Village Fair 3


"Yes Jerrif any news from our dear Majesty," the voice owner is Harris Richard cliff. A big bad oldest vampire, seeking ultimate power to win over the entire world. 

"No," the vampire servant said. 

"Pity, I have been waiting for my prey for so many years, and look, his Majesty is hiding like a new wife. Doesn't matter we almost reach that point. You can go now, I have some work to do."


In Elsa's room, Elsa could feel in her sleep that her body was bouncing. Thereafter, she heard someone's voice.

"Elsa, Elsa wakes up, lazy head wakes up," it's Iris, Elsa's friend.

Elsa groggily opened her eyes and saw Iris jumping like a rabbit on her bed. ''What happened, Iris? Why are you here so early in the morning? 

"Early! Who told you that? It was about nine o'clock in the morning and I heard you were going to the fair," Iris excitedly said. 

"Who told you?" Elsa asked because they had talked last night and weren't supposed to go to Iris's ear so soon. 

"Yes, it's your father I mean our village magistrate sent a servant to our house to ask whether I wanted to go with you and I said yes, you know well Elsa we are poor, we can't afford a carriage, but it's okay for me, I expected little, but then this opportunity came. Would you mind if I?"

"Why are you spouting rubbish, Iris? I am happy. With you and my parents, nothing makes me feel happy. Let's go downstairs," Elsa happily said.

"Elsa, if you are awake, then come down quickly," Elsa's mother shouted. 

When they came downstairs, they saw their breakfast table filled with food and snacks. 

"Mum, why there is so much food on the table today?" Elsa asked. 

"O this. I'm going to pack these foods, and you know how far that fair is from here, and by the time we get there, you will be hungry," Elsa's mother said with a sweet smile, but Robert laughed out loud, "What do you mean our daughter eats too much?"

"Father, mother, Iris is right here. Stop pulling my leg." Elsa pouted at her parents.

"Okay, eat now, and we will be out in a while." 

In that same abundant mansion, Gabriel changed his clothes and wore a normal shirt with loose trousers like any other villager, "Honestly tell me Gramson if I look sexy in this dress as well? Ah! You can call me a narcissist, but there is nothing you can do when your majesty has the devil's face and body."

"No majesty, you always look good in anything you wear, Majesty, will we teleport ourselves to that fair," Gramson asked beforehand because his Majesty's mood is always unpredictable? 

"No, we will have a carriage today," Gabriel said in a lazy tone, "So arrange a normal-looking carriage."

"Okay, Majesty, it will be ready in a minute."

"Why didn't I teleport myself today, um! Maybe I want to see myself as a human," Gabriel smirked at his thoughts and at the same time was mocking those normal beings. 

'From this morning, why the hell am I feeling so itchy inside my heart, like an ant was crawling on the surface? Why? Fuck! Now it is irritating me,' Gabriel muttered. 

"Majesty, the carriage is ready, we should leave now. Harris cliff will only act when the fair overcrowded."

"Hmm," Gabriel nodded.


Far from the red river fair, there are too many bloody dead bodies that were now jerking themselves. It seems like they are slowly transformed into something dangerous.

"Master, I think it's enough for now. They will just give you a headache or nothing more, they cannot hold them before blood and there is a king who awoke from his deep slumber if he knows it's us who made humans into a vampire, the king would surely gonna hunts us down," the servant said in a concerned tone.

"Well, well, I am so amazed to see your love for our king. Why? Though you are my servant, I felt like your loyalty lies with the king," Harris cliff said with a light voice as if he isn't concerned about those threats.

"No no master, I was thinking about you, you are always first for me, my loyalty always lies with you even if I am on a deathbed."

"It's okay, Jerrif, now stand up and listen to me. I never cared about my life, and you know why I am doing all of this. Who killed my parents? They were killed by the king just based on false accusations, and the king was never such a fool. He killed my parents for his entertainment purpose. I was waiting enough, and I am not powerful as him, so I make this plan for so long, just to crush his head under my feet, and I am older than the king. Don't you think I am more perfect to sit on that throne?"

"My parents always worked for the king. They made their position in the king's court by themselves, but what did they get? Hahaha! Now it's my time to present loyalty to our majesty." Harris's hand is bloodied by his fingernails, but his voice was as heavy as a rock and the chilling sensation can make anyone shiver.

Just right that moment one of the new vampires smell the blood coming from Harris's hand, so he was started snarling and ran towards him, but they are newborns, how could they stand against the old one, Harris grabbed his head, with just one twist, he pulled it off from its body, now the body and head lying on the ground separately? 

"Jerrif trained them how to survive in less blood and don't make them go to the fair. I am leaving," Harris said and left like a gust of wind.