"Burt" the Soldier

Mike has gone home and is very angry at the moment. Here Jennie and Meghna were preparing something no one knew about. Alhumd and Shawn are on their way to the castle. Burt went into his past looking at pictures when he was in his youth and saw Mona for the first time.

On the day of graduation, Burt was with his parents. Every parent was honored for his child's graduation.

One of them was Burt's parents. They were sitting with Mona's parents.

Mona was also present with her parents. Burt was sitting with his best friends,

Burt's mother saw Mona and she talked to him and they were talking to each other.

While Burt was joking with his friends, he looked at his mother and when his eyes fell on Mona, he fell in love with Mona. Burt immediately stood up and took the opportunity to come to his mother.

When Burt was coming to his mother, he saw Mona in Mona's eyes. When Mona saw Burt, she also fell in love with Burt. Burt approached her. She got nervous. Suddenly Burt asked his mother.

Mom, can I get you a drink? He said to his mother and smiled as he looked at Mona, he was trying to seduce her by talking to her eye to eye.

Burt's mother said.

Oh please my son, I am thirsty and she asked Mona's mother and father if they wanted something to drink.

Mona's mother was watching her daughter, she saw him smiling at Burt and she liked Burt too so she gave him some money and gave him a big order and told Mona

Mona, you also go with this boy and help him.

Mona looked at him in amazement because her mother never let her go with a boy, so she realized that her mother liked Burt for her, Mona was happy too and left with Burt.

Burt's mother approached Burt and whispered in Burt's ear.

I like this girl too. Take it with you, my son.

Burt's face turned red with joy when he heard his mother, he realized that their parents have become friends and they want to be relatives, so Burt smiled at his mother and left with Mona.

Mona's father whispered to his wife.

Why did you let her go with this boy?

Dear, if my mother did not let me go with you that day, you can never be her father, so you just enjoy the concert and let the children go and give them a chance to choose their companion.

So you like this boy will I talk to his dad?

no! Not now, give the kids some time, we'll talk to them if they like each other.

Okay fine.

On the other hand, Burt's father was addressing his wife.

Why did you let the poor girl go with my boy, I am scared for this girl.

Honey! Just be quiet, my son is not like you.

Do you remember our first meeting?

And do you remember that slap from my hand or should I repeat it to memorize it?

come on darling! Slap me anywhere

What are you doing People are here & watching. Stay away.

Meanwhile, Burt and Mona were walking together when Burt started talking to her.

Hello, Mona! what is your name?


I like you.


I like your name, wow, This is a good name, who gave you this name?

Hmmm, my dad named me, and what about you?

My grandfather named me a month before I was born when he was dying.

Really? How did he know it was a boy?

I do not know! It's still a mystery

And can you tell me your name now?

When did you ask

Right now.

Oh well, this is Burt.

Who is Burt? And she looked here and there.

My name is Burt, you revenged on me i like that. And they laughed at each other



So what's next?

I don't know, you tell me, Burt.

No I mean we've arrived to buy a cold drink, what would you like to buy.

Oh you mean! fine, coke chips and I like chocolate and some popcorn.

What were you thinking?


Nothing? Burt looked at him with a loving smile.

Mona looked at Burt with a smile and spoke with restraint

Nothing! okay, Burt.

Okay fine. Burt started buying drinks. After buying all this, they started walking back.

Here's the chocolate for you.

Oh my goodness this is the most expensive chocolate why did you buy it for me.

Ahhhh, that's not a problem. It was bought with your mother's money.

What? You are like that

yes, I am like that...

Dog bastard, how long have we been waiting for you and you are flirting with a girl here. Mike said.

Jennie and Mike stood in her way. And they were staring at Burt.

Oh! My friends, I was just about to come to you.

Really? It doesn't look like it. Jennie taunted.

Oh, meet my new friend! Mona.

Hello Mona, I am Mike, She is our leader Jennie she can strike and he is a dog Burt who always bite & who left his best friends for you, I am glad to meet you if Burt has not offered you marriage and if u are not interested in him yet I am ready.

Mike, Jenny, it's nice to meet you both.

She was confused as to what to say and saw Burt's face.

Burt stared at Mike and handed everything over to Mona and ran after Mike. Mike saw it and Mike ran away.

Mona watched them go away and then looked at Jenny.

Jenny looked at him and laughed. Jenny helped him out and took some stuff from him. And said;

Let me help you

Thanks, Jennie.

