CHAPTER 48: George

Or maybe we were mistaken. We stood there for a moment, trying to memorize George's face and his features and maybe we could have been right as well. But the hood over his head raised many questions against his identity.

I looked towards Valek and he looked back at me. We then looked back at the person standing at the gate. Beany (a name I am just giving to represent my cute little puppy until I come up with a perfectly cuddly name for this adorable baby) was trying his best to bark as loud as he could while he was in my arms.

"Should we walk up there or wait for him?.??" I whispered to Valek, who was in the same uncertain situation as me.

"I think we should wait.." Valek answered in the same whispering pitch as mine.

The person who we thought to be George, started walking towards us slowly. As he took some steps, his hood slightly slid back a little from his forehead and so a big scar on his forehead and the right side of his face, came into sight.