New detective`s on town

Jenny went to Mike's house to get him back.

When she arrived. she called mike

Mike, open the door, I'm Jenny.

Mike shouted from inside, "I'm not at home Jennie. Go back."

Mike, please open the door. I'm pregnant because of you. Your child wants to see you. Jennie lied so Mike could open the door, & he could go in & get ready.

Mike hurried to the door, opened it, & ran to Jenny.

Did you say that I am going to be a father? Mike shocked.

Yes do you want to see our baby Jenny smiled

Yes, I want to see it Mike was very excited.

let's go inside I'll show you our baby.

Mike took her inside & locked the door.

"Show me the baby," he said, leaning over Jenny's belly.

Jenny looked out the window to see if there were curtains, then took off her panties & showed Mike her pussy.

What are you doing? Jennie.

I am showing you our baby. Dear, take a look inside my pussy now.

What? are you kidding me?

If you don't believe me I'm leaving & you know what? Never try to come to me, She put on her panties again & walked out.

Mike grabbed her in his arms & said, "I'm sorry, please forgive me. I left your house for no reason. Don't leave me now. I will be a good father to my child."

So you left my house for no reason?

Yes! But why are you asking now?

Because Mike, I'm not pregnant yet. & if I am pregnant it will be confirmed after 8 days.

What? did you lie then?

Yes! I lied, because! right now we have a job, that is not just to help Burt but now I want to take revenge. & we can produce the babies! later.

Why not now darling?

Because! We don't have time, Alhumd can call us at any time so we have to be ready.

No! I want the baby`s now. Mike grabbed her in his arms & took off Jennie's panties again.

No, please not now! Mike was forcing Jennie to make love, she had no choice but to grab Mike's wound on his arm. Mike screamed in pain.

Ahh! Jennie, you hurt me.

So why didn't you listen to me? Now go & get ready my dear. & she kissed on Mike`s lip & put on his panties again, Mike went to his room to get ready for mourning, Jenny got back to her car & picked up her clothes, went inside again & changed his clothes. Now they are both ready to go & were waiting for the call.

Alhamd & Shawn went to the hospital & then behind the ambulance & then to the palace, carrying the queen's body when they reached the palace doors. Shawn asked

How much time do you think has left to mourn,

Depending on the condition, brother.

Wow, that woman is looking so beautiful, seeing her ass, my cock has stood up! brother

It is Julia I saw her in the hospital. She didn't look so pretty before. Julia was dressed nicely for Steve & was ready to spend some time with him. She didn't know anything yet. but when she saw the ambulance, she went out to pick up the queen's body. He called the manager & told him.

Arrange everything to bring in the Queen's body inside & where is Jack? He should have to be here at this time.

Madam! Jack & his sister has been missing for 2 days.

Where did they go?

Jack told to the guard that he was going to take your clothes & other belongings from your old house but had not returned yet.

I didn't tell him anything why did he leave without my permission? & you are telling me this now? Can't you tell me this before?

Forgive me, madam

Oh hell OK, now go from here & arrange everything. invite the mother's relatives & people in the community to join her mourning, we will bury her after 8 hours, until then send someone to my house with security & Ask them to check on Jack & his sister at my house & I will have to survey my house tomorrow, so also prepare my visit for tomorrow & if someone else is missing report me immediately, understood. Jennie was angry & shouted at the manager

Yes, madam, & the manager bowed his head & left from there to the security room.

Look! where the manager is going. Shawn said

Going to security.

What is going on in here?

I do not know yet, brother! let`s go to the manager with me we have to see what is going on in here.

Hello Mr. manager how are you?

I am fine! Who are you?

We are the police.

Oh, please come.

No! We're fine here. We just want to ask, when are they going to mourn the dead?

Well, madam said it should be after 8 hours.

8 hours? You mean, like, 10 p.m.? Is that woman crazy? It is late at night. Shawn said shockingly

Sorry, sir! But the queen has to be buried in their old family cemetery, behind the palace, so there is no problem at night.

Can we see that cemetery? Alhumd asked while smiling

Yes! You can come with me, but give me a second, he ran to the guard & told him to see Jack & his sister in Julia's house. Alhumd was listening to him. he went with the manager to see the cemetery. Julia was watching them. Shawn smiled at her. She refused to smile back angrily. Shawn felt that it was not the right time to smile at a middle-aged woman, so he looked at Alhamd & started talking.

She looks very angry with us, maybe this woman has seen my standing cock with her own eyes, Man.

I don't know about your cock but one of our suspects is missing from here.



Who the hell is Jack now?

I will tell you the whole story later, just follow the manager with me now. After a short walk, they reached the cemetery.