It`s okay, let's go.

May I ask something?

I did not stop you.

Do you always talk like that?

Yes, of course.

Well, tell me, what kind of a guy is Burt?

Why? Do you like Burt?

I don't know or maybe yes but it's hard to say right now.

He is not a good man.

How can you say that you are his friend?

Believe me, I'm telling the truth.

No, I don't believe you.

I knew it. You love him.

When did I say that?

These two don't call me team leader so easily,

No! I don't love Burt and we met for the first time today anyway.

It is not necessary to meet again and again for love, it also happens in the first meeting.

Looks like you've fallen in love with someone too. who is that?

The same donkey that was with me. I've loved Mike since childhood but he doesn't consider me anything more than a friend.

Well then I can help you

Leave it at that and come to the subject, then it is true that you love Burt.


no! You like Burt. Look, we're friends now. Don't hide anything from me.

Ok I like Burt Happy now

Well now tell me how will you help me?

Here you are, I was looking for you, and who is this? He was a boy, how did he become a girl?

dad! This is Jenny, Burt's friend.

Hi hello, nice to meet you, dear.

Nice to meet you, sir.

Okay, let's go now your mother is waiting and give me all these things.

No, dad! You move on. We are fine.

Mike and Burt were whispering outside.

The girl is looking great, where did you find her?

Mona was sitting next to my mother.

Your mother already saw her what did Aunt said.

My mother said that she would make Mona her daughter-in-law.

Really? Good luck, you bastard! We are the ones who carry the cock in our hands but no girl sees it.

Girls don't look at cocks, they look at personality, be a good person, otherwise, you will remain a virgin.

Me! good man, not possible.

Well you know? Jennie loves you

Yes, I know but watching Jennie my cock doesn't stand.

You will not improve. I'm going in and tell Jennie your cock doesn't stand up.

Only! by Seeing Jennie. understood.

Cut off and throw away your cock.

Go on, I've seen a lot like you. Bigger came to be a fan of Jennie.

going to. Bastard.

Bert went back inside after fighting Mike. Her mother was waiting for her. Mona's parents did not look happy with Burt. Burt came to his mother in a state of anxiety and asked what was the matter. Burt's mother also scolded Burt, saying, "Where did you leave Mona?" Before Burt could say anything in his defense, Mona's parents took Mona and left. That day, Burt realized his mistake and regretted it. After that day Burt never saw Mona again, a year passed, and one day at a friend's wedding he saw Mona again. While he was talking to his friends, his eyes fell on Mona and his heart sank and he left his friends and went to Mona.

How are you, Mona.

You, here?

This is my friend's wedding.

Congratulations, when is your wedding?

When you say.

Okay fine! Do it now, have you seen any girls?

yes, I have seen it but she is becoming ignorant of me.

Then you have to find someone else.

This is not possible.

Everything is possible.


yes !!!

What if I say that girl is none other than you?

I will laugh.

OK, then laugh out loud

I have no qualms about laughing.

Why are you angry, will you tell me something?

Why didn't you come back the day my parents were taking me? Why didn't you stop them and present your defense? I thought you were very brave but you didn't even try to find me. My parents were taking your exam and your parents were also involved in it. You failed. Now they will never make you their son-in-law. And you should stay away from me now.

What? That was all my test. Why?

Look, I don't want to tell you anything anymore. Just leave me alone.

no! I'm not going anywhere, but now you come with me, I will talk to your parents.

What will you talk to my parents, see for yourself, you are drunk, And My father is a soldier, he needs a son-in-law just like him, and there's nothing in you that can change his thinking.

That is it? ok, then I will change myself for you just give me a chance.

Ok, let me give you a chance, Just ask me about marriage in front of everyone. If I like your style, I will marry you, otherwise forget me.

That's all there is to it right now? & Burt sat on his knees in front of everyone and shouted, forcing everyone to look at him.

Mona! You are in my heart, you are in my heartbeat, you are my life, you are in servitude, you are wherever I look, you are in sleep, you are in thoughts, you are in my dreams, you are the purpose of life. And if you do not trust me then take this dagger and rip my chest off. And see for yourself.

Everyone cheered for Burt with loud applause.

But Mona stood silently,

The dagger was in Burt's hand, Burt surrendered and the dagger was about to cross his chest when Mona stopped him.

Mona kissed Burt & hugged him she said;

I love you.

I love you too.

