Their moment

Elsa couldn't believe her eyes, that there were so many flowers around her, but they were all different, and the soft, tall grass beneath her feet was helping her to jump. She felt that she had gone to some other world, where there was solitude all around. Especially the fragrance of the flower mixed with the gentle breeze tickled her nose. She happily extended her arms, closed her eyes, and breathed in the air.

"God, is this heaven? I entered the palace garden, but this place is beyond my words. I don't want to leave here," said Elsa aloud to herself. She didn't notice that someone was monitoring her every move. Seeing so many of her changed expressions, the man was going crazy.

He felt as if a yellow fairy was standing in the middle of the green garden. Her beauty made the garden ten times more beautiful than before.

Her beautiful face is demanding attention. She was adorned with a look that could be that of an angel.

Her tight, rose-colored lips pursed in what appeared to be mid-kiss. The slight hint of moisture on her lips made them glisten in the light, causing them to look as though they are a reflection of the waters of a pond and not a part of her at all. 

They seem to call out to you, beckoning you to lean in and pressed your lips against hers. Her eyes were the blue of every dancing sky, infinite hues illuminated by newborn light. They appeared to cast a spell on you, causing you to neglect all else and freeze in a state of mystifying.

Gabriel mockingly laughed at himself, 'Hahahaha! No one could believe that the Vampire King was going crazy for a girl, but there is nothing I could do if the girl in front of my eyes is so beautiful and innocent!'

"I want to keep you hidden so that no one can see this side of you. I'm only allowed to see, and I'll be the only one. It's time to meet Elsa." Gabriel's golden eyes sparkled like fire.

Gabriel jumped from the tree, making no sound, but Elsa quickly realized that there was someone else in the garden beside her as she suddenly felt someone's aura overwhelm the surroundings.

Elsa got scared. First, she entered the king's garden without permission, second, her parents didn't know where she was, if anything happened to her here, no one would know, even It is impossible for her parents to even find her, but she needed to try once to save herself.

Took a deep breath, clearing her voice, she asked. Although the fear was still audible in her voice, "Who is it? Listen, I did not come here on purpose."

Even after waiting for a long time, no sound came from there. This quiet place was scaring her further. In a moment her eyes saw a black thing coming from the middle of the sunflower tree. She swallowed her saliva in fear, not knowing what to do. So her feet had taken a few steps back when suddenly a voice startled her.

"Then tell me how you got into my garden," the voice spoke. She saw a man in black royal attire come toward her. Now he was standing right in front of her. At first, Elsa observed the height of this man, then slowly her eyes went to the man's face. His eyes are shining like golden fire with his sharp jawline his handsomeness transcended. The more Elsa praised his face, the less it will be.

"Am I handsome?" Said the man, but hearing this, Elsa came out of her thoughts.

She saw the man smiling while teasing her by saying this.

Her face turned red with shame. She did not realize that she was looking at someone else's face in this way, just then a thing came to her mind. Earlier she had seen the king with the same attire in the hall, her heart jumped right instant.

'What? That means the man standing in front of her is the king. O God, what I'm gonna do?'

Without thinking, she quickly bowed her head in fear, ''I apologize to my king I did not realize it is you and I don't want to come to your garden. Something pulled me here, please, believe me, My Majesty."

Gabriel somewhere felt disappointed seeing her behavior, of course, he loved to see fear in people's eyes, but it was not that he wanted to see it in Elsa's eyes. He wanted to see their passion, love, and obsession for him, just like he felt for her.

Elsa continuously cursed herself for her misfortune. She could not see the king's face clearly in the crowd before, and for this reason, she was unaware that the king himself was standing in front of her. If she had known she would never look at the king's face like this. Now she did not know how the king would punish her, but Elsa wished that the punishment would be given only to her, not her parents.

When She was busy with her fancies, that heavy voice rang into her ear again, "Raise your eyes, what is your name?"

The only thing that came to Elsa's mind when she heard this question was that this king might punish her after finding out all about her. She was in turmoil about whether she would tell the truth or lie.

Gabriel has never observed so many expressions before. Though he never felt it needed, today he looked so fascinated to see Elsa's.

Gabriel kept this thought to himself, still staring at her face and waiting for her answer. No doubt, he could look at this face for the rest of his life, just like this, and why not? She is his queen.

Elsa took a deep breath, calmed her mind, and said, "My Majesty my name is Elsa. I am from Moon village, please Your Majesty if I have to be punished then give it to me, not my parents."

Gabriel already guessed what she had been thinking for so long, but he pretended not to understand. "What do you mean?"

Seeing His Majesty's questioning look, Elsa was confused too.

"Does that mean that the King did not think of punishing me?" this thought made her loosen up a little.

"His Majesty, I have made a grave mistake by entering your garden, but I swear to God I have been dragged here," said earnestly, hoping that the king will spare her this time.

Gabriel just couldn't stop getting amused by her every expression. She showed him her feared look, then within a moment how she got red in shame, especially the way the words came out of Elsa's mouth made him fascinated, nothing came to his ears because his eyes were busy looking at those pink lips how they were opening and closing at once. He had no idea how far his obsession would take him.

"Glory," when Elsa saw the king staring at her face without answering, her hair stood up.

She held onto her gown tightly and then asked, "Your Majesty."

Gabriel realized that he had not heard anything for so long, but pretended to listen, "Yes, you did wrong, but who took you here. I know you've never been to this palace before."

Yes, Your Majesty was right, she was about to tell everything, then she remembered what happened to Jorden. Will the king punish him too if she said?

'No, I can't do that, he is my friend.

After thinking for a while, she said, "In truth, I came here alone then I lost my way and ended up entering your garden."

Upon hearing this, the king's face turned black. 

"My Elsa is still trying to save the boy. Who is he to her? Are they in a romantic relationship? No, it can't be. If they, then that boy's time is up. My heart can only be soft for my Elsa, and not for anyone in the world." He was so mad that his inner demon was almost ready to possess him.

"I was and will be the God of death in everyone's eyes."