Here we are, sir.

Hmmm, this is a beautiful cemetery, do you manage cleaning here? Alhumd said.

Sir, I'm in charge of all the maintenance work here.

I'm surprised by you Mr. manager you have to be the manager of the hospital. Shawn joked.

Why Sir?

He was just kidding. Brother, can you send me something to drink here? I am very thirsty. Alhumd said.

Absolutely! Sir. & the manager left

Now tell me, who is this, Jack? Shawn asked

Jack is a butler & he is our first suspect. Mike Sir & I saw him hiding that sniper rifle.

Oh! So he is the son of a bitch behind all these activities.

Not only that but the beautiful lady! The one you saw outside, is also one of our suspects & you know what happened last night? We found another suspect, who took all the evidence & he was none other than the doctor, who was treating sir Burt's son, Steve!

Damn man! so many suspects, how can we find them?

I don't know & we can't do it. Leave it at to our superior`s, they are the master of this kind of situation`s & now I think I must have to call Miss Jenny so don't say a word when I talk to her.

Okay go bastard, I'm going to see some old dead people. Hello Sir, how long have you been sleeping here? May I bring you something to drink or you can manage it with my pee.

Stop barking like a dog. & don`t piss on a grave give some respect to the dead ones.

Go to hell

The phone rang !!!!!

Hello! yes my boy, what's going on in there?

8 hours ma`am

8 hours? Okay, come back home, I'm at Mike's house, but we'll be back there soon.

sure, ma`am.

Let's go, Shawn.


Back home.

First, come here & see, I have seen something strange. Shawn pointed on the grave`s


Come here man

Why did you call me here for?

See these two graves! A 22-year-old was killed in a road accident & another 24-year-old in the same road accident.

What are you trying to tell me?

Look at the two graves, man! Alhumd saw the two tombs from the grave. On one was written David Johnson & on the other Drake Johnson were both father & son. Both died in a car accident. Both were less than 25 years old when they died. David was Drake's only son, & David left behind only his mother & wife after his death.

Wow, man! This is a piece of good information. Shawn said in excitement

But it is not a piece of evidence, it is just a coincidence & if this is a piece of evidence? So only Sir Bert & Miss Jenny can find it.

Your drinks, sir. A butler came behind them when they spoke.

Oh, thanks dude are you new here?

Yes Sir, I just started working here this month.

Shawn & Alhumd looked at each other & from the inside, they felt like spies so they started playing with the new Buttler as the roles of Burt & Jennie.

Hmmm, well, tell me one thing, who gave you all the orders? Shawn asked

The manager.

The manager! of course, the manager.

You asked the wrong question. Alhumd mocked Shawn.

Ok! then it is your turn now, & he walked behind Alhumd & waiting. Alhumd laughed a little & asked Butler.

Well, tell me in a month, have you seen anything strange in this palace?

Ah, can I ask something?

Of course, you have the right to ask.

Who are you two?

Well my friend we are spies I am Detective Alhumd Ali & he is Shawn.

Detective Shawn. Shawn forced him to say this.

All right, Detective Shawn's ass.

My full name is Detective Shawn Roger. asshole

Can I talk to him now? Detective Shawn Roger. & Alhumd asked the Butler again.

Can you tell me something strange about this palace?

Yes, I have seen some strange things in this palace.

Alhumd turned around to Shawn & gave him a creepy smile, in return, Shawn showed him his middle finger.

So my friend tell me what do you saw here?

Sir! I have seen a ghost here.

What? ghosts? Alhumd was shocked to hear that and was disappointed with the butler. What kind of a ghost have you seen here?

Old & scary one, Sir! One day, when I was working in the kitchen, I saw a shadow running behind the kitchen door in front of me, I was so scared that day, I talked to others but they refused to trust me, after that day, I saw that ghost in the same place every day, but no one will trust me.

I believe you, my friend, can you show me the kitchen? Alhumd smiled a bit and put his hand to the butler's shoulder to gain his trust

Please, Sir, come with me.

Alhumd was leaving with the new butler, & as he was leaving, he turned to Shawn & motioned for him to take some pictures of the graves. Shawn began to collect the photographs from his phone as a piece of evidence & Alhumd went inside the palace kitchen with the new butler. When he reached the kitchen. his eye`s remained open & he said.

Wow, this is a big kitchen, how do you work here man?

You know, sir, when I first came here, I was wondering if this was a restaurant.

Yes, it is like a huge restaurant, now show me the place where you saw the ghost?

There are ain't any ghosts! sir. He was just scared of the new place. Another butler told Alhumd.