Mike & Jennie was looking at them they were drunk too. Burt left with Mona From there and went to his parent`s and told them I am going to be an army man just to marry her.

Their parents were happy for them and blessed them that night Burt and Mona spend their night together in the early morning Burt went with Mona to her home and talked to his father. his father did agree with him and told him that soon there will be a selection for the army. I will invite you in the selection`s but you have to pass all the test on you own I will not help you anyhow. If you were selected, only after that, will arrange the marriage preparation. and that is what happened after that. after waiting for 4 month`s Burt got selected in the army and did all the hard work, In a year he got promoted, and after that Mona`s father prepared a big wedding ceremony for them. Burt`s friends were happy for them Jennie was taking picture`s and that`s how their story ended up happily.

In a year Mona gave birth to their first child and they named it Steve. when steve started grown up her mother started to sick and after 6 year`s she passed away from cancer. After that Burt was not able to grow his child alone because of his work he has to go for years for his army job so he left his son to his mother-in-law's house. When he was retired he came back and her Parent was also died in between only his Father-in-law was alive and he was the caretaker of Steve at that time. He took his son from there and came back to the home his son was grown up & was studying for Electronics & electricals. Burt was not happy with his decision but after all, he is a father so let his child do whatever he wants and was spending his life peacefully now, until this disaster happened,

Excuse me sir do you want anything?

Meghna was looking at Burt.

Ohhh hay dear when you arrived?

Just now sir are you Okay?

I am fine & what happened with you? you are looking sexy are you on the hunt for someone?

Look Meghna I told you before, he is the only man remaining on this earth.

Hay pretty girl what`s up?

Mike is gone again.

Again? no! he is a dumb ass.

Hay! respect him he is going to be my husband soon.

Okay okay, love bird`s why he left again?

Oh, I was taking Meghna`s test?

Test? for what?

look at her.

Okay, she is looking good now what?

I think that doc is a sex-addicted-psycho

I am sure about it! what is your plan, come back to the point?

I will send Meghna to the streets. his men can take her to him we will track him with your tracker chips and will arrest him.

So easy. really? are you out of your mind, do you want to kill her? This is the first time in our life you made me think that you are a fool, Jennie. Please tell me you didn't say that.

Okay. then do you got any other plan? better than this one.

I don't know yet but this idea is going to fail.

Why? & how can you say that?

I can say that because when I was in the army one day there was a mission just like this one our superior sent three girls to seduce the enemy`s in their territory, you know what happened with them? all of the three girls' attempted suicide and you know what was the reason behind their suicide.

The three girls when I was young & new in the army, I saw them three of them was too smart on their work, one day they were called for a mission, I and one of my college went to drop them three of them, they were looking damn beautiful, in fact, Mona was always in my heart but I can't refuse to look their beauty. I was not looking at them with good eyes, one of them told me do you want to fuck me? I stopped looking at her again and they laughed at me and when they reached the place where we have to drop them, she told me that after this mission I will fuck with you, but that day never came. When the enemy`s caught them and took them to someplace we were not able to track them any how, because they removed all the trackers from these girl`s and after 6 day`s we founded their dead bodies grounded with broken trackers and with a letter.

We enjoyed fucking a lot with these girls but they committed suicide, if you got more girls send them again we will pay you this time.

After reading that paper my superior`s was shocked and disappointed with their decision and we never did that again. in fact for girls our superior`s made a lot of decisions to separate them from boys.

This is why I told you that, you are making a big mistake and this time I am not happy with your decision jane.

Jennie was silent she seated on the bed and put her both hand on her face & she was thinking about Burt`s experienced she was disappointed with her own alone decision.

Burt put his hand on Jennie's shoulder and said, "I know what you're thinking right now." But don't be sad, I know you will come up with a better solution. Rather I give you an idea. Go to Mike, and bring him back, some idea will automatically generate in to your mind.

Mike yes I have to go to the palace with Mike, Alhumd can call me anytime, how can I forget. Thanks, Burt.

And hugged Bert and kissed him on the cheek. And said,

Meghna you put on your old clothes whatever Burt said is fine, I can't risk your life.

That's when Jennie started preparing to pick up Mike.

Why are you going to the palace? Burt asked Janne.

Uh sorry, Burt I forgot to tell you, I sent the queen's body back to the palace. To find out by reviewing the participants in the corpse, who else is the one who is hidden from our eyes.

Congratulations Jennie is back.

Stop praising me now Burt I have to go.

bye-bye Jennie.