Chapter 7

In another dark side of the universe, a boy that looks around 16 or 17 with a yellow royal hair gasp in his breath heavily as he tries to stop the gun shot bleeding on his waist. He tried to lean over the wall beside him, as he continue to stumble his way down stairs.

"Those dam* Revolutionary Army, they talk about sh* independence, right and freedom, and now they ransack the city and involve us civilians. This city looks more than a battlefield compared to its peaceful state"

*bang* *bang* shots of gunfire still keep preluding outside as both R.A and the government fought at each others throat.

"They are f* lunatics, ugh *cough* *cough*, being involve in their stupid war, what the hell is the government doing, and those R.A they are all rotten minded fools wish you all drown in misery *cough* *cough*"

While he keep on cursing them, his body can't keep up with it. Although he was an orphan, he was still able to live well amidst this, a scholarship granted student in a private school, got 2 high paying part time jobs (a tutor and a 5-star restaurant waiter), he keeps on thinking that in a matter of few years he will be able to reach his dream one and for all.

That is to become a Doctor, he still didn't gave much thought on what field, but he's more keen on neurophysiology thingy. He work and study at the same time and was still able to come out as top of the class. And when he thought his life is going well, this unexpected revolution occur.

"Sh*, *cough* *cough*, now blood started to spurt out of his mouth.

"I- Ahihiko Kenji, vow on my soul to plunge this world into chaos even if I'll sell my soul to a demon as a prize, hope you all die in the most ugliest way" he said while his eyes started to close and his life slowly faded.

But he didn't know even after his death, and more years to come the war between R.A and the government never ended.

A/N: Kenji means intelligent second child, while Akihiko means a bright, intelligent child.

In a strange vast empty dimension, the soul of Kenji slowly swam through without stopping or anything. There was no consciousness, nor any reaction from it, it seem like it was program to go this way by some sort of higher being.

As minute turn to hour and eventually days passed, it seem like Kenji's soul began to illuminate, then something stupendous occur. If you have seen the death of star, it is somehow similar in tat aspect.

Then suddenly a vacuum like thing happen that absorb his soul into nothingness. And a deep coarse voice had woken up the slumbering Kenji.

"You have called me? Oh young wandering soul...", he said while he look amused to Kenji.

When Kenji look up, he saw a gigantified winged creature that can stand on toes with the statue of liberty in America.

He tried to observe how it looks and to his SURPRISE, they were horns exuding on its forehead, and big whip like tail at the back, and bulky body with fish like gorgyles face.

One word is all he muttered, "Monster"

But it seem like this being heard him, so tried to stomp the space around.

"Hoo, who's who?"

That totally scared the sh* of Kenji, he tried calming down but his body never listens. He just replied with a meek voice.


"Heh, now you turn quiet all of a sudden, but to business, you have surely called for me right?"

"Ehhh? What?, traced a confused looking on Kenji's face.

"Yes you did, I heard it right clearly, hmmm what was it again, something vow on my soul to plunge this world into chaos even if I'll sell my soul to a demon as a prize, yeah something like that"

Now it struck Kenji the most.

He thought: Oh sh* I shouldn't have blabber my mouth like that! Now I'm here in front this monster, I mean is he the demon? *Gulp* Well let's calm again, and think straight.

"Eto, Demon-san?"

"Huh? I can't hear you well pipsqueak"


"That's the way young soul, but it's weird if you keep calling me demon-san, I may be a demon but a noble one at that, I am Batara Kala! One of the 10 rulers of this underworld."

"Oh, Kala-san I know this is presumptuous of me, but can I retract what I've said before, it was just spur of a moment when I was about to die, I honestly never thought beings like you existed", he said nervously.