Really? How do you know he's was just scared of the new place, he told me that, he has seen it many times.

Sir, this is the condition of every new servant here. Once there was a maid girl, who was founded fainted inside this kitchen, right here in this place & When she regained consciousness, she was screaming And shouting, "Ghost! ghost!."

Okay! What happened then?

Sir, After that incident, she was persuaded to work alone. As long as she was here, people were less afraid of ghosts, more afraid of the girl's screams. One day she was fired, or I don't know. she runs away from here, what can we say sir?

Are you telling the truth? Alhumd stared at him

If you don't agree with me, you can ask anyone.

Okay, let's get your point across, but feed me something.

What will you eat, sir?

Anything will work.

Ok! I make it now.

Well then! what were you saying ghosts? okay, Let's check a little bit. Where did you stand when you saw the ghost? Alhumd asked the new butler again

Sir! I was here & I saw the ghost there at that place. The servant pointed to the kitchen door.

Alhumd went to the door & stood there & looked here & there. Then he realized that the servant was frightened by the movement of the curtain at night, so he called the servant & said.

My friend, you have to tie these curtains properly First! & if you still see that ghost, I'll be right here tonight. you can call me right away. we will find your ghost Okay now cheer up.

Ok, sir! thanks if I saw the ghost again I will sure call you immediately.

The other servant covered a plate & brought it to Alhumd. When Alhamd saw the plate and removed the cover from it, there were two boiled eggs on the plate that was served with salt and black pepper. Seeing this, Alhumd's face went down & his heart began to say to himself, Of course, the big hen's egg is always small. The stingy servant is also stingy. Alhumd ate both eggs in two bites.

The servant asked, "How was the food?"

Alhumd stared at the servant & gave him an angry smile & spoke. It was very tasty food. I thought I was eating chicken.

You're kidding me, sir, I'm not that good at cooking.

Alhumd smiled creepily at the servant again, & the servant smiled & took the plate & left from there.

Then Alhumd began to look around the kitchen. When he looked at a wall of the kitchen, he saw that there was something to hang a rifle on it, but there was no rifle in the place. Meanwhile, Shawn came & showed Alhamd the pictures of the graves. Alhumd took Shawn's phone in his hand & took a picture of the wall. And then he said to Shawn.

I think we have to take a good look at this palace. Something is cooking here.

Yes sir! Here is a chicken roast for you sir please taste it. Another servant followed them & offered them chicken roast.

Wow! this is what I was thinking for, you are good at your job, thank goodness I was happy to see my favorite dish.

It`s my pleasure to serve you, sir.

You Asshole! I'm hungry & you're eating all alone, give it to me, Shawn said and grabbed the plate from Alhumd`s hand

Come on my brother we can sit together & eat comfortably at the dining table.

Yes! That is what you will say now

no! Dude, I wanted to eat with you.

I know you, you bastard, you don't care about me. If I do not come, you will eat this chicken alone.

Dude! One, you cry a lot, & come on bro I'm still very hungry

Who will feed you asshole? now I am eating this chicken alone. you go & search for what you want.

What's going on here You two, why are you sitting in my kitchen, you have no business here, get your ass out of here or I will call the security & throw you both out. Julia was standing at the kitchen doorway and staring at both of them.

sorry, ma'am! we were just doing a little research, There were orders of Burt sir. Alhumd said scarily

Didn't Mr. Burton teach you to distinguish? If so, should you both have come & told me?

Shawn whispered in Alhumd's ear, "How long have I been ready?"

Be Silent dumb ass, she will hear it. Women's ears are very sharp

Answer me first? Julia shouted

Sorry, ma'am! We thought it was not appropriate to talk to you at this time. Alhumd said calmly

Hmmm, okay, but get out of here now before I get angry again.

As you say, madam.

Come on man, let's go back.

But food?

Can food parcels be arranged? Madam, Shawn asked with a smile

Get out, you two right now. Julia got angry

Come on man, we'll have a treat here some other day. We are going Ma'am you will take care of yourself. Alhumd said

Hmmm, goodbye & next time take my permission first to enter in this palace understood.

okay ma`am I understood goodbye for now.

Alhumd and Shawn started walking back

Where to go now

Jennie mam's house, & where else will go? drive slowly


My stomach is full of two eggs. If you drive fast, I will vomit.

When did you eat eggs, asshole?

When you were urinating on graves.

I was not urinating on the grave & what do you think of me? ...


Now, this is too much, you know what? now you drive the car.

Don't be an angry man just drive the car we have to get back there as soon as possible,

Son-of-a bitch you are...

Yeah yeah, whatever let's go now.

