you just tell me.

After when I killed your father I was running from here to there one day in a marketplace at midnight someone followed me and walked beside me and handed me a paper it was a letter i read it and was written on it.

I know you are a murderer and you need a place to hide. you have to follow me and I will give you the place to hide and also the money for my work you just have to protect an area for me but why don't ever try to ask me and I will never show you my face. If you need the job and place follow me to the hills area I am waiting for you.

That`s it who was he?

I never know who was he, he pays me 500 $ every month I found the money from a secret place Once I tried to know who he is, he left without paying that month so after that day I never tried to see him again.

Impossible! open your mouth and tell me the truth.

I already told you the truth.

Are you playing with me?

Hahaha!!! come closer and let me suck your breasts to play bitch.

Alhumd came back and started punching his face. Shawn stopped him and Jennie said

Stop!!! what happened to you son?

Why are you talking to him just kill him like he killed your father and I can not hear him disrespecting you?

He did the right thing by killing my father. and why does he respect me his life is destroyed because of me.

Alhumd saw her strangely and everyone in that room was shocked.

Yes my father doesn`t deserve to be alive he did Rape on her daughter, if I was in his place I will kill that person who raped my daughter. and he did so what`s wrong with that?

How did you know your father raped her? Mike said

When I became a criminal lawyer I started the investigation of my father`s murderer and after collecting all the evidence I founded that my father is guilty he raped a 16 year`s old teen girl. that girl told her mother about her rape. Antonio`s wife told it to Antonio, then Antonio went for justice but my father was a clever man he already bought every person who was related to this case. so he killed my father by a shot in the head. I tried to find him everywhere for revenge but when I founded my father guilty and was a criminal I stopped finding him and let him go. Now you guy`s understood?

Do you forgive me for your father`s murder?

Yes, Antonio, I have forgiven you for his death you are free from my father`s murder but in this case, you have to help me please tell me who was that person?

Well, I already told you everything and there is nothing to hide and no reason for hiding it now, believe me, lady.

Jennie took a deep breath and said to Shawn.

Release him. and Shawn untied him.

Thank you for trusting me if I knew anything I must tell you here take my number call me any time I will be there for you. and he left Jennie`s house with tear`s in his eyes.

you forgive your father`s murderer and released him you have a big heart sweat heart. Mike said

No, I don`t have such a big heart, time for medicines and injections. how is Burt now?

Let`s go we will see him together. Mike showed his arms lock to Jennie. Jennie put his hand in the arm lock and they went up stair`s to see Burt.

When they reached the bedroom Bert was sleeping. she picked up some medicine and handed it to Mike. Mike swallowed the tablet`s and she gave him a dose of injection then she reached to Burt and tried to wake him up.

Burt Suddenly holds her in his arms and tried to kiss her.

What are you doing? Old man.

Burt was shocked to see Jennie in his arms when he has awoken and said sorry to her.

Mona was in my dream and you wake me up I was about to kiss her and suddenly saw you in front of my eye`s I am sorry Jennie.

Ohhh I am sorry for you Burt now take the medicines and swallow them now, I am getting ready for the injection for you.

Mike laughed at Burt and told him.

You need a wife Burt.

Shut up ass hole.

No! you, Hardly need it. and started moving his back in fucking action.

You bastard. and he threw a pillow on Mike, Pillow hit`s to Mike`s wound in his arm and he shouted in pain.

Then Jennie said.

You guys are never growing up. and walked towards Burt and told him to move back for the injection Burt told her to give the dose in my arm. but Jennie said

It`s a heavy dose you will feel a lot of pain and maybe your arm will be in pain for more days so it has to be given on your back so turn around now don`t be shy. darling please took of your friend's panties so I can watch him nude as he saw us.

My pleasure sweetheart, here I come Burt

You asshole stay away from me I will do it by myself. and he turned around and took his pants off Mike saw his ass and told him.

Ohhh my god what a shit ass you have you have never washed it I guess.

let me revive I will show you son of a bitch.

Mike get out now. Jennie said

What have I done?

You are distracting me get out now.

Okay okay, I am going out here, fine? Hay Burt wash your ass. he taunted Burt again while going out

Yeah sure asshole! I will put some water on you. and showed his middle finger to Mike.

Jennie gave him the dose and Burt shouted.

Oh hell, it is a heavy dose you were right Jane.

Hmmm, you can rest now. and she was about to go out of the bedroom.

Jennie, can you send me my laptop?

Old man, that doc takes everything related to this Mystery case.

What the hell.

Don't worry Old man we will collect the evidence soon.

I am not worried about the evidence.


Mona`s pictures were on that laptop.

Ohhhhhhh I can solve your problem.


