CHAPTER 52: Cruciators

"Wait, that's it? Is that why we came here? Is he really just going to walk away from us like that?" I was furious at Death's immature action.

"Dad will be back. Does anyone care for human coffee?" Alastor asked us.

"Seriously brother?" Valek said, then got up and went upstairs. "Hope you didn't mess with my room brother."

"Oh, I so did," Alastor said in a lowered voice that was only heard by me and Uncle Bael.

"What so he is going to just leave me here?" I asked Uncle Bael.

Uncle Bael raised his shoulders, showing that he didn't have the slightest of idea about what was going on in both the father-son's brains.

He then stood up too and said, "I am going into the study room." And then he went upstairs too without turning back.

"What? Am I invisible to them?" I asked Alastor because he was the only one left there.

"No, but I hope your voice was gone so I would not have to bear your shrieking sound," Alastor replied sarcastically.