They came back to Jennie`s house, Mike & Jennie didn`t come back yet, Shawn saw Meghna there, & went to her, & they started cuddling on the sofa. Alhumd went to Burt & asked.

Hi sir how are you now?

I am fine my boy. what did you get for me from the palace?

Some pictures of graves and a wall pic from the palace kitchen.

Well, show me now.

It is on Shawn`s phone I will bring it to you right now. Alhumd went back to Shawn to take his phone But when he reached for Shawn they were not there Alhumd searched for them and he heard some noises from the room he founded them in the room they were doing sex and was nude when Alhumd opened the door. Alhumd stepped back from the door & closed it again and said.

Hay Shawn! what the hell are you guy`s doing?

We are fucking here asshole, come inside and see for yourself.

I just want your phone, give it to me, Now!

I am very busy at the moment very busy can`t you understand, I can`t bring the phone for you.

Okay! can I tell your girl? what were you trying to show to Julia in that palace?

Okay, asshole! I am coming fuck you, shit man. take this phone and shut your mouth, now get the hell out from here.

Thank you. Alhumd took the phone and went to Burt.

Shawn gets back To Meghna and lies down on her, Meghna stopped him from entering his cock inside him and asked.

What was Alhumd saying, what were you trying to show to Julia?

Nothing babe, he was just trying to ruin our time of love, don`t listen to him & don`t waste the time now, let me do this.

No! answer me first.

Babe try to understand, he was just ruining our time, Jennie ma`am can be here at any time, so please enjoy with me. Please! babe.

No! you are hiding something from me, get over it from me now, I don't want to do this anymore. Meghna pushed him from her and put his clothes on and went out from the room. Shawn got angry at Alhumd and said

Alhumd! I will not leave you for this, I will take revenge on you.

Alhumd showed the pictures to Burt, Burt was looking at Pictures, and he saw something. and said

Boy! bring me Jennie`s Laptop here, I think I have founded something, but I can see it properly on this phone.

In a minute sir. Alhumd ran out and went to the library, meanwhile Jennie & Mike arrived.

Hay my boy, where are you taking my Laptop?

Sir. Burt has founded some evidence`s in the pictures, we have taken from the palace & he wants to see them on the laptop.

Really? did you take the picture`s from that palace?

We! took the picture`s from there ma`am. Shawn said for being thankful from Jennie

Oh hay Shawn, Wait! what were you doing in that room & oh my god are you doing it with Meghna in my house? Jennie shouted & was too angry

Ahhhh! ma`am...

Shut up! I don't want to listen to you anymore, now go to the bathroom & swipe the lipstick from all over your face, & take a bath too, where is Meghna now, hell of you two. Alhumd! let`s go to Burt, & what kind`s of a friend`s you have?

Let`s go, ma`am. & then they went to Burt.

Sir! here is the laptop.

What`s up, Oldman! are you fine now? Jennie asked.

Yeah, look like. come over here & check this out. Jennie seated beside him and they were looking at the pictures on the laptop.

Wow! father and son, both died in a car accident, now I can say it`s a family revenge kind of thing. Jennie said

I guess so & the Rifle is missing from the wall Must be the rare one But why it was hanging in a kitchen it`s not making any sense to me.

You are right Oldman If that rifle is a rare one it has to be in the hall not in the kitchen or maybe it`s someone else property so he placed it in the kitchen.

Without the queen`s permission, how is that possible? that the queen never saw that.

These royal people never go to the kitchen Oldman.

Ahhh! you are right & she was very old to survey the whole Palace.

Exactly! someone took the advantage of this and keep the Rifle in the kitchen as an antique.

But! why other servents never spoke about it, I mean they can say to the queen about that rare thing?

Oldman! servent already have a lot of other work`s inside the palace, why do they? And they are servants, they didn`t know which thing has to be placed in which order, they are poor for these royalty things.

This makes sense! what about Jack, he belongs to the royal blood.

excuse me, sir? Alhumd asked

What happens, my boy?

Sir! Jack and her sister are missing for 2 days from the palace.

Here we go. Jennie said shockingly

What he is missing? why didn't you told me this before? you saw him hiding the sniper, you collected that weapon, and what are you doing? Alhumd! now go and bring me, Mike, here now.

Did I have done something wrong sir?

Yes! we thought that Julia is the one who is doing all this & we thought Jack is with her & following her orders, that is why we didn't arrest him before, now he is missing. we have lost already almost every piece of evidence and you are standing in front of me & telling this to me now, how could you? Do you want to learn from us or what? now go & get Mike here, we got some work to finish.

& tell Meghna to bring some tea for us here. Jennie said

Alhumd downed his head at went outside the room to bring Mike.