She smiled at Burt and opened his closet and took out a huge book from inside and handed it to Burt.

Did you get her picture inside?

yes! your wedding pictures.

What!!! are you kidding?

Have fun Old man I have some work to finish.

I love you for this Jennie thank`s a lot and Burt's eyes were in tears now he got very emotional at that moment. Jennie saw her face and tear`s also came to her eyes she left the room without saying anything and Burt was watching his wedding pictures n he was feeling sad.

When Jennie came down stair`s she saw mike working Alhumd was cleaning his new weapon Shawn and Meghna was cuddling on the sofa.

She shouted. Soldier`s

Alhumd stood up like an army man Mike saw her face Meghna and Shawn left each other and stood up beside Alhumd. Then Alhumd said

The soldier is Waiting for your order`s madam? behind him Shawn and Meghna also copied Alhumd.

Our first mission is to clean the house go to my bedroom and clean all the blood from the floor. move now

Alhumd smiled at her and started the job Meghna and Shawn went behind him.

She saw Mike, Mike pointed on his wounded arm, she reached mike and tightly hugged him and kissed him.

Mike called at the police station and order some officers to go to the hospital and take the queen`s body back to the palace so they can mourn him. and find out who the hell that sniper was I want his information.

I I captain. he kissed Jennie and called at the police station and ordered what Jennie said.

Happy now?

Not yet.

The room is cleaned, madam. Alhumd and the rest of them were standing behind her.

Nice job soldier`s now the 2 of you are going for the palace and stay there till the queen`s body arrived and Alhumd, keep your eyes open if you saw any strange activity call me here take these phone`s both of you and when they are ready to mourn call me before that I want to attend the mourn.

Why? Mike asked

You are also coming with me.

Yeah okay but why?

Darling, I can open up my dress for you but I can`t open my secrets, just eat the cake, let me make it okay.

What do I do? ma`am

Oh yes, I know what are you born for come with me. She takes Meghna with her out shopping for some clothes and bought her some extra hot dresses to wear. Meghna asked the reason, she told her

just do what I say don't ask questions.

She came back home and told Meghna to

Try every dress one by one. and yeah take a bath too.

Meghna went and changed the dress and came out by hiding her nude body.

What are you doing? standstill put you arm`s down. show me how are you looking.

She realized her hand from her body the dress was too nude when mike saw her his cock stood up and he refused to see her and placed his eye`s on the laptop. Jennie called Mike.

Honey, I need your help here.

Who me? mike was shocked.

Yes, you.

Mike came without staring at Meghna.

Yes, sweetheart A I am here how can I help you?

Tell me how is she looking?

Mike saw Meghna up to down and said

Yeah, she is looking fine.

Just fine?

Yeah, just fine little nude but fine this is a nice dress.

Jennie grabbed his cock and said.

I knew it, now she is looking perfect. go from here now and close the door and don't try to come back in this room you understand.

Ohhh hell I don't know what is cooking in your head but it`s pain full for me, goodbye.

Mike went out of that room and closed the door.

Meghna listen to me carefully you job is not going to be so easy you have to do what I saw you understand?

Ahh ahh yes ma`am. and Jennie started to prepare her for a mission she was with her for 3 hour`s Mike was looking at the time in every hour after 3 hour`s Jennie came out from that room and Meghna was dressed normally but inside her dress, she was wearing the hot stuff when she came out. mike saw Jennie she was going into another room he started to stare at Meghna. Meghna gave him a hot smile and mike was sweetened he was swiping his face while working on the laptop and watching her coming closer when she came to mike she bent down a little and showed her cleavages to mike. mike stared at her again, then she said.

Is everything fine and put his hand on mike's shoulder.

Mike saw her with fear and said.

Ya ya yeah everything is f f fine.

Then she saw on laptop and while touching her breast`s to mike`s shoulder she said charmingly.

let me help you, sir.

Mike said while shouting at her.

What are you doing stay away from me what just happened with you what is Jennie done with you inside the room why are you reacting like this? Jennie came out from that room while laughing and said well-done Meghna great job.

Mike saw her strangely and asked

What the hell was that Jennie?

It was her test and she succeeded in it she almost seduced you but you also passed the test well-done honey.

What? are you testing me?


You won't believe me?


So was you trying to do then?

I was just preparing her to seduce a man like you.

Why did you choose me for this experiment?

look honey Shawn already did everything with her, Alhumd is a Muslim and he is very shy about all this, Burt is injured badly and sick, so just you remained for the testing so I keep a big stone on my heart and chosen you for her test and your`s also because you are wild waow.

Bull shit you don`t trust me anymore then what am I doing here I am going from here bye. and mike went outside towards his home in anger. Jennie tried to stop him but he was too angry with her.