Punishment 2


"What? How is that possible?" Gabriel murmured under his breath. His head was fucked up, wondering how Elsa did it. He saw Elsa dip her hand in the water to grab the fishing rod.

'But those fishes what happened to them. Why are they running towards her hand, it seemed like some magnetic force is pulling them but they are not real, he tried many ways but could not catch them,' Gabriel found himself in dilemma.

But the most incredible thing was how they were still alive outside the water?

"Is this the job of the Vampire King? No! Then the fish will be black," Elsa laughed at her thoughts.

"Are you thinking of me?" The voice startled Elsa again. She didn't realize that the king was already standing right behind her. She spun to the king and replied, "No, Majesty. I was just thinking."

Elsa lowered her eyes so that she didn't have to look at him, and would not get caught by him because she was truly making fun of him.

"Then why such a light smile on your face? Do you recall something naughty? You can tell me, then we will both laugh together."

Elsa lifted her eyes and saw the edges of His Majesty's lip rose lightly for a smirk.

'Could His Majesty even read minds? If so, maybe she needs to stop thinking?' Elsa panicked.

"Why do you think so much all the time? I found you lost every second. You also make this king wait, which no one ever did, they never dared," Gabriel glared his eyes at her, he was so annoyed as he stood right in front of her, but she was again busy with her imagination.

"Your Majesty," Elsa took in a mouthful of air as she addressed. "Glory, I am happy to catch these fish for you. There is no other reason," Elsa explained nervously.

"Is it so?" Gabriel's face lit up when he heard that, she had caught them for him.

Elsa was also satisfied to see a slight change in the king's body language. Now she could finally get out of here. Her parents were definitely worried for Elsa, but poor Elsa forgot for a moment that she dealt with a devil, as everyone said the devil never fulfilled a deal.

"Yes, I saw you. But please enlighten me how did you catch these fish when your rod is in the pool?" Gabriel still held a smirk on his face.

"Majesty I… I… Caught them by my hand," she knew the king had seen everything with his eyes, so why such a drama? 

'Perhaps he loves to intimidate, I guess,' Elsa said to herself. 

"By your hand. Wow! Fascinating. Isn't it amazing, Elsa? Do you know no one before you, no one could catch them, even I failed? A witch made them, and she gave them to me as a gift," Gabriel said.

But Gabriel never uttered a word about his mother. Instead, he said, "A witch."

"Uh-huh probably his lover, an older vampire like him might have many lovers," Elsa thought.

"But Majesty. I don't know how to do magic, I am not a witch, I didn't use any kind of spell to catch them," Elsa tried to force her point because it would be bad if the king doubted her.

"Actually Elsa, they can't be caught by using any spell, that's why I want to know how you caught them," Gabriel said and shrunk the pupils slightly to hypnotize her, but Elsa got frightened instead of being hypnotized.

"Your Majesty, I swear to my mother that I don't know any magic, they came into my hands by themselves," Elsa quickly answered. 

"Well, I believe. But Elsa, your sentence isn't over. At first, you did not follow my instructions and threw the stick in the pond. Why? Don't you want to follow the order of this king?" Gabriel asked. 

Hearing this, Elsa's mouth dropped.

"What? Is this really happening or is he kidding me," but Elsa couldn't say these words with her mouth because the man in front of her is a king and he was a vampire. One mistake could kill her, or her parents could be locked up in the dungeon for the rest of their life, 

"no, no!"

As a clever girl, she quickly calmed herself.

"Majesty, I don't understand your meaning," saying this, Elsa tried her best to act normally.

'I realized beforehand, that he could not leave me so easily, such a hypocritical devil.' Elsa muttered within herself. 

"Are you cursing me in your mind?" A chuckle came out of his mouth because he already understood her.

"Pardon me, my Majesty, I'll never dare to make this horrendous mistake of cursing you." Her beautiful face was now sweating because the king could see through her lies right away.

"Oh, my Elsa! You are like an open book to me, yes only to me and I have only the right to read you," Gabriel thought.

'SIGH! What beautiful thoughts, it would be better if you could hear them from me. My lovely deer. But the time has not come, yet I still have a lot of work to do before your identity cannot be revealed to anyone, especially to my biggest enemy, 'THE GOD' Who always aims at things I like.' Gabriel's eyes were clearly showing affection for Elsa.

However, cunning Gabriel didn't give Elsa a chance to get out of all this.

"Alright, again I believe you, but you must be punished, Elsa. Otherwise, everyone will show their courage to enter this garden as you know no one would ever dare before," Gabriel said with a long face.

Elsa understood, she was well caught in the net by this cunning king, but her story was also real. She never wanted to get in here. A disappointed sigh left her mouth. She still held her eyes lower and waited for the king's next order.

"Lookup, Elsa," he said seductively. Obliging to obey the word who heard it. Elsa looked up and saw the celestial face in front of her.

'She cannot deny that this man is worthy of being called a celestial angel, but that, he is a celestial devil who is dangerous to her. The farther you are, the better. Elsa nodded and tried to shake off her terrible thoughts.

"Is there something on my face that you forgot to blink?" Gabriel said, and Elsa noticed that half a smile was again playing around his lips.

"Pardon me, Majesty," Elsa said. She had long understood that this man can play with words very well. No one knows when this king would ensnare them with his words, "Your Majesty, I'm awaiting my punishment."

"Look, what a nice girl you are, but not today. You have forgotten that I was coroneted today. It is not proper for me to be absent from the throne for a long time. Don't worry, another day you will get your punishment. Just enjoy this feast today," Gabriel said, making her stunned. 

"Thank you, Majesty. I will always be grateful to you for not punishing me today." Elsa bowed her head and turned to leave, but immediately restrained herself.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency, I don't know how to get out of here," Elsa asked.

Gabriel smiled at her, but this time he showed her his fang, "Don't worry, just keep going, and you'll find a way out."

"What? What kind of answer is that? I don't even know where to start, but whatever it is, it would be better than standing here," Elsa didn't let her thoughts out. She just bowed and left immediately.

"Haha! What a timid deer, but I've never had fun like today. My heart says such fun will be much more fun in the future," Gabriel rejoiced inside.