CHAPTER 53: Pegasus

It wasn't that I-am-dead, so death-is-waiting for me, kind of thing which I said earlier. It was more like Valek's dad, Death, was waiting for me. With whom am I kidding..?? Of course you all know that. It was just that, I was reaffirming to myself that it was just a plain meeting with Death and that I wasn't dead…again.

"You summoned me?" I asked Death.

The word 'called' just looked plain as I was after all, talking with Death, who was not only Valek's father but the real death too. He was standing in front of me with his back towards me and he was facing the other side. The only unusual thing was that there was an old, I might say ancient well on his other side, where he was facing. It had this old wheel hanging from the top. It looked like it was from the 1